the best tuner

  • Thread starter waynus
i was just wondering who people think is the best tuner? i tried a couple of tunes and they all have there good and bad points. need a decent tune for 458 italia with no rear spoiler. dfgt setup preferred đź‘Ť
i was just wondering who people think is the best tuner? i tried a couple of tunes and they all have there good and bad points. need a decent tune for 458 italia with no rear spoiler. dfgt setup preferred đź‘Ť
Oh, that's easy. It's me! :D
i was just wondering who people think is the best tuner? i tried a couple of tunes and they all have there good and bad points. need a decent tune for 458 italia with no rear spoiler. dfgt setup preferred đź‘Ť

The best tuner is the one who's tunes most closely match your driving style. Some tuners only tune certain types of cars or for certain kinds of racing/driving. Others tune whatever catches their fancy, and some work with individuals to taylor a tune to that driver.

So who is the best tuner? As I already stated its the one/ones that best match your preferences and driving style.
There are a few, I personally like RKM, JG's tune shop, Avid Racing Factory and Mad FinnTuners. RKM don't do the 458, JG did one, but he uses a DS3 and his car has a whacking great plank of a wing on it, Avid Racing does one and he uses a wheel, though he's inactive for a while so I can't clarify that for you. The Finns both use wheels, which type I don't know, and they don't have an Italia tune, but you could review a tune (it takes no more than an hour, 45 minutes if you type very quickly) and ask for it.
Greycap has G25 and I have G27. And as Onboy said, review will earn you a custom tuned car for yourself.
personally i like praiano63 especially for anything FR or MR, his tuning for AWD just doesn't fit my driving style. I haven't tried any of his FF tunes so i can't comment on those

i haven't tried many AWD or FF tunes
who would you guys suggest for AWD and FF tuning for someone who likes a car that doesn't understeer, i can deal with that doesn't understeer bad, anything but understeer i hate a car that pushes more than anything. i understand its hard to make a FF that doesn't underteer at least a little bit,but i can't handle much of it

if im tuning an AWD car ill usually end up setting the center diff 10/90, i you look at the info for what the center diff is it says you can set it up to 0/100 but i havn't seen a car that will let you do that yet......that's 1 thing i like about forza it will let you do that along with RWD,AWD, and FF conversions and engine swaps. those would be great additions to gt5

also just a disclaimer i am using a controller, im waiting for a good wheel that doesn't cost a fortune that can be used for ps3 and xbox360 because i also play a lot of forza.........if it wasn't for forza, madden and alot of good people that i like to talk to and play with on xbox live i would have gotten rid of my xbox when i got my ps3
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There isn't a best tuner. I've tried hundreds of tunes on here & tested & compared them to others. They all have their good tunes (These normally tend to be their favorite cars) & they all have tunes which ain't so good.
Also everyone has different driving styles. Some use a wheel & others a DS3 so a good tune to someone may not be a good tune to someone else.
Gyro has it in one. We all tune differently according to our own tuning styles and the purpose of the cars we tune (egs. Factory Recreations, PP Limited tunes, Tyre Limited Tunes [SS instead of RS], Drag Tunes, Drift Tunes, Circuit Tunes). It all depends on what you desire. đź‘Ť
RKM is generally my favorite tuner for a car that's fast and comfortable. Vengeance, though inactive, has some nice "max tune" setups. LDP and MFT have some very fast tunes, but you need to pay a bit more attention, as they seem to be more on the edge of control at speed. Dr Slump gets props for some nice tunes from a new tuner. Praiano's got some good tunes as well, but he puts out a lot of tunes, and they're pretty hit-or-miss for me (more hits than misses, of course, and when they're in line with my style, they ROCK).

To be honest, though, I've run tunes from a lot of the shops here, and these guys do great work, there's just too many for one guy to test a lot of them :) I've run Avid, RVR, Weinish, Deep Forst, Moose, Motor City, and Vintage tunes as well. I don't think you can really crown any one shop as the best... only as the best with one particular car, or maybe the most consistant with your driving style.
Well you can't really decide the best tuner many say RKM but in fact most of their tunes dont really fit my driving style. But who work well for me is LDP, Priaino63's Tunes and of course my own RVR. But as said by many most have both good tunes and bad tunes including RVR! But yea it really depends on your driving style...
No! Avid is best tuner! Cuz he lived in HK :D


That is all...
personally i like praiano63 especially for anything FR or MR, his tuning for AWD just doesn't fit my driving style. I haven't tried any of his FF tunes so i can't comment on those

i haven't tried many AWD or FF tunes
who would you guys suggest for AWD and FF tuning for someone who likes a car that doesn't understeer, i can deal with that doesn't understeer bad, anything but understeer i hate a car that pushes more than anything. i understand its hard to make a FF that doesn't underteer at least a little bit,but i can't handle much of it

if im tuning an AWD car ill usually end up setting the center diff 10/90, i you look at the info for what the center diff is it says you can set it up to 0/100 but i havn't seen a car that will let you do that yet......that's 1 thing i like about forza it will let you do that along with RWD,AWD, and FF conversions and engine swaps. those would be great additions to gt5

also just a disclaimer i am using a controller, im waiting for a good wheel that doesn't cost a fortune that can be used for ps3 and xbox360 because i also play a lot of forza.........if it wasn't for forza, madden and alot of good people that i like to talk to and play with on xbox live i would have gotten rid of my xbox when i got my ps3

i agree most of my tunes have come from praianos and i like wat jc (jeremy craig) does especially his r8 setup. some tunes i just think how the hell they drive them. i got a smooth driving style dont really like loose back ends. i give most tunes a try or adjust a few things.
If you're looking for an Italia setup, can I ask you try our 430 Scuderia setup on it? I just want to know where it stands.

From what I recall, the Italia and 430 Scud share default settings.

As for the "best tuner"... Eh. It's all subjective. Generally all of the more experienced tuners each have their strengths and weaknesses, as well as some widely varying driving styles. So it's really pick whoever makes a car that suits you and run with them.
He did? I must have missed that or not have been around thenÂ…Â…and when will you be not so broke?

And at least he has a PS3, unlike somebody I know :D coughcoughrotaryjunkiecoughcough
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