The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim -- 11/11/11! -- It's out!

  • Thread starter Coxis
Bethesda don't need trailers to make me wanna buy. They could just post "Elder Scrolls sequel, 11/11/11, Buy it."

And oh lawds would I buy it...
Likewise, I'm a self-confessed Bethesda fanboy :lol:

I hope the "Giant Spiders" aren't as scary as fallout's "giant radscorpions" :scared:
The radscorpions aren't scary! Deathclaws and mirelurks are though, and I don't like spiders...
The dungeons look miles better, in that each one seems unique. Apparently they're hand-made rather than generated this time around...which is beautiful news.

Basically, I think it's going to be Oblivion, but with every single aspect made so much better...somehow.
The radscorpions aren't scary! Deathclaws and mirelurks are though, and I don't like spiders...

To me, they are scary. At least the giant radscorpions are. I don`t find the Deathclaws or Mirelurks to be scary though. More of an "Oh no... Not more of those".

The first time I came across the giant radscorpion in fallout 3, I was living on my own in a dark little basement. It was 3 in the morning and I had just got the game and my character was very weak.

I was just running along, heard a noise, turned round and saw the giant radscorpion. Was frightening to say the least. Then again, I hate Spiders, Scorpions etc.
The dungeons look miles better, in that each one seems unique. Apparently they're hand-made rather than generated this time around...which is beautiful news.

👍 That's great news. That was one of the downsides in Oblivion. Doing dungeons got repetitive very quickly. I only completed a handful there.

I like to be above the ground better anyway, but if the dungeons look nice and varied, I'll definitely won't mind exploring them.
I loved the dungeons in Oblivion. Yes, you could tell they were generated but still, there were quite a few that were exceptionally well made, not to mention you had many varieties of dungeons: Mines, Caverns, Aylied ruins, Forts and even Sewers.

There was a cavern with a shipwreck and ghost pirates in it for crying out loud! What an awesome game. I can only hope Skyrim will be even better.
I actually just did the 'ghost pirate' quest yesterday. Got a fright when I saw the traitor. Oblivion was an epic game. Hope skyrim can live up to it.

Hat's off to Bethesda for bringing these awesome games to consoles too. I read in PSM3 (UK magazine) that they were considering giving the 'Creation tools' to ps3 owners too, allowing us to have a shot at customising items/characters.
This game is absolutely amazing, just had a hands on with the pre-beta version on the 360. Oh my god, just, the graphics, on the 360, I have NEVER seen anything like it, they are absolutely jaw dropping. The gameplay is brilliant and it has a lot to do indeed! This just went to the top 5 of my buy list.
I actually just did the 'ghost pirate' quest yesterday. Got a fright when I saw the traitor. Oblivion was an epic game. Hope skyrim can live up to it.

I was never able to complete that one. :(

My game bugged, when I catch up with the ghost he won't talk to me, he'll just stay there and say "Please" every once in a while.

I visited the ship and I naturally couldn't open the last door.
This game is absolutely amazing, just had a hands on with the pre-beta version on the 360. Oh my god, just, the graphics, on the 360, I have NEVER seen anything like it, they are absolutely jaw dropping. The gameplay is brilliant and it has a lot to do indeed! This just went to the top 5 of my buy list.

How did you manage to play it? Games show? Any other impressions? Definately my most wanted game.

I was never able to complete that one. :(

My game bugged, when I catch up with the ghost he won't talk to me, he'll just stay there and say "Please" every once in a while.

I visited the ship and I naturally couldn't open the last door.

What system are you playing on? And what version of the game? I have the goty edition for ps3 and it worked just fine.
Yep played it at the eurogamer expo.

I will start by saying I have never played the other Elder Scrolls games, so this was a first for me. Heard a lot about them but never played.

Time on the game kicks off with some character creation, came up with a sweet looking human warrior and set off. Everyone starts in the same place and when I started I noticed on the other screens everyone going in completely different directions! So I chose a different path. This path led me to my death as I fell of the mountain that the tunnel from my prison cell led me to. Ok, so I went again, I came outside this time and instead of looking at where everyone else was going I took a quick minute to look around. The game is beautiful, I mean, this was just a pre beta on the 360 and it looked like nothing I have ever seen, the snow looked so real! The vistas are expansive and beautiful and just beg to be explored! Very nice music here as well.

