The Combined Oceania National Tuners Racing League (CONTRL)

  • Thread starter agolfer78
Hi folks, thanks for coming and welcome to the proposed Combined Oceania National Tuners Racing League (CONTRL).
Im hoping we can get a group of like minded people together to race together in an organised on line championship. Im currently doing some testing working on some regs with different tracks, cars and what not. Looking to have something drafted in the next week or so, should be something fun. Any ideas and help would be good, Id like to have communication through GTplanet. Its very well set out and I think ideal for this sort of thing.

In the meantime though I am proposing..................

The Grand Valley 300 Revival!


Id like to take us all back to 97 where im sure it all began for a lot of us. I must have done 10 000 laps of this place on the PS1 with the old controller, then came the amazing dual shock! I remember thinking how cool it would be to race against people all over the country on our own screens in our own homes and now here we are with dual force feedback available at your very own home!

The regs im proposing are-
60 Laps
PP 600
Min Weight 1050
No Boost
No Penalty
Not sure on damage
Tyre and fuel deg Normal
Tyres no limit
Tunning no limit
No minimum pit stops
Slipstream real
Grip reduction on track edge normal

The race should go for around and hour and a half, maby 20 mins for quali.

Not sure on the proposed date, obviously depends on the interest level.
Id like to have a pre season test/meet and greet in the next week so if your keen get on board and register!
Cheers all!

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Hi folks, thanks for coming and welcome to the proposed Combined Oceania National Tuners Racing League (CONTRL).
Im hoping we can get a group of like minded people together to race together in an organised on line championship. Im currently doing some testing working on some regs with different tracks, cars and what not. Looking to have something drafted in the next week or so, should be something fun. Any ideas and help would be good, Id like to have communication through GTplanet. Its very well set out and I think ideal for this sort of thing.

In the meantime though I am proposing..................

The Grand Valley 300 Revival!


Id like to take us all back to 97 where im sure it all began for a lot of us. I must have done 10 000 laps of this place on the PS1 with the old controller, then came the amazing dual shock! I remember thinking how cool it would be to race against people all over the country on our own screens in our own homes and now here we are with dual force feedback available at your very own home!

The regs im proposing are-
60 Laps
PP 600
Min Weight 1050
No Boost
No Penalty
Not sure on damage
Tyre and fuel deg Normal
Tyres no limit
Tunning no limit
No minimum pit stops
Slipstream real
Grip reduction on track edge normal

The race should go for around and hour and a half, maby 20 mins for quali.

Not sure on the proposed date, obviously depends on the interest level.
Id like to have a pre season test/meet and greet in the next week so if your keen get on board and register!
Cheers all!

Keen too race just need a day and time kids and work take up a bit but will work around a later start time
Yea, im the same with the start time. By the time the kids are in bed and what not its 830 9ish so that would be around the start time. See how the numbers go.

What time do you guys start on Mondays? Pretty sure its a bit early for me.
Yea, im the same with the start time. By the time the kids are in bed and what not its 830 9ish so that would be around the start time. See how the numbers go.

What time do you guys start on Mondays? Pretty sure its a bit early for me.
8.15 race start it's early I just get some laps and go