The Carpathian Mountains

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This is my english report on the Carpathian mountains. Tell me what you think. Its for my 9th grade english honors class and the teacher is really strict so tell me what youd give it for a grade. And does anyone that lives near the Carpathians care to sahre some info with me. Oh and this was due last frday im just wondering what i might get. ANd a 95 and up is a A and 95 - 85 s a b 85 - 75 C75- 65 - d ANd the rest is failing. Please no spam. If you do vote give an explanation if u gave me a c or d or f

Stephen Cristaldi

The Carpathian Mountains
To those familiar with the book, The Trumpeter of Krakow, you may also be familiar with the river known as the Vistula. The Vistula is an actual river in Krakow. The Carpathians are the source of that river. The beautiful and majestic Carpathian Mountains are conveniently placed in the heart of central Europe. The length of the mountains stretch 930 miles from the Czech Republic, Slovakia - Poland border, and right into the Ukraine and Romania. The mountains follow the North and East sides of the Danubian Plains. The two largest Carpathian peaks are Gerlachovsky and Moldoveanu. Gerlachovsky is of the High Tatras in Slovakia, and it stands at an elevation of 8,705feet. Moldoveanu is of the Transylvania Alps, which stands at an elevation of 8,343feet. The Carpathian Mountains are somewhat lower than the Alps. As well as being lower than the Alps, the Carpathians have fewer lakes, glaciers and waterfalls. Sometimes the range is split up into the Little Carpathians and the White Carpathians, which are the southwestern extensions. The Transylvanian Alps are also sometimes referred to as the South Carpathians.
Did you know that the Romanian Carpathians hold the largest number of predators west of Russia? Did you also know that many of those animals are endangered too? Well according to, there are approximately 5,500 brown bears. That’s about 50% of Europe’s bear population. There are also about 2,500 wolves and 1,500 Lynx, which total about 60%. There is also an endangered species called a chamois, which is a deer - like animal. According to, there are many other animals that include the alpine snow vole, alpine shrew, woodcock, hazel grouse, black grouse, wildcat, red deer, roe deer, fox, Carpathian squirrel, dormouse, mole, bat, berkut eagle, hawk, owl, black stork, rock pupit, white throated blackbird, forest marten, ermine and a few reptiles like the spotted salamander, smooth snake, western bullfrog, Carpathian newt, and various fish. The animals are so territorial that they can cause conflict with locals and tourists. So, the Romanian Carpathians are trying to get the animals and people to live together peacefully, with maybe a conservatory. This act of theirs is called the Wolves and Bears in Transylvania. There is also the Slovak Wildlife Society, who is trying to preserve these endangered species of the Carpathian reserve. The problem is that some many tourist visit the mountains and many of the animals cannot coexist with the people. So the Slovak Wildlife Society tries to create a coexistence between the tourist and animals, just like the Romanians.
The Carpathians are rich in natural minerals as well as animals. Many different natural minerals can be found on the mountains. Such minerals include coal deposits, rock salt, oil, and natural gas. Timbers are plenty too. The various trees there are used for forestry. According to the forest’s trees are in two different sections. The beech trees and coniferous make up the upper section, while oak, maple, birch, and ash are the lower section. There are almost no grassy areas in the Carpathian forests. The soil of the Carpathians really depends upon the vegetation, rock underneath, and the elevation. The brown soils are very acidic and have little fertility. Lime and mineral fertilizers are normally used to make them more fertile. But on the southern parts, the peat soils are much more fertile. Also the valley meadow soils are just as fertile, considering the two soils are almost identical in elevation. Thus more people find living in the southern valleys easier, this is because they are all pretty much farmers and they live off the land. At the top of the mountain are the soils containing many rock fragments, those being the mountain and mountain meadow soils.
The human population of the Carpathians are mostly of Ukraine ethnic. Jews were the largest minority in the 1940s. Slovaks, Hungarians, Rumanians, Czechs, Poles, and Germans where there as well. But today you can only find about 10% of the population is non - Ukraine. The people use their land for farming and haying. Forest were cleared away to make these pastures that the people work on. The form of living and farming by the various Ukraine people is called Hutsul. The other form is used by the non - Ukraine population. The majority of these farmers live in the lush valleys which are the most ideal location for their farmer lifestyles. Around 30% of the population live in towns at the traveling highways. The two largest of these towns are Sianik and Turka. Both being strictly industrial, administration centers and trade areas. In the upper regions of the peoples permanent homes, grain is grown, and the lower regions harvest corn. At the higher altitudes, herding sheep and cattle is common in the summer time. In the 1930 herding in the Carpathians consisted of roughly 5,000 herders, 9000 horses, 190,000 sheep and goat, and about 55,000 head of cattle including 8,000 cows. This was about 2/3s of the sheep in the Carpathians and about 1/4 or the cattle.
The Carpathian way of life is found through their economics in, as stated before, forestry, farming, and tourism. With such a beautiful mountain range tourism is probably the largest profit maker for the Carpathian range. Thousand upon thousand of tourists visit the range every year. But this is not always a necessarily good thing. Because of the many tourist there is the problem with the animals. It is a working effort by many of the surrounding cities to stop the endangerment of such animals, while still making money for a living. While today the Carpathains still hold many mysteries, there is no thrill like visiting the magnificent range for yourself. Just think, it may help a good cause for the animals. And yet with the technology we have today, there still lives, somewhere high upon the peaks, the Carpathian monks. Who have lived as they have for thousands of years, off the land, as do most Carpathians. Thats is how they plan to live. Peacefully in the tranquillity of the wide open, Carpathian Mountains.

2 things, try avoid using "you," unless your teacher specifies otherwise.
Also, a minor thing, when using hyphens, make it deer-like, not deer - Like.
Do you have any quotes or cited infrormation? From my experience that can never hurt.
As much as I hate to say this, try to stop using 'be' verbs, specifically - am, is, are, was, were, be, being, and been. While in the real world, using those is fine in papers, finding other words to replace 'be' verbs in high school papers can really add some depth to the paper. B+