The CardigansMusic 

I know "My Favorite Game" is the GT2 arcade disc intro, but does anyone like their other stuff?

I downloaded most ((all but two songs, still looking)) of their Gran Turismo album.
I have a couple of their albums at home, heading off in a minute.

If you "yahoo" i'll let you get them off my drive if you want? If you know where i can download a free ripper?

Same user name on Yahoo.
Yeah, I love "My Favourite Game."

Actually, this is interesting. The Cardigans had a huge hit some time go - I can't remember what, but some song about a girl getting dumped by a guy, whatever. It's a beautiful song, anyway.

Anyway, I was watching the 100 greatest one-hit wonders on VH1 and I was surprised that this huge hit was on here - apparently VH1 forgot about "My Favourite Game?" I was angry! My Favourite Game is one of My Favourite Songs.

Anyway, the group was from Northern Ireland, I think, and they broke up shortly after the release of "Gran Turismo" (the album).

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