The Clone Wars

  • Thread starter W3H5


New Member
It's probably old news now but I just started streaming (after years of having access to it) The Clone Wars animated series, pretty much just to watch Yoda kick butt.

I'm up to episode 5 on season 1 and usually throw on an episode whenever I get a spare half hour.

Anyone else watching? Can't just be me that acts upon the inner nerd... :D
I agree. There are plenty of story lines worth putting onto screen.

I must admit I'm rather behind (just started episode 6) but I've been reading about the characters and whatnot involved in the series.

Where are you up to, which season?
I really think CN has come a long way. 20 years ago when I was watching as a kid I had to settle for Tom and Jerry, now Star Wars!? Kids got it lucky these days.

I love the fact there are loads of droids (some of my favourite things about the universe) in it but some of the Battle Droids are a bit on the dumb side and their stupid comments take away from the mood sometimes but I guess it is a kids show after all. :)

I'm thinking about getting my wife to watch it with me because she likes animation and sort of likes Star Wars (well, maybe just Artoo) and it would make a change from the some of the junk put out by other big name directors which I sit through most days.
I would dare say it's made just as much for adults as children; George Lucas clearly knew that some original fans would tune in.

I think if I limit myself to 3-4 shows a day I'll get through it at a good pace, I don't want to over watch it and get bored.

One other thing that bothers me (series 1) is that General Grievous seems to have the same story lines: Attacks the Republic, plan is foiled, he says "Impossible!" and flees from a ship/ space station being destroyed. Why is he still a general? He should be demoted! :lol:
Or he'd make a great military chef! Starters and mains prepared at the same time! :lol:

From what I know there are 3 seasons and a feature length film (Film and first series 2008, then 09, 10), would you know if that's correct?