The future of Gran Turismo

  • Thread starter alex511
What are elements/features/contens you think, Gran Turismo should have in „future“ or what do you think could be a „future“ Gran Turismo experience?
Do you think Kaz Yamauchi is still the right person to get this in the game, or a „man of the past“, a bit provocative written?
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What are elements/features/contens you think, Gran Turismo should have in „future“ or what do you think could be a „future“ Gran Turismo experience?
Do you think Kaz Yamauchi is still the right person to get this in the game, or a „man of the past“, a bit provocative written?
Here's a better question is Kaz still the right person to lead this series? Honestly I'm not sure at this point.
Here's a better question is Kaz still the right person to lead this series? Honestly I'm not sure at this point.
Really good question, Polyphony is an one-man-show of Kaz. Not reAl show, because of he is no Elon Musk.
But there is no other in the publicity of PD. The „only“ publicity output of the series are the academy or world tour drivers besides Kaz. What about if anyone of them could anytime be the follower, when the series will be there in the next decade.who loves the series as he does And brings new spirit inside.
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Here's a better question is Kaz still the right person to lead this series? Honestly I'm not sure at this point.
No, he isn't, and anyone could have seen going back to about 2005 or so that the series was obviously at it's peak then, and that Kaz's desire to make himself the star of the series, the caretaker of the garden, was beginning to grow. Since then it has been **** ups after **** ups, whether it be the protracted cycle of trying to develop for a powerful, temperamental system in the PS3, the arduous development of GT5 that ended up with a game that was both filled with too much content, and having absolutely nothing that wasn't a few nice car models joined with lazy, uprezzed PS2 models, the lack of desire to pivot the series when Forza was swiping players left and right with good games and giving fans features they actually wanted, GT6 basically being sent to die when it should have been a launch title on the PS4, GT Sport being a wholly reactionary title that alienated fans and absolutely didn't bring them back when they pivoted back cynically to a somewhat 'classic' GT single player suite, and now.

Frankly, more then anything else, I truly believe that the market has passed by GT, and it's certainly not going to have a casual fanbase any more after this debacle, certainly not the kind of casual fanbase who have been buying GT games since 5 as simply rolling tech and graphic demos. More then anything else, people on this forum, who could probably be best described as sim racers, are either happy and satisfied with the games that they are getting now on consoles which do racing so much better then GT has ever done since 4, or are on PC where the options are truly unlimited.

But really, I feel like the real fly in the ointment is what Kunos is going to do with Assetto Corsa 2. AC is without question the modern day GT in terms of cars and tracks that can be offered on the PC side, and it's modularity, and ease of that modularity, makes it easy to recommend to anyone even slightly interested in sim racing games. We know that AC2 is being worked on, but I truly believe that Kunos have a massive opportunity to provide a true revolution in the racing game genre where it has had none in the past two decades or so. Provide easy to work on frameworks for more natural free-roam maps - something the AC modding community is already doing, but could be made easier with the things that Kunos has learned from that community in the close to decade AC has been on the market. But more importantly, offer an easy frame work for a more set in stone career mode slash single player suite - and specifically, the Car-PG structure that GT has leaned on. There's already a mod out there that is trying to build a GT style experience within Assetto Corsa - and even in an alpha state, it surely looks more of a GT game then whatever the hell Polyphony tried to do with GT7. Even if it doesn't have the polish that Polyphony has (which means jack nowadays considering what that polish is eventually going towards) it's being done by one person, and it goes to show that people shouldn't underestimate a resourceful community, especially on the PC side.

If that's the case? Then GT as a franchise is dead in the water right there and then. Moreover, I can very easily tell that Forza and Turn 10 especially are using GT7's failures as a guiding star in how not to create future Forza's, and especially on how not to create a live service game if that's the route they decide to take.

More then anything else, it might be high time for Kaz to get out of the echo chamber he surrounds himself in, and start realizing the competition isn't simply just Forza anymore. It's certainly passed him by long ago, and GT is not the series it once was. If it wants to return to prominence (IF more like) then they need to put in the work in order to make a better game out of GT7, and prove to the community they won't lie anymore to their faces. But considering how it's gone now, where they basically told another bald face lie to the community's faces in that he doesn't want people to buy into MTX's while also changing the in game economy to more or less serve that or untenable grinding as the ways to play the game legitimately, they're already off on the wrong foot.
No, he isn't, and anyone could have seen going back to about 2005 or so that the series was obviously at it's peak then, and that Kaz's desire to make himself the star of the series, the caretaker of the garden, was beginning to grow. Since then it has been ** ups after ** ups, whether it be the protracted cycle of trying to develop for a powerful, temperamental system in the PS3, the arduous development of GT5 that ended up with a game that was both filled with too much content, and having absolutely nothing that wasn't a few nice car models joined with lazy, uprezzed PS2 models, the lack of desire to pivot the series when Forza was swiping players left and right with good games and giving fans features they actually wanted, GT6 basically being sent to die when it should have been a launch title on the PS4, GT Sport being a wholly reactionary title that alienated fans and absolutely didn't bring them back when they pivoted back cynically to a somewhat 'classic' GT single player suite, and now.

