Thailand Coup

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Does this potentially have any effects on the rest of the world?

I never really hear about Thailand much... do you think this coup is just a national issue, or something we all should know about?

America has a good relationship with Thailand. The United States is Thailand's largest export market, second to that of Japan. 60% of their GDP (Gross Domestic Product) comes from agriculture from which rice makes up the majority of. They makes ass tons of small appliances as well.

I don't think we'll feel much from this. If the military in Thailand (Or shall I say, new government?) isn't careful, lots of things could go wrong.

I had a friend who was a foreign exchange student from Thailand, I became very interested in the country having become friends with her.
The message broadcast by the rebels apologised for any inconveinience caused by driving military vehicles through sidestreets and telling people to stay indoors.

Well I suppose if there is going to be a coup atleast its a polite one.
Basically, everyone hates the President/Prime minister. Everyone loves the King. It makes sense to me to get rid of the President. I support the new tyranny.
The message broadcast by the rebels apologised for any inconveinience caused by driving military vehicles through sidestreets and telling people to stay indoors.

Well I suppose if there is going to be a coup atleast its a polite one.

Exactly :D
I have to hand it to them, though, for doing it in a non-violent way, and not taking the usual route involving some bloody raid on the capital/palace/whatever the head building is. Under normal civcumstances, the PM would be dead. These guys actually waited until he was out of the country for a bit before overthrowing him. At least they're nice folks.
It is interesting, and indeed something I didn't hear about untill I got home late this morning from class. Although I think it is troublesome that a coup was required to change the face of the government, I'm glad that it went off without anyone getting killed (that we know of).

...Once again, I think it is a wait-and-see moment here. Given the current situation between the US and Thailand, I'm not certain what will come of it, but I can sense a small disturbance in the force. Granted, we as Americans have much larger problems to deal with than a king (with the support of his people) re-taking their government.

All in all, it reminds me a bit of the French Revolution... Something the US cared not to deal with for quite some time...