TH8A sequential plate wires broke off

  • Thread starter Mr_D
So I accidentially broke of the two wires running to the switch on the sequential plate of the TH8A.

I bought a soldermachine and figured I'd just solder them back on but I'm unsure where to connect them. I was thinking they go where the arrows point as it seems there is some solder residue. However there are also two holes where I thought it might go (red circles).

Another question is does it matter which wire goes where?

Finally, if I botch this up completely (plausible situation since I never soldered before), isnt it just possible to connect the two wires together so to circumvent the switch? Then I can just engage/disengage the sequential mode by placing/removing the connection at the base of shifter?



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If there's only two wires, the switch will either be a closed or open. If the wires are broke it will assume the switch is open and will stay in whichever mode that corresponds to. If you join them it will stay in whichever mode corresponds to the switch being closed. If you solder them and get them the wrong way around the switch will still only be open or closed and will operate as whatever mode that corresponds to, irrespective of which wire is which.

As for where to solder them, I'd aim for the holes, it doesn't really matter.

Don't hold the soldering iron on anything for too long - it's not just the bit of solder you're looking at that gets melty! ;)
Cool, thanks. Thats what I figured. Currently the H shifter works fine so open system means H shifter and closed is sequential.

I'll have a go at it some time next week probably.
If you join the two wires does it engage sequential mode? I suspect it does.
Yeah I suppose too but I'll try joining them as a last resort. They're barely long enough to reach the switch (which is why they broke off in the first place).
Yeah I suppose too but I'll try joining them as a last resort. They're barely long enough to reach the switch (which is why they broke off in the first place).
There should be plenty of length if you snip the cable tie, but it's easier to have the shifter apart to put it back according to Barry from SRG. It also (kind of) shows that the wires seem to be soldered where the old solder is on your shifter.

You can see it in this Sim Racing Garage look inside section of the review video (edit: Time stamped to about the right spot)

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Cheers guys. I found a spare hour today so I had a go at it.

First I did some testing with a larger electric wire I had laying around soldering on a copper ring. Was a bit harder than I anticipated.

Then I went for the TH8A, kind of difficult for a beginner because it was a very small wire and the connections were pretty close. So of course I ended up soldering the two connections together :D

To melt it loose I had to put a lot of heat into it so I was afraid I may have melted the switch like you said. But I just tested it and it works like a charm (for now).

If it ends up failing anyway I might just short the two wires together and put an actual switch on the outside of the TH8A because there's a hole in the metal frame right next to where the wires connect to the base..

Thanks for the tips everyone.


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