- 26,911
- Houston, Texas, USA
- JMarine25
GTPlanet, hello again.
Normally I would be pretty happy to come up with topics like this one. But to me, I feel angry and disgusted. This topic, if it goes too far, may have this thread being locked. Have I ever been attacked racially? Sometimes I've been "attacked" online. Back around 1998, I attended an auto racing Chat, and this one girl was all against me because a black person needs not attend such a chat. Now, I am an African-American. So I'm easily offended when people of my own race seen Hell. Anyone who is the same race as mine knows about the hell we endured from slave ships to today. Now on to a situation in which racism gets over the top. I'm watching MTV's "My Life (Translated) 2." The topic is on body image, and online, I kept hearing about mostly American people against Japanese. I used to attend AOL Japan chat "Make Friends," and often times, I can relate to what's being talked about on this episode of "My Life (Translated) 2," and that is about squinty eyes. One person even told very cruel jokes about Asians. And I guess based on this MTV show, people want to try to merge with the American people by maybe getting eye surgery.
Normally, racism is something I rarely discuss. But since I want to try to offer a variety of topics, I have to, in the interest of the concerned audience. It's the fight against racism. Can we stop it? Can we lessen it? I'll start.
To me, racism is like AIDS (in this lifetime, at least). It can be treated, but not cured. People have their views on certain races, but you don't tell them out loud to people around, like my online experiences. I mean, I happen to know people from around the world. People as far north as Anchorage, Alaska, USA... all the way down to Sydney, Australia. Now as I watch this MTV show, MTV correspondent Su Chin talked about getting double eyelid surgery so that eyes look more open. To me, if you want to take up surgery, that's your body. What ticks me off is what some American people will stoop to in order to belittle anyone that isn't an white, American male. One person came into the AOL Chat I was in and made cruel jokes about Asians, but then come off saying "I'm just playing." Damn it, let me tell you something. Because a person is not like you doesn't mean that you should belittle that person based on race. I know that I am not white and American (remember, I'm black and American), but maybe I don't ride in Corvettes smoking anything that says "Honda" on it. Maybe I don't consider myself an off-roader in an 1990 Ford pickup. Perchance, I'm not an American male that drinks only American beer and go to dirt track races every Friday night. But you will not belittle me because I'm not like other Americans. And when it comes to Asians, I've known mostly Vietnamese, some from China, this super cute Indonesian girl, and I seen all kinds of people. Everytime I heard this American badass poke fun at their looks and their race and (this p*sses me off) b*tches about Pearl Harbor and stuff. I think people should be able to express themselves in any way possible because if no one else cares about your culture, that's their problem, not yours. Everyone is born uniquely regardless of race, culture, religion, what-have-you. Or what was that that Thomas Jefferson said? Oh, yes, "All men are created equally."
Folks, can we fight racism and to what extent? Do you want to share stories where careless people, who have no respect for humanity, have belittled you because of your race? I'm going to attempt to make a topic I normally wouldn't discuss.
Normally I would be pretty happy to come up with topics like this one. But to me, I feel angry and disgusted. This topic, if it goes too far, may have this thread being locked. Have I ever been attacked racially? Sometimes I've been "attacked" online. Back around 1998, I attended an auto racing Chat, and this one girl was all against me because a black person needs not attend such a chat. Now, I am an African-American. So I'm easily offended when people of my own race seen Hell. Anyone who is the same race as mine knows about the hell we endured from slave ships to today. Now on to a situation in which racism gets over the top. I'm watching MTV's "My Life (Translated) 2." The topic is on body image, and online, I kept hearing about mostly American people against Japanese. I used to attend AOL Japan chat "Make Friends," and often times, I can relate to what's being talked about on this episode of "My Life (Translated) 2," and that is about squinty eyes. One person even told very cruel jokes about Asians. And I guess based on this MTV show, people want to try to merge with the American people by maybe getting eye surgery.
Normally, racism is something I rarely discuss. But since I want to try to offer a variety of topics, I have to, in the interest of the concerned audience. It's the fight against racism. Can we stop it? Can we lessen it? I'll start.
To me, racism is like AIDS (in this lifetime, at least). It can be treated, but not cured. People have their views on certain races, but you don't tell them out loud to people around, like my online experiences. I mean, I happen to know people from around the world. People as far north as Anchorage, Alaska, USA... all the way down to Sydney, Australia. Now as I watch this MTV show, MTV correspondent Su Chin talked about getting double eyelid surgery so that eyes look more open. To me, if you want to take up surgery, that's your body. What ticks me off is what some American people will stoop to in order to belittle anyone that isn't an white, American male. One person came into the AOL Chat I was in and made cruel jokes about Asians, but then come off saying "I'm just playing." Damn it, let me tell you something. Because a person is not like you doesn't mean that you should belittle that person based on race. I know that I am not white and American (remember, I'm black and American), but maybe I don't ride in Corvettes smoking anything that says "Honda" on it. Maybe I don't consider myself an off-roader in an 1990 Ford pickup. Perchance, I'm not an American male that drinks only American beer and go to dirt track races every Friday night. But you will not belittle me because I'm not like other Americans. And when it comes to Asians, I've known mostly Vietnamese, some from China, this super cute Indonesian girl, and I seen all kinds of people. Everytime I heard this American badass poke fun at their looks and their race and (this p*sses me off) b*tches about Pearl Harbor and stuff. I think people should be able to express themselves in any way possible because if no one else cares about your culture, that's their problem, not yours. Everyone is born uniquely regardless of race, culture, religion, what-have-you. Or what was that that Thomas Jefferson said? Oh, yes, "All men are created equally."
Folks, can we fight racism and to what extent? Do you want to share stories where careless people, who have no respect for humanity, have belittled you because of your race? I'm going to attempt to make a topic I normally wouldn't discuss.