I set to wandering, and came across some caves, delved into them a bit and ended up fighting with some bandits. My first taste of skyrim combat was a good one, fun, nice controls, responsive and smooth, with some nice slow mo death scenes as well. Came back out of the caves after that and traversed down the mountain, wildlife and such like look so lifelike it was genuinely breathtaking to look at. Came across a small village and discovered the excellent conversation system, very smooth and a lot better than anything else I have played with player controlled/manipulated conversation. I didnt have a play with magic but from what I watched it was a good as the melee combat in terms of ease of use and you can dual wield weapons/spells by assigning various weapons or spells to each hand. You can fast forward time which I did if only to watch the wonderful transition through the various lighting and it looked utterly beautiful.

As I say this was my first Elder Scrolls experiance to I apologise if I missed anything out that fans of the series may have looked for or been particularly interested in. This is a definate purchase for me and contender for GOTY in my opinion.
You... you lucky you.

Sounds great. And many things that you describe are a trademark of the series, but Skyrim will be even better. Can't wait.
I am also very new to the Elder Scrolls games. I tried oblivion for about 15 hours and didnt enjoy it because of the clunky combat system. But loved Fallout 3 thanks to vats.

So any advice for new players to the Elder Scrolls series? Any recommendation for character class? Can we buy houses? I heard you can have a wife is that true?
I really can't give you good advice considering I haven't played Skyrim, however, based on Oblivion...

1- I'd recommend a melee class at first. Oblivion had no locking system for either arrows or spells and (on the PS3 at least) aiming arrows or spells was really, really difficult. The combat system is very clunky, but at least melee is manageable. Of course, this all depends on Skyrim's updated combat systems, which look miles better.

2- Yes, you can buy houses, I would assume Skyrim isn't the exception.

3- You can't have a wife on Oblivion. I wouldn't know about older games.

I'm sure Skyrim will be better than its predecessor in all regards. 👍
If you didn't like Oblivion I doubt you'll like Skyrim. I don't think they'll be changing the combat system enough to make it less "clunky" as you claim to have found it. Combat in Oblivion was far better than it was in TES III: Morrowind, at least when you swung a sword or shot an arrow it actually hit instead of being a random dice roll.

As for classes, I don't think there's any that stand out. It's all about how *you* want to play it. Personally, I go for a well-rounded character. Strong with a blade, sneaky to take advantage of the damage bonuses, solid with a bow for ranged damage, and good enough at magic to do enough damage when it was needed. With that said, Skyrim's perk tree system and revamping of the attributes compared to Oblivion make it difficult to recommend any path at this time, one would need to play the game to find out how to progress a character. With all the different races and skills, the sky is the limit on what you want your character to be.

With regards to houses, I would be surprised if you COULDN'T buy them...or at least acquire them in some way. In Morrowind you could acquire residences through quests or by being evil and offing the owner; they added purchasable houses in Oblivion and I would expect that ability to return in Skyrim. If you're playing on PC, I'm sure someone will create a house mod eventually.

I have also read the marriage rumor, though I doubt it will be as simple as walking up to a character and asking them to marry you. We will have to see though.
If you didn't like Oblivion I doubt you'll like Skyrim. I don't think they'll be changing the combat system enough to make it less "clunky" as you claim to have found it.

Of course there's no way of knowing for sure yet, but I'm confident that the combat system will be more refined than Oblivion's. Perhaps it'll not be perfect but it'll be good enough that you can't call it clunky.

I've made up my mind and will buy it for the PC this time around. Console versions are way too limited for a game with such a huge modding community like TES.
Of course there's no way of knowing for sure yet, but I'm confident that the combat system will be more refined than Oblivion's. Perhaps it'll not be perfect but it'll be good enough that you can't call it clunky.

I've made up my mind and will buy it for the PC this time around. Console versions are way too limited for a game with such a huge modding community like TES.

Apparently, the creation tools will be making their way to consoles.

In response to oblivion's "clunky" combat, I have to disagree, I liked the combat and the sheer freedom. My current Oblivion character is a demon with a blade and destruction magic. However, recently I have made huge strides in my illusion magic (that lets you cast invisibility spells) and my skill with a bow and arrow.

This is my preferred character style and I advise you to focus on two key skills until you're very strong, then work on some more. The general consensus online seems to be that Destruction magic is one of the best skills to work on. Combined with my one handed blade skill, I use destruction magic on a target and get in close with a blade and shield. I'm now at the point where I can go into some medium level dungeons without resorting to weapons. My destruction is that powerful.
Yeah I can see myself using a lot of magic and probably longer range weapons. At least thats what I did with Fallout 3 and New Vegas. But who knows, I might get some awesome melee weapons and get more into close combat battles in Skyrim. But I know magic will be a huge part of my character. If you are using specific weapons like magic and keep leveling up magic, does it change the appearance of your charcter like in Fable? Do the weapons start looking different?
The only time your appearance would change in oblivion is when you get infected by a vampire. I had that happen to my character. It was such a pain trying to break the curse. I imagine Skyrim will be similar in that respect.
I played Oblivion on the PC (damn, must have been years ago now! the graphics were amazing back then), first char was a female high elf sneaky ranged rogue type. Controls on the PC were very fluid and it was easy to play a ranged class, with the bow and some practice you could shoot things quite far away (like any fps game on the PC I guess).

I'm guessing that Skyrim will be a further developed version of the same thing, I'l certaintly be buying it anyway.
LOVE these games, Both Morrowind and Oblivion and have had Skyrim on pre order for 4 months now, I had so much fun with the editor in Morrowind (pc) I would make custom weapons and build my own houses was just so different then anything I had played.. I wish I wasn't so jumpy with games anything jumps out at me or I don't see it coming I jump and the controller is across the room, when I first started with oblivion the rats in that sewer made me jump so I knew it was going to be a great game!!! Can't wait for Skyrim!! The wait is almost over!!!
Getting really excited for this now. Should be getting it Wednesday or Thursday. Surprised there isn't more excitement around this one.

Edit: PS3's mandatory install is 5.5gb. Not as bad as I was expecting.
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Just finished delivering copies to all major stores around Canberra. Everyone is expecting it to break release date early - probably tomorrow (2 days early).
I'm looking forward to this as well, however, I will hang fire on it, until it's been released, after the glitchy mess that Fallout - New Vegas turned out to be. Hopefully the new engine they are using has improved things.
Just finished delivering copies to all major stores around Canberra. Everyone is expecting it to break release date early - probably tomorrow (2 days early).

Release date breaking is getting a little silly now. Battlefield 3 & Batman being the notable ones in the last few weeks. I'm sure a certain games speciality store will be busy sending it's staff incognito into Big W, Target & JBhifi in hopes that a poor unaware staff member of these big chain stores breaks the street date unknowingly, opening it up to everyone else to sell. Meanwhile us customers who bother to pre-order online have to wait till our games are shipped from the warehouse for delivery on the original release date. Not particularly fair.

Anyway I'm very excited, however I can wait till Friday, I still have plenty of BF3/MW3 to get through in the next few days.
Release date breaking is getting a little silly now. Battlefield 3 & Batman being the notable ones in the last few weeks. I'm sure a certain games speciality store will be busy sending it's staff incognito into Big W, Target & JBhifi in hopes that a poor unaware staff member of these big chain stores breaks the street date unknowingly, opening it up to everyone else to sell. Meanwhile us customers who bother to pre-order online have to wait till our games are shipped from the warehouse for delivery on the original release date. Not particularly fair.

Anyway I'm very excited, however I can wait till Friday, I still have plenty of BF3/MW3 to get through in the next few days.

Just received a text message from the store I pre-ordered that I can collect my copy :) . We would get it a day early anyway as 11/11/11 is a public Holiday here. But 3 days is a real treat. I could have waited until Thursday as well, easily, thanks to BF3. If that game wouldn't be around I would have probably dropped my cellphone because of the 3 days early surprise :sly: