The Celebration Races

  • Thread starter TheNormsk


United States
I’m a bit confused over the new Celebration Races on how exactly they work.


I did the manufacturers cup and won, but got $1m cr where as it says the prize is $500k cr. How did I get double?

Then in the nations cup I came in 3rd which should be $300k cr

But instead it gave me $500k cr.

In addition, if I look at friends leader board, I came in much faster that the guy above me (who won) but I was 3rd, so my race was harder.

This account is a mid DR A rating and as I race single player on hard level so does one of those change the competition level?

In hindsight, I’m getting it’s my difficulty level, right?


I went back and had another go, in VR this time. VR was definitely easier than flat screen mode. Anyway, this time I won, and I’m now top of my friends leaderboard.

I also got another half 1 million credits, which made the nations cup a total of 1 million as well. So again, double what it says on the race notes.

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I gave the Nations cup a go, and the RB2019X is not a car i would normally drive on the Ring but I was mildly surprised on how the aero and ground effects on this car are very good and I was hugging the line as best I could. Finished in P3 and will try again to get P1
Is it possible to get a clean race bonus from the celebration races? I'm trying to have a clean race but it's impossible since the AI cars are apparently driven by drunk toddlers

Edit: This is is what I'm talking about...
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Is it possible to get a clean race bonus from the celebration races?

They are mission-style events, with a one-off reward for each level achieved and cumulative (gold gets you silver and bronze rewards too, and silver gets you the bronze reward too, if you haven't already received them).
What's the secret to this race!? I've got a reasonable knowledge of the Nord and GP circuits, am very familiar with the car, and even on Easy difficulty I can't do squat with this race. I make it to P3 by the first time we get to Karussel but P1 and P2 just flat run off.
It also says car settings are allowed but for me they're locked.
If I wanted it to be impossible I'd set it on hard and fill the car with ballast. The Manufacturer's Cup was a breeze.
This is crazy!
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What's the secret to this race!?
As always: practice.
As a reasonably out-of-practice player this event doesnt seem impossible on difficult to me, and I dont like both that car nor that track, but my gap to p1 wasnt bigger than 2 seconds. That still is quite huge, but I still know I did oh-so many mistakes on that 2 laps that could improve my laptime more than required - though as "I dont like both" I have no motivation to do "hard work for no fun".
Is there no penalty in these events ? on Spa iam normally 3to 5 second slower/lap vs nr1 but on the end of this race i was more then 1min slower in a 5lap race 🙃 vs top driver on the leaderboard

the ring challenge is easy after doing TT my AI is still on standard NORMAL and just gets in the way been bit aggressive in the begin

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What's the secret to this race!? I've got a reasonable knowledge of the Nord and GP circuits, am very familiar with the car, and even on Easy difficulty I can't do squat with this race. I make it to P3 by the first time we get to Karussel but P1 and P2 just flat run off.
It also says car settings are allowed but for me they're locked.
If I wanted it to be impossible I'd set it on hard and fill the car with ballast. The Manufacturer's Cup was a breeze.
This is crazy!
I wish I knew, I can't get above 4th because they seem to be able to take corners at a much higher speed than I can. I also noticed the front runners are producing a LOT of sparks on high speed corners where my car doesn't. Is there a difference in downforce I'm missing?
Is there a difference in downforce I'm missing?
If they are faster in the corners, they have more downforce to work with.
Going faster allows you to go faster, until it doesnt.

And perhaps the sparks are effects that will never show on the players own car?
And perhaps the sparks are effects that will never show on the players own car?
I figured this might be the case but I swear I saw them coming from my own car previously!
I think the Ring race might be a bit beyond me, as I avoid using the RB cars as I don't like them, and therefore are not as good at driving them, and so the cycle continues.

The effort/time to win the money would be greater and less guaranteed than just grinding for 1m credits.
I think the Ring race might be a bit beyond me, as I avoid using the RB cars as I don't like them, and therefore are not as good at driving them, and so the cycle continues.

The effort/time to win the money would be greater and less guaranteed than just grinding for 1m credits.
I agree. The RB cars are not fun to me, and the effort to try and make it work on the ring is simply not worth frustration.
The RB cars are twitchy IMO. What I don't like is the lack of head room. If my head drops a little the VR turns black and I wind up crashing. The 787B and the F1500 don't have this problem but some other Group 1 and Group X cars do. Also the RB is very unforgiving on oversteer.
The additional sparks could be caused by softer or lower suspension, a different tire profile, different body kit adjustments, or higher speed. Downforce varies directly with speed and the attack angle on the diffusers, wings, and in the 2019 RB, the speed of the vacuum fans. The blurb says it has them though I've never seen them. It also may vary with the engine RPM if the vacuum fan is crank or belt driven as it was on the Brabham BT46B. That might be the key to this race...holding gears to the rev limiter would maximize downforce in that case.