the BMW 328CI?

I noticed this too. It is the only car in the game that I have used that you cannot change the wheels on. I don't know why it calls the Wheel Shop a "race". It should say, "You cannot change the wheels on this car". It says something similar to that in GT3 when you have a car that cannot have the wheels changed. This is another screw-up in GT2.
No bmw can have the rims changed. Thing is bmw has some kind of policy against using rims other than theirs, and this goes for the game too. My two bmws have customized rims; if you really want you have to use something like gameshark
Well the thing is BMW brakes are a non-mainstreame size, therefore the rims maneufacturers make for cars will either be way to large or way to small. And since BMW's will be BMW's if the rim's are too large it would be just like adjusting the suspenion on it. A No no.