Yes, the numbers are great but visualization is even better!
Firstly, below you see the distance light travels in one second.
Now, as you might know the faster you move the less time you experience, relative to a slower reference frame, known as time dilation and discovered by Einstein. So, F1 drivers age some milliseconds less because they move faster during races and practice.
To put it simply, if A moves faster than B then A travels to the future of B.
How much into the future? You can see on the below diagram.
At the knee of the diagram for A to experience 40% of the time of a stationary B, he needs to travel at about 85% the speed of light, or go to the moon within a couple of seconds.
At those speeds one can travel to distant stars within a lifetime (remember time dilation!) and if we are to talk about a Star Trek scenario of a spaceship travelling at 99.9% of the speed of light then a trip to another galaxy is a matter of mere hours!
If someone from earth could peak throught that spaceship window while it is travelling at that speed everything would seem frozen, while of course inside the ship everything is normal.
Firstly, below you see the distance light travels in one second.
Now, as you might know the faster you move the less time you experience, relative to a slower reference frame, known as time dilation and discovered by Einstein. So, F1 drivers age some milliseconds less because they move faster during races and practice.
To put it simply, if A moves faster than B then A travels to the future of B.
How much into the future? You can see on the below diagram.
At the knee of the diagram for A to experience 40% of the time of a stationary B, he needs to travel at about 85% the speed of light, or go to the moon within a couple of seconds.
At those speeds one can travel to distant stars within a lifetime (remember time dilation!) and if we are to talk about a Star Trek scenario of a spaceship travelling at 99.9% of the speed of light then a trip to another galaxy is a matter of mere hours!
If someone from earth could peak throught that spaceship window while it is travelling at that speed everything would seem frozen, while of course inside the ship everything is normal.
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