Frankly, more then anything else, I truly believe that the market has passed by GT, and it's certainly not going to have a casual fanbase any more after this debacle, certainly not the kind of casual fanbase who have been buying GT games since 5 as simply rolling tech and graphic demos. More then anything else, people on this forum, who could probably be best described as sim racers, are either happy and satisfied with the games that they are getting now on consoles which do racing so much better then GT has ever done since 4, or are on PC where the options are truly unlimited.

But really, I feel like the real fly in the ointment is what Kunos is going to do with Assetto Corsa 2. AC is without question the modern day GT in terms of cars and tracks that can be offered on the PC side, and it's modularity, and ease of that modularity, makes it easy to recommend to anyone even slightly interested in sim racing games. We know that AC2 is being worked on, but I truly believe that Kunos have a massive opportunity to provide a true revolution in the racing game genre where it has had none in the past two decades or so. Provide easy to work on frameworks for more natural free-roam maps - something the AC modding community is already doing, but could be made easier with the things that Kunos has learned from that community in the close to decade AC has been on the market. But more importantly, offer an easy frame work for a more set in stone career mode slash single player suite - and specifically, the Car-PG structure that GT has leaned on. There's already a mod out there that is trying to build a GT style experience within Assetto Corsa - and even in an alpha state, it surely looks more of a GT game then whatever the hell Polyphony tried to do with GT7. Even if it doesn't have the polish that Polyphony has (which means jack nowadays considering what that polish is eventually going towards) it's being done by one person, and it goes to show that people shouldn't underestimate a resourceful community, especially on the PC side.

If that's the case? Then GT as a franchise is dead in the water right there and then. Moreover, I can very easily tell that Forza and Turn 10 especially are using GT7's failures as a guiding star in how not to create future Forza's, and especially on how not to create a live service game if that's the route they decide to take.

More then anything else, it might be high time for Kaz to get out of the echo chamber he surrounds himself in, and start realizing the competition isn't simply just Forza anymore. It's certainly passed him by long ago, and GT is not the series it once was. If it wants to return to prominence (IF more like) then they need to put in the work in order to make a better game out of GT7, and prove to the community they won't lie anymore to their faces. But considering how it's gone now, where they basically told another bald face lie to the community's faces in that he doesn't want people to buy into MTX's while also changing the in game economy to more or less serve that or untenable grinding as the ways to play the game legitimately, they're already off on the wrong foot.
Bruh I gotta read all that?
He does that. Best to ignore him. Some people act like Kaz insulted their mother or something. They should really get some fresh air.
I'm just messing around, I agree with some of his points lol
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What are elements/features/contens you think, Gran Turismo should have in „future“ or what do you think could be a „future“ Gran Turismo experience?
Do you think Kaz Yamauchi is still the right person to get this in the game, or a „man of the past“, a bit provocative written?
I started with GT3, then I played GT4 quite a bit more.
GT5 came along, and I found that I played that even more.
GT6 took over, and pretty well became the only game I played on a console.

Guess what, with GTS, I almost didn't buy it because up until this point I never got on with playing online.
With GTS, I mainly played it online.

Was expecting great things with GT7. I can see the potential, but there are lots of things that need improving. Nothing fundamentally wrong, that can't be relatively easily fixed though.

So, I'm expecting GT7 to become a really good game. I hope that GT8 will be better, from day 1!

I don't think Kaz can deliver this, nor build the team around him to do so. New ideas, motivation, and abilities are needed in any leadership team, otherwise, things can become stale in vital areas.
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Without Kaz I'm sure GT would turn into another Forza Horizon, and that would not be a good thing.
Tell me where Forza Horizon is in GT, I'll wait.

Some people act like Kaz insulted their mother or something. They should really get some fresh air.
Shall we bring up you breathlessly defending Elon in the Tesla thread even though you have no stakes in the game by your own admission?
Without Kaz I'm sure GT would turn into another Forza Horizon, and that would not be a good thing.
Are you that obsessed with Kaz that you don't think there is one single other person on earth who can push this series forward and make it better? It's Kaz or bust? Only he knows the way?

I know you love PD and everything they do but really?
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I hate to say this, but I think what is happening at PD is the same thing that sooner or later happens to all corporations as they grow larger.

The people that care are being snuffed out by the people that count the money. Once that dynamic starts, the art dies, and the users become numbers. You are no longer the component that matters (to the artists and devs that care) but you are a miniscule fraction of a very large number. Take what they give you, or walk away.

