The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
Can't wait for this game. I've logged 200+ hours into Oblivion, it's one of my favourite games ever. Skyrim will likely follow in this tradition. I think the only game I've played more than Oblivion is CoD4.
Looks pretty cool, the graphics in some areas have seen some massive improvements, other areas look the same as oblivion. I guess it can be expected considering its devoloped for the console first, pc second.

Theres an advantage to it being a console port however. Many of the games i've played that were console ports actually look amazing and run smoother than games built for the PC. Crysis 2 was a fine example, side by side it looks leagues better than Crysis 1 and will run on a lesser computer.
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I found this on YouTube a few months back and found it a good laugh back then, so I might share it with you Skyrim fans. :P

Language Warning (contains 1 HOLY 🤬 comment)

Favorited, will show it to a friend who's also a TES junkie. 👍

And like someone said, if Oblivion was console ported too and it looked awesome despite a few shortcomings, I won't care. Oblivion had a massive world and the most beautiful, immersing scenery I have ever seen on a game. From the looks of the trailers and gameplay, Skyrim won't dissapoint either.

Up to you, but if you want to miss out on this amazing game because of this, fair enough. I respectfully think it'll be your loss.
Up to you, but if you want to miss out on this amazing game because of this, fair enough. I respectfully think it'll be your loss.

Well said. I cannot wait for this game.

Probably no DX11 very un-optimised graphics.
Sorry but i don´t buy a game where the developer tries to make as much money as possible instead of doing this properly.
I´ll just wait until the next one arrives and they have listened to the criticism that will come.
This is Bethesda, makers of some the glitchiest games in existence. I'm not stating other games(or games of such open scope) are made perfect, but again this is Bethesda, they've never made a game properly(well, at least one without game breaking glitches), despite backlash received in the past. But who knows......maybe they've changed.....
This is Bethesda, makers of some the glitchiest games in existence. I'm not stating other games(or games of such open scope) are made perfect, but again this is Bethesda, they've never made a game properly, despite backlash received in the past.

I can only speak for Oblivion, Oblivion GOTY, Fallout 3 and New vegas on ps3 here. The two fallouts were very buggy, but Oblivion and Oblivion GOTY were largely without glitches. Apart from the Vampire glitch on ps3.
The issues with Oblivion and Fallout 3 (Obsidian developed New Vegas, Bethesda just published it) wasn't so much the fact Bethesda can't make a bug-free game to save their lives but more that the third-party Gamebryo engine that those games used was/is terrible and glitchy beyond belief.

Skyrim uses a new proprietary engine created internally by Bethesda, so who knows if the game will be anywhere near as buggy as Oblivion and FO3/NV.
The issues with Oblivion and Fallout 3 (Obsidian developed New Vegas, Bethesda just published it) wasn't so much the fact Bethesda can't make a bug-free game to save their lives but more that the third-party Gamebryo engine that those games used was/is terrible and glitchy beyond belief.

Skyrim uses a new proprietary engine created internally by Bethesda, so who knows if the game will be anywhere near as buggy as Oblivion and FO3/NV.

Can someone let me know if the ps3 version of Oblivion was as buggy as the others? I only ask because there was some time between the pc and 360 release and the ps3 release. Just thinking that maybe they patched the ps3 version as I didn't notice many bugs. I'm stumped trying to think of any actually, and I put well over 150 hours into oblivion.
Can someone let me know if the ps3 version of Oblivion was as buggy as the others? I only ask because there was some time between the pc and 360 release and the ps3 release. Just thinking that maybe they patched the ps3 version as I didn't notice many bugs. I'm stumped trying to think of any actually, and I put well over 150 hours into oblivion.

It is, man. Seriously.

It was my second PS3 game and to date, the most-played game of my entire library with over 310 hours. The thing is very buggy, but everything else is so magnificent and grand that you can overlook its many, many bugs.
It is, man. Seriously.

It was my second PS3 game and to date, the most-played game of my entire library with over 310 hours. The thing is very buggy, but everything else is so magnificent and grand that you can overlook its many, many bugs.

Maybe it's been a while. I'm currently 3000 miles away from my ps3 and my copy of Oblivion, so I can't go back to it right now. I can't remember any jarring bugs... Maybe the odd time the game would crash forcing you to reboot your system. Not a big deal for such an amazing game.
Maybe it's been a while. I'm currently 3000 miles away from my ps3 and my copy of Oblivion, so I can't go back to it right now. I can't remember any jarring bugs... Maybe the odd time the game would crash forcing you to reboot your system. Not a big deal for such an amazing game.

Exactly, that was the good thing, the vast majority were simple bugs, and only a handful were game breaking.

Like that vampire cure quest bug... :scared:

Glad that never happened to me. I did get screwed off of a very interesting quest, though, the ghost of Anvil (I think? Maybe Bravil), that quest where you have to follow a ghost and then he tells you about his ship, which is now stranded in a nearby river. I never got him to speak to me thus never been able to complete the quest. :(

Other than that I was pretty lucky, besides I kept like a separate save file for everything.
Exactly, that was the good thing, the vast majority were simple bugs, and only a handful were game breaking.

Like that vampire cure quest bug... :scared:

Glad that never happened to me. I did get screwed off of a very interesting quest, though, the ghost of Anvil (I think? Maybe Bravil), that quest where you have to follow a ghost and then he tells you about his ship, which is now stranded in a nearby river. I never got him to speak to me thus never been able to complete the quest. :(

Other than that I was pretty lucky, besides I kept like a separate save file for everything.

Well there is a simple fix for the vampire cure quest. If you pick up an original copy of oblivion, it works. It should have been fixed by a patch, but if you can pick up a cheap copy or even borrow a copy, you can use your GOTY save file to complete the quest.

As for the ghost of anvil, I never got to finish it. As a matter of fact, the two expansion packs were virtually untouched, as well as most oblivion gates. Regardless, I still had well over 150 hours of gameplay. I could easily go back and finish it over the next few months along with new vegas.

My problem with Bethesda's games is that no matter how much I want them, I'll probably not buy them because I know I'll never complete them.

I played Morrowind but quickly got bored because the skilling up was so damn slow. I kind of regret I never got Oblivion because it looked fantastic. I absolutely loved Fallout 3 and got the GOTY edition, but found myself in a game too big for me as I never got passed level 7 and never even explored the tiniest bit of expansion.

I'd still recommend you pick up skyrim. Even if you only get 30 hours into it, it'll be more than most games. You might even find yourself playing it over the space of a few years. Or you may find yourself hopelessly addicted.
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It is, man. Seriously.
Yep. Got to hand it to Bethesda, at least the quality is consistent over all platforms. ;) Though the PC version is probably slightly better, since you can fix some of the bugs with a console command.

That said, I never had any of the game-breaking bugs in Oblivion (or Fallout 3, or New Vegas). Just make sure you save regularly, seperate from the auto save. 👍

Even if Skyrim is just Oblivion with a different story, it will still be awesome. :)
Exactly, that was the good thing, the vast majority were simple bugs, and only a handful were game breaking.

Like that vampire cure quest bug... :scared:

Glad that never happened to me............

Lucky you.

I got caught by this bug when after playing the game for only a few days I contracted the vampire disease. For some stupid reason I vowed to see it through till I cured it only to be cheesed off when the old witch would not acknowledge that I had gotten all the ingredients required for the cure. I had to resort to the consol commands to get through it, which made me feel like I was cheating even though I had completed the quest properly in the first place.

Apart from this, none of the issues where deal breakers for me and I'll be buying this game with the hope that the bugs are kept to a minimum (unlike New Vegas which I very nearly threw in the bin). As much as it pains me to say this, it would be silly to expect it to be bug free, however let's hope they take the time to test it properly.
A game that size... no way it could not have lots of bugs. Too much stuff going on, it's just impossible to test every scenario.

At least it's not Morrowind, that game crashed every 4 minutes and took 5 minutes to load... being one of the best games I ever played just made it that much more painful.

I'd rather have it crash all the time then them strip things out like the Scroll of Ikarian Flight. :( Everything I've read suggests they're continuing to remove things for Skyrim.. :\
A game that size... no way it could not have lots of bugs. Too much stuff going on, it's just impossible to test every scenario.

At least it's not Morrowind, that game crashed every 4 minutes and took 5 minutes to load... being one of the best games I ever played just made it that much more painful.

I'd rather have it crash all the time then them strip things out like the Scroll of Ikarian Flight. :( Everything I've read suggests they're continuing to remove things for Skyrim.. :\

Do you have a link for that?
Interestingly, I'm more than halfway through New Vegas and haven't suffered much from bugs... A sound advice for any Bethesda games, make different save-files. Lots of 'em.
Interestingly, I'm more than halfway through New Vegas and haven't suffered much from bugs... A sound advice for any Bethesda games, make different save-files. Lots of 'em.

I learned this lesson the hard way playing Star wars: Knights of the old republic. Was around 40 hours into it when I wound up going through a door which locked and was faced by an unbeatable (by me anyway) boss.
Have only just watched the E3 gameplay video.

I have to say, what I said earlier about me probably not going to able to complete this game is all forgotten. It just looks so impressive in every single aspect that I have to have it!

Even if I don't get far, my roommate completed Oblivion so I'll probably make him a very happy man as well if I buy Skyrim.
Speaking of completing... I have yet to complete Oblivion and Skyrim is almost here. Looks like I have some gaming to do.

To the man cave!
I haven't completed Oblivion either :lol:

20+ hours in and I'm only up to the fourth story quest or something!
I haven't completed Oblivion either :lol:

20+ hours in and I'm only up to the fourth story quest or something!

I've done 3 massive run-throughs and of those only once followed the main quest. So many cooler things to do, like the Assassin's & thief's guild quest lines.
20+ hours in and I'm only up to the fourth story quest or something!

I'm around 250 hours in and still haven't finished it. Like Syntax said, there are so many things to do. The Dark Brotherhood questline was fun, mistifying and rewarding, for instance. You also get to shed a lot of blood. :cool:
I'm around 250 hours in and still haven't finished it. Like Syntax said, there are so many things to do. The Dark Brotherhood questline was fun, mistifying and rewarding, for instance. You also get to shed a lot of blood. :cool:

I am in the unenviable (or enviable, depending on your outlook) position of trying to finish Fallout 3, New Vegas and Oblivion (with both expansions) before skyrim hits. The only one I have "completed" is fallout 3, but recently, I revisited it, and keep finding things I missed, including entire settlements. Having a blast with New Vegas, and I'm not anywhere near completion. Have tons of quests to do, and I'm nearing the 40 hour mark. Keep finding interesting side quests too. Haven't played oblivion in ages, but I want to go back to it.

Plus I want to beat the DLC's for Fallout 3 and New vegas. Haven't even started with them. Then I have F12011 coming out next week. It will be a mighty task to finish Oblivion, F3 and New Vegas.
Bethesda don't need trailers to make me wanna buy. They could just post "Elder Scrolls sequel, 11/11/11, Buy it."

And oh lawds would I buy it...
Bethesda don't need trailers to make me wanna buy. They could just post "Elder Scrolls sequel, 11/11/11, Buy it."

And oh lawds would I buy it...


I hope the "Giant Spiders" aren't as scary as fallout's "giant radscorpions" :scared: