TGC 2.0 Week Four----*RESULTS POSTED!*

  • Thread starter Jetboy.
United States

Round Four
Hong Kong Reverse

Discuss only T-times.
Typical OLR Rules Apply:

No wall touching. Period.
Keep 2 wheels on the track or rumblestrips at all times.
No hybrids
No Cheating of any kind
Time Submission:
Send your time via PM to me, including splits and final run.
Submit the time listed in replay file name by 1700 Monday, February 1st(GMT-0). You may run as often or as little as you like; you've got the full week to perfect your line and gain the fastest single lap that you can. Please mark it as Week ‘X’ Final Time. Also, Please list what team you drive for along with your splits. :) Try to make it that you don’t resend your times via PM; that can save headache on my part. :lol:
Any questions or comments, ask them in the Discussion Thread.
Pictures are welcome! Show the beauties!!!👍👍👍👍

Current Garage Standings
1st: MFT-----60 Points (40+20)
2nd: JHoS----52 Points (34+18)
3rd: MCG-----40 Points (26+14)
4th: GME-----32 Points (32+0)
5th: AMN-----28 Points (28+0)
6th: SPM-----20 Points (20+0)

Privateer Standings
1st: stidriver--------58 Points (38+20)
2nd: Austin343------50 Points (32+18)
3rd: mcsqueegy-----42 Points (26+16)
4th: Lucas----------38 Points (38+0)
5th: paddycars1-----36 Points (22+14)
6th: oldmodelt-------30 Points (18+12)
7th: TheStig13--------6 Points (6+0)

Individual Standings
1st: stidriver-------RVV Privateer---58 Points (38+20)
2nd: Austin343----JHoS Privateer---50 Points (32+18)
3rd: Greycap------MFT Owner------40 Points (26+14)
4th: mcsqueegy---GME Privateer----38 Points (22+16)
---: Lucas---------RVV Privateer---38 Points (38+0)
6th: Jetboy.------JHoS Owner------32 Points (20+12)
7th: mafia_boy----GME Owner------14 Points (14+0)
8th: Leonidae-----MFT Owner------12 Points (2+10)
9th: paddycars1---SPM Privateer---12 Points (4+8)
10th: Adamgp------MCG Owner-----10 Points (6+4)
11th: KidrauhlM5---AMN Owner------8 Points (8+0)
12th: oldmodelt----MCG Privateer----6 Points (0+6)
13th: shoman------SPM Owner------0 Points (0+0)
14th: TheStig13----SPM Privateer----0 Points (0+0)
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Week Four Results
1st: stidriver-------23.848---50.504---1'15.240
2nd: Austin343-----23.939---50.788---1'15.900
3rd: Greycap-------24.245---50.913---1'16.070
4th: mcsqueegy----24.051---51.031---1'16.207
5th: Jetboy--------24.777---52.193---1'18.183
6th: Adamgp-------24.578---52.493---1'18.736
7th: Leonidae------25.061---52.774---1'19.400
8th: oldmodelt-----25.249---53.275---1'21.100
9th: mazdaman-----24.233---52.890---?'??.???

Current Garage Standings
1st: MFT-----80 Points (60+20)
2nd: JHoS----70 Points (52+18)
3rd: MCG-----56 Points (40+16)
4th: GME-----32 Points (32+0)
5th: AMN-----28 Points (28+0)
6th: SPM-----20 Points (20+0)

Privateer Standings
1st: stidriver--------78 Points (58+20)
2nd: Austin343------68 Points (50+18)
3rd: mcsqueegy-----58 Points (42+16)
4th: oldmodelt-------44 Points (30+14)
5th: Lucas----------38 Points (38+0)
6th: paddycars1-----36 Points (36+0)
7th: TheStig13--------6 Points (6+0)

Individual Standings
1st: stidriver-------RVV Privateer---78 Points (58+20)
2nd: Austin343----JHoS Privateer---68 Points (50+18)
3rd: Greycap------MFT Owner------56 Points (40+16)
4th: mcsqueegy---GME Privateer----52 Points (38+14)
5th: Jetboy.------JHoS Owner------44 Points (32+12)
6th: Lucas---------RVV Privateer---38 Points (38+0)
7th: Leonidae-----MFT Owner------20 Points (12+8)
---: Adamgp------MCG Owner-----20 Points (10+10)
9th: mafia_boy----GME Owner------14 Points (14+0)
10th: oldmodelt----MCG Privateer---12 Points (6+6)
----: paddycars1---SPM Privateer---12 Points (12+0)
12th: KidrauhlM5---AMN Owner------8 Points (8+0)
13th: shoman------SPM Owner-------0 Points (0+0)
14th: TheStig13----SPM Privateer----0 Points (0+0)
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This is my WORST circuit out of all of them. I'm going to have bad feelings about my times this week. :nervous:
This will certainly be an interesting week, albeit perhaps, as my dad likes to say, "interesting in a Chinese curse kind of way." :lol: I think that I'm safe in supposing that nobody really knows the track in this direction; Digital-Nitrate's list reveals that it's featured in six series, but I can only remember a couple of them, and vaguely at that. :confused: Also, the curbs will be a menace for these low and stiff cars, and the low speeds of almost all of the corners mean that controlling wheelspin will be critical. My splits after a few laps are 24.356 - 51.534; the lap was kind of sloppy, but I don't think that it can be any other way at this track. The final sector was quite slow, but I doubt that anyone will be pushing hard at that point given the blindness and the unfamiliarity of the turns there. I'm enjoying driving here so far, but it remains to be seen whether that will continue when pursuing near-perfection in each corner.
Good lord. How are the tracks selected? You must have a list of tracks I hate. :P

Anyhoo, I won't really have time to make laps until the weekend.
I hate this track.. :ouch: You've returned to your old, sadistic ways..
As soon as I put it up I heard a collective groan that shook the decorative plates off the walls. :lol: It's someplace not often used, which is something I had pride in with the series. We hardly visit any of these tracks or in these certain configurations. Plus it's devilishly tricky and will separate the men from the boys. (Or the girls from the Nomex-wearing driver babes.) ;)

Am I the only one who drove at this track for so many laps? :lol: Shame I won't be able to enter due to no free time and some other reasons.
Am I the only one who drove at this track for so many laps? :lol: Shame I won't be able to enter due to no free time and some other reasons.

Nope I did it thirty time's before.
As soon as I put it up I heard a collective groan that shook the decorative plates off the walls. :lol: It's someplace not often used, which is something I had pride in with the series. We hardly visit any of these tracks or in these certain configurations. Plus it's devilishly tricky and will separate the men from the boys. (Or the girls from the Nomex-wearing driver babes.) ;)

Yes there is some of us boys and girls. that would like to change cars but what can wee do about that.
Yes there is some of us boys and girls. that would like to change cars but what can wee do about that.
Admittedly not much. You have (typically) two cars to work with so..

T1: 24.777
T2: 52.193

Several tenths out there still. This took me about ten laps to achieve.

Admittedly not much. You have (typically) two cars to work with so..

T1: 24.777
T2: 52.193

Several tenths out there still. This took me about ten laps to achieve.

ok would you like to change with me for this one:tup:
First clean (staying off walls) lap resulted in

T1 - 25.011
T2 - 53.212

Could probably take a second or 2 off each if I could see where I was going.
Nice big rumble strip and walls every where. Plus a low grip surface and most are using cars with very good power on rocks hard tires. Sounds like a very challenging week for all. I'm up for the fun here.
I gave this a few laps, it took me a while to manage a clean one :lol:

T1: 24.408
T2: 52.093

For the corners before and after T1, I completely avoid the rumble strips for fear of wheelspin.
Got my T1 down to 24.5xx last night but was so excited to see that after not being able to get under 25's that I completely botched the really tight 20°ish turn and had to throw the lap away.

I think I know my way to T1 now though.
A few more laps yielded splits of 24.291 - 51.069. I've seen T1s well into the 24.1 range, and I once threw away a 50.934 T2, but I'm relatively satisfied with this lap overall, especially considering that the ending was decent. I know that stidriver will go faster still, but it's nice to be leading at T2 for once. The problem here is that to get the fastest conceivable lap, you really need to be nearly touching the walls entering, in the middle of, and exiting corners, and although the car could go much faster with such driving, I would never be able to set a contact-free lap if I aimed to drive in that way. The walls here are unusually vicious because they have so many sharp corners, a trait shared with only a few courses, such as Seoul. That makes clipping them perfectly even more difficult than it is anywhere else.
Wow, the RX7 really shines here...

T1: 24.051 (seen .947)
T2: 51.031 (seen .918)

I'll submit my time now, as I simply don't have the time to beat it at the moment, even though I could probably improve by 3 tenths. It's faster to avoid all the rumbles before T1 ;)
Yeah, evidently, the RX-7 does fit this track. But it definitely isn't faster - at any rate, in the Corvette - to drive around the low rumble strips in the first three corners; you're wasting far too much track width in a car that understeers quite badly. Only in the turn before T1 and in the turn after T2 do you benefit by not driving over the curbs.

The results will be very close between the three of us. I imagine that stidriver will further improve his splits and beat us by a significant margin, but I suspect that a sloppy final sector will put me in a close third, rather than in the second place as currently indicated by my splits.
And I thought that I had a chance after an hour-long, last-ditch effort :banghead:, but I really should have anticipated the inevitable dominance of the car with all of the grip. I ended up with splits of 23.939 - 50.788, although I once saw a 50.583 after a 24.019. :mad: Clearly, I made a hash of the right-hand turn and the hairpin after a T1 nearly equal to my best ever, but at least the final sector was pretty good, although I've done better. Obviously, with what at the line amounted to a .55-second improvement, I'm confident of second place, but it's frustrating to think that you have the round secured only to return to a huge improvement by a competitor (which, don't get me wrong, was well earned, stidriver 👍).
Time submitted.

25.249 - 53.275

I had pathetic driving :yuck: on a challenging course :scared: with great cars.

I vote Jetboy picks the Ring out of the hat next. :sly: