The Autism Thread

Ignorance if ever I saw it!
Ignorance if ever I saw it!
It reads like a lot of pop science articles that poorly extrapolate the data actually in it, but the data does seem to indicate that there's a connection between a lack of vitamin D and ASD.

The original article only mentions a casual link between low vitamin D levels and ASD. If I'm reading it right, they somewhat suggest that expectant mothers ensure they and their unborn children have enough vitamin D. It cites a different study indicating that Somali mothers living in Sweden have a higher risk of having a child with ASD than a native Swede, likely due to the fact that people with darker skin receive synthesis less vitamin D compared to those with lighter skin.

It doesn't seem to show any evidence indicating that increasing vitamin D levels in individuals with autism actually ameliorates the symptoms, however other articles do seem to indicate that. This meta-analysis says that "children who received vitamin D supplementation showed a small but significant improvement in stereotypical behaviors but did not show improvements in other core symptoms and coexisting conditions."

Another small-scale study prescribed vitamin D to mothers of autistic children who were pregnant with a second child and found that only 5% of the next children born developed autism, compared to the 'regular' recurrence rate of 20%.
I have Asperger and Autism Syndrome as well. It was diagnosed in '00 or '01, can't remember but I got 4 other syndromes as well. Tourettes, ADHD, OCD and Hyperactivity.

When I was in my teenagehood I would do a whole lot of nervous tics to the point it was tiring mentally and physically. Another thing is that I can't manage to think in my head. I either need to do it really quietly or at high voice.

I have mid-high'ish functionality levels and as a result I'm a bit like a kid when I draw car designs, etc., in a game but I can be quite ingenious at creating and sometimes at thinking up stuff out of nowhere.

A good example is how my drawing has barely gotten better since I was 12 years old but my thoughtfulness and imaginativity is really advanced.

In 2021-2022 I created my first car design, Coco as my signature partly says, ever since then it's been my go-to-create livery.

(Forgot to mention Autism)
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