Thanks for 60fps

Title is a bit weird right? Let me explain.

60fps is essentially the frame rate at which our eyes see the real world, at least thats the way it seems to me. Playing most games, whether on PS3 or PC, make me sick if they are not 60fps. The motion of whatever is going on in the game just makes my head and stomach feel crappy. This doesn't happen after a really long time playing, it happens after 10 or 20 minutes, sometimes longer.

GT5 is quite literally the only game that doesn't make me sick. To that I say thank you to Sony and Polyphony Digital, and most importantly Kaz, for making GT5 60fps. I don't care about GT5's little niggles, pixelated shadows or any other crap. GT5 is a phenomenal game and I am excited for GT6.

Does anybody else feel like that after playing 30fps games or am I crazy?

I do not have epilepsy or seizures.
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30FPS makes you sick...?

I think maybe you should stop playing video games. That sounds like a serious medical problem.
30FPS makes you sick...?

I think maybe you should stop playing video games. That sounds like a serious medical problem.

Many people over 30's has this problem playing video games. Seriously.

EDIT: I'm 36 but I feel lucky.
I'm 18.

I know somebody is going to bite my head off for this. I am not trying to bitch and moan. I am just curious as to if anyone else feels like this after playing a game with a lower frame rate.
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The motion of whatever is going on in the game just makes my head spin, not to mention making me feel like I'm going to throw my guts up. This doesn't happen after a really long time playing, it happens after 10 or 20 minutes.
I know you're supportive of GT5 for the opposite of this. But just to remind everyone who may become ill or start feeling odd effects...

I know you're supportive of GT5 for the opposite of this. But just to remind everyone who may become ill or start feeling odd effects...

I don't have epilepsy. Never bothered to read that screen :D
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I think I am actually the opposite. Don't know what it is but I rarely get sick playing games but the ones that have made me were 60FPS ones. I remember the PS2 port of the PSP Twisted Metal and RAGE really making me feel quite crummy.
Hard to say though without playing the exact same game running at 30.
GT5 is fine though.
I think I am actually the opposite. Don't know what it is but I rarely get sick playing games but the ones that have made me were 60FPS ones. I remember the PS2 port of the PSP Twisted Metal and RAGE really making me feel quite crummy.
Hard to say though without playing the exact same game running at 30.
GT5 is fine though.

Grand Theft Auto III on PC made me feel REALLY crappy...bad headache...the motion on that game was weird.
I hear you Chevy. Most of my PC games now run at 60fps, but nothing matches GT5's lighting reflection techniques running at 60fps. Slight screen tearing on a few tracks, but not that noticeable!

All games should run at 60fps at a minimum, providing the monitor/s support it :)
I like how it's supposed to be important that people read it yet it only stays on the screen for about half a second.
Eh? I got up to 5 Mississippi's before it left the screen. Then again, I opened my manual and it seemed infinite.
I get baaaaaad motion sickness if I am a passenger in a car. And it doesn't matter where I am sitting. Front passenger, or the back seats. If I am looking down and the driver brakes or turns and I'm not looking I get the worst sick feeling and it lasts all day. The only game to ever make me feel like this was Resistance: Fall of Man. I have no idea why cause I play a lot of FPS.
Title is a bit weird right? Let me explain.

60fps is essentially the frame rate at which our eyes see the real world, at least thats the way it seems to me. Playing most games, whether on PS3 or PC, make me sick if they are not 60fps. The motion of whatever is going on in the game just makes my head and stomach feel crappy. This doesn't happen after a really long time playing, it happens after 10 or 20 minutes, sometimes longer.

GT5 is quite literally the only game that doesn't make me sick. To that I say thank you to Sony and Polyphony Digital, and most importantly Kaz, for making GT5 60fps. I don't care about GT5's little niggles, pixelated shadows or any other crap. This is a phenomenal game and I am excited for GT6.

Does anybody else feel like that after playing 30fps games or am I crazy?

I do not have epilepsy or seizures.

