The Class Doodles Thread

  • Thread starter 88deathguy
United States
Don't deny it, you must have some SOMEWHERE.

You know those times in school where the teacher just goes on and on about something that you have no intrest in, so what do you do? You doodle on the sheet of paper you have in front of you just to pass the time.

I know you don't let anyone see them, but here is the thread to show your class doodles.


Really random, but that's how most doodles are.
Lol, that first one is awesome.
And I know about the Wipeout one, I think it's the yellow and blue one.
WAY too many to post. I'll drop a few though. Note the indicated date on some of these; did these back in high school.





Best one of them all:


My Grade 12 Physics exam single-sided formula "cheat" sheet.

I didn't need to squeeze any info in there other than the formulas themselves so I decided to doodle on most of the page anyway.

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I got bored on a math regents exam so a drew an elephant eating a teacher :lol:

I had one that was like a long nose jet thing with a reconfigured GT logo thingy on the back lol. I usually draw my truck though.
Crap, my mother did a surprise inspection of my binder and found that every single page had a comic doodle! Boy did I get in trouble. If I had them I would have took pictures of them but they were thrown away :(
Why would she throw it away? It should be fine if the doodles are on the side.

I am not doing so well in my classes and she thinks i 'distract' myself by drawing. so my life, since then, has been ho-hum. especially since one of my teachers dragged me out of art class without my permission and put me in her class (she missed me that much).

But summer break is around the corner and I'll be able to draw whatever the hell I want soon without persecution.

EDIT: It wasn't on the side, it was directly in my notebook on my note pages.
I doodle quite a bit on the margins of my assignments and any empty space I can find. Unfortunately, most of these are straight-out thoughts and cannot be understood clearly.
done on my textbook, didn't pay attention to the two girls who were reporting in front of the class LOL


also the erasures were a failed attempt in drawing the mau5head