Honestly I prefer a more simple setup. To me that's just over kill.
Honestly I prefer a more simple setup. To me that's just over kill.
There is no such thing as overkill when making your cockpit.
You have to admit, his setup makes you green with envy. I would love the whole setup he has. The only thing stopping me is the time it would take, and the know how. I wouldn't even know where to begin.
Plus i'd be paranoid of it malfunctioning and closing while i'm in it!
Meh that cockpit overdoes it plus it looks nothing like a real cars interior..
This looks so much better.. its "wtf im nameless'" cockpit from here on the forum!They way you feel enclosed with full controls and a dash makes it so cool... Lots of work must have gone into it.
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn304/wtfimnameless/Car Sim/Stage 3/DSC02667.jpg
Mmmmmm giant waste of time.
I prefer a simpler setup too.
I do think the ultimate cockpits are the ones that uses a cars dash (or entire car cockpit) and have all the gauges working.
Seems like it's too low though. It's in the floor and the screen is quite high up.
wtf im nameless definitely has the better setup.
Plus i'd be paranoid of it malfunctioning and closing while i'm in it!
+1 you'd get a sore neck after 20mins with that angle.