Good news for you is that your illness caused by lower than 60FPS is now cured.

GT5 is not locked at 60FPS, so at some point your body has adjusted to a lower frame rate.

You now have a whole new library of games to enjoy.

Well done.
I think I'm actually the weird one. I don't think 60fps looks right. I usually think anything over about 40fps looks odd, like it's artificially sped up even if the movement is at the right pace. It just looks unnatural.

There must be some point at which your eyes can't distinguish between a series of still pictures and actual smooth movement, but the fastest framerates I've ever seen still don't look any more "real" to me than 30-40fps does, just faster. May be something to do with the framerate being sent to the display never quite matching up with the actual framerate of the display, I don't know.

There have been a handful of games that made me ill over the years, but it never seemed to have anything to do with framerate. It's just something I can't describe about the way things moved. Not resulting in seizures or anything like that, more like motion sickness or nausea.
I think I'm actually the weird one. I don't think 60fps looks right. I usually think anything over about 40fps looks odd, like it's artificially sped up even if the movement is at the right pace. It just looks unnatural.
I think I know what you're on about. Kind of like a blur, or a depth-of-focus type of thing? If so, I have noticed this in the past though it has no bearing on my mind. Other than when I used to be a heavy PC gamer... sitting so close to the screen would tear my eyeballs clean out and leave me with a headache.
I think I know what you're on about. Kind of like a blur, or a depth-of-focus type of thing? If so, I have noticed this in the past though it has no bearing on my mind. Other than when I used to be a heavy PC gamer... sitting so close to the screen would tear my eyeballs clean out and leave me with a headache.

Exactly. I found that if I sat further away from the screen I wouldn't feel like crap so fast.
Going from a 60hz TV to a 120hz TV takes some getting used to as well :D

Good news for you is that your illness caused by lower than 60FPS is now cured.

GT5 is not locked at 60FPS, so at some point your body has adjusted to a lower frame rate.

You now have a whole new library of games to enjoy.

Well done.

Definitely. It is getting better the more I play GT5.
I'm used to playing games that run at a ridiculous 5 FPS. when I got my PS3 for the first time, I thought the graphics were so beautiful. So realistic. I wasn't used to the smoothness of the FPS that my first hours of game play were a bit shaky.. I guess you can call it a 'graphic shock' :lol:
I'm used to playing games that run at a ridiculous 5 FPS. when I got my PS3 for the first time, I thought the graphics were so beautiful. So realistic. I wasn't used to the smoothness of the FPS that my first hours of game play were a bit shaky.. I guess you can call it a 'graphic shock' :lol:
I think this is something everybody experiences. It's great for a couple of months, but then the "newness" goes away and its shoddy again. Speed of computers is exactly the same... brand new it seems blazingly quick, but then those 5s load times seem like minutes.
If a solid 30fps game is making you feel funny, then you might want to check with the doc, just in case.

In my opinion, a game doesn't need to be running at 60fps to be gentle to your eyes. A game might run at 30fps but still maintain a stable frame rate, making it easy to the eyes. Take for instance, and just as an example:

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty for the PS2 runs at 60fps.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots for PS3 runs at 30-35fps.

Even if the new console MGS runs at a lower frame rate than the ancient PS2 MGS, it is gentle to the eyes. It's just like GT5's replays.

However, there are other games that have such an unstable framerate that ends up hurting your eyes really quick. Example: any NFS title.
Handheld games used to upset my stomach. Not anymore though.

All low frame rates do is annoy me now.
I have NEVER felt any sickness (except for my eyes bleeding (crying) due to the lighting but that's very rare) when playing any game but I get some serious motion sickness when I read, play on my phone or anything really that involves looking down.
I dont have any problems at all... anything over 25fps is good, - 60 great, but under 25 for me not playable
Is it true that even if you are playing on a TV capable of 120 hz it still only displays in 60Hz on all PS3 titles because that's wht the games run. Or does the TV "upscale", for want of a better word?