The e3 trailer included a replay video

Now I dont know if anyone has noticed this yet, but in the trailer, when the super gt cars bit crosses over to the wrc ford focus bit, there is one frame that shows the transition on the super gt races that you get in every gt replay, its better if you try looking yourself or better yet if some can be kind enough to get this screenshot, it looks like that part atleast was 100% replay, also you get to see one frame mor GT5 footage lol
Dunno what you mean.
Need to see it on my PS3 where i can switch through the frames.

Btw. we have a trailer discussion thread. ;)
yeah I thought the same thing when I saw the trailer for the first time, it looks like replay camera angle, but it doesnt mean the scenes come directly from a replay...
I think I found it, but like hardvibes said it is just a new camera angle for the race that was shown.

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yep theres the shot, I just Thought, if its a new camera angle, like you have in replays, seeing as its there for one frame, its another reason for the trailer not being cgi, there are a lot of people saying that the subaru crash is cgi, which i really hope it isnt, Thanks Qronicle btw and G.t ace
It's a loop,check the first frame of that section after 5 flashes,it's the same,
You're right. Goes back to the beginning shots.

So why would they intentionally do that. Surely if they didn't want it in there, they would've easily caught it.
You're right. Goes back to the beginning shots.

So why would they intentionally do that. Surely if they didn't want it in there, they would've easily caught it.

I guess they just missed it,I had thought that section could of been added late in the day 💡 but realised I was over analysing a missed frame :odd:
I'm guessing the planned video included damage, but someone made the call that it wasn't polished enough so they rerendered (using the game 3d engine) at the last minute with damage turned off?
Are you kdding? They watched it frame by frame, knowing that people would watch it frame by frame.

That's why the rest of my comment suggested it was added late,like a few hours before it was shown.
Don't forget it just the first frame of that section again,unless (conspiracy theory) they changed the writing on the advertisements in the background,and it has the launch date :indiff:
im glad i found this, a little gutted that it is just a loop, but it does make you think, maybe PD were rushed into making a video to keep us happy, which has an unsettling feeling, or on the brighter side... atleast we can tell its not cgi... I mean its impossible to make mistakes on cgi, right? I hope PD mean it when they say its nearly done, I hope they realise that we dont want GT mobile to get in the way of GT5. Im gonna try and find anything else in that video
Sher,I think most of trailer from the section you found the hidden frame to the end are replays,but rendered like the opening movie in 5p,so the are 60 frames as opposed 30 frames per second.
There are a few small sections like when the camera is chasing the NASCAR's that look like they are assets rendered outside of gameplay.

I've seen it,but unless they have 60 frames per second replays now technically it is pre render.

For example the aerial shot of the streets were all the cars meet up is defiantly assets rendered outside of gameplay,they move wrong to be physics drven by the game.
I really should post this in that thread,but doubt I'll bother getting into it.