
  • Thread starter PAB94
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If we agreed on trade but I cancel it because someone else has a better or less stressful offer don't conplain or whine.
When you make a deal with someone, you make a deal, period. I've got the silver and the blue 0 miles, but you can keep looking... I'm a whinner :nervous:
HAHA wow and I retract my offer. Come on man, basic common sense does apply when dealing with people here.
... If we agreed on trade but I cancel it because someone else has a better or less stressful offer don't conplain or whine...

Very nice understanding of what an agreement means!!! At least, I guess you will be willing to send your stuff first, right?
When you make a deal with someone, you make a deal, period. I've got the silver and the blue 0 miles, but you can keep looking... I'm a whinner :nervous:

Hey Tokitai I've got a stock Red 370z academy want to swap my red for your blue?
HAHA wow and I retract my offer. Come on man, basic common sense does apply when dealing with people here.

I do understand the meaning of an agreement but what I'm trying to say is that if I make a deal with you for lets say tomorrow at 3pm but you don't show up or come online then I will retract my offer and look for someone else who has a better offer.
Sorry for any mis-understandings it was sort of late so I did't think much when I was typing.
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