Long ago Kaz truly cared about a great game and the people that played it, the people that made PD and GT a legend: end users and PD staff meant something to him. I am sure now that all that has gotten away from him.

I mean look at the simple fixes that are not going to happen: Single player progression offline. SIMPLE FIX, but it won't happen. Original tracks that have no licensing issues, PD has the source code, and probably the devs that wrote it. They could add those, but wait till you see how slowly they get added.

Even simpler would be adding championships. The tracks are already in the game, the cars are already in the game, all they have to do is create more groups of the components already in place. Same goes for endurance races.

More difficult would be adding a "Stop annoying me, talking head elitist" button, but we can dream, right? Too late to notice that 'hey, why aren't we getting licensed for any new cars?' when they should have noticed five years ago that licensing vehicles was not happening. Someone quit and you couldn't replace him? Who went around to manufacturers to negotiate car models for GT4 and 5? Get that team back. :/

those things and a few more I could mention, and all the things that bother you that aren't going to be fixed, and you know why? Because we purchased the game, and that means "Mission Accomplished" for PD and the bean counters. That is all GT7 is for: To get people to buy it. We bought it, and thats all we count for. Kaz does not seem concerned about us or PD or the game as much as other situations. I don't want to name names, but lets just say it rhymes with Mony and $oney.
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kaz gives off the same vibes that the guy who made death stranding does. he's out here making the next 'strand type' racing game and doing whatever he wants that is a part of his vision and is forgetting it's a video game and we actually care about a gt career, not how the stars align in the sky at night in a race
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I can't say I believe this is the immediate end of Gran Turismo. But it's certainly the beginning of the end if PD can't get their **** together.
The future is uncertain but I hope they stay strong and keep doing the GT style.

There are things that makes me angry like the gift random awards stupidity but if that is the price I have to pay for the sheer excitement of driving in this game so be it.

In all the blind hatred towards the creator of the game it seems the players have forgotten to just enjoy driving cars. Nothing I have tried comes close to the experience in GT7 and I hope we get more of that in the future.
In all the blind hatred towards the creator of the game it seems the players have forgotten to just enjoy driving cars.
I can find enjoyment in driving cars. You know what else I also enjoy? Actual AI that isn't made artificially harder because they're literal miles ahead of you. I also like having the possibility of more content then the preceding game, in a game which was advertised as a return to a mostly single player experience. More then anything else, I'd like my time in playing the game be rewarded by having a sliding scale in terms of rewards for the time I put in, and not simply having to grind for cash that was halved, in order to get even slightly anywhere.

The driving of the cars is more or less fine in GT7. It's everything else in the game that's the problem, and in that regard, why the hell should I continue to play it when it doesn't respect my time, and other games in the genre do?
Forza and Turn 10 especially are using GT7's failures as a guiding star in how not to create future Forza's, and especially on how not to create a live service game if that's the route they decide to take.
This. So much this.

If you had a GT-a-like rival game, you'd be dancing for joy at the disaster that is Gran Turismo 7. It's a complete by-numbers blueprint of how not to do it. So you simply do the opposite and you can't lose.
The future is uncertain but I hope they stay strong and keep doing the GT style.

There are things that makes me angry like the gift random awards stupidity but if that is the price I have to pay for the sheer excitement of driving in this game so be it.

In all the blind hatred towards the creator of the game it seems the players have forgotten to just enjoy driving cars. Nothing I have tried comes close to the experience in GT7 and I hope we get more of that in the future.
They haven't forgotten. It's the fact that the core of the game is still very good that they're so frustrated about the parts that bring it down.

If the entire game was a complete dumpster fire then people would just give up entirely. It's because deep down under all the terrible design choices it's a very good game they're not.

Most people are not directing "Blind hate" at Kaz or PD either. Some are, but most are not.
If you had a GT-a-like rival game, you'd be dancing for joy at the disaster that is Gran Turismo 7. It's a complete by-numbers blueprint of how not to do it. So you simply do the opposite and you can't lose.
Really, this just feels like the knock in the head that Polyphony should have had when they dropped GT5, for as broken and half baked as that game was. Or GT6. Or GT Sport...the realization that the old way, where people simply just fall in line with Kaz's whims and desires because he is the self proclaimed king of the racing game fiefdom was over, long long ago.

Hey, if it means that Kaz has to eat massive amounts of crow and realize that his way of lying to fans, of creating half baked games weighed down by **** design choices, and actively throwing up the middle finger for three straight games in regards to micro-transactions, so be it. It might be the only way the man gets reality into that thick head of his.
Moreover, I can very easily tell that Forza and Turn 10 especially are using GT7's failures as a guiding star in how not to create future Forza's, and especially on how not to create a live service game if that's the route they decide to take.
If we look at Horizon, it's pretty likely Motorsport will be a live service game too. I do have no doubt that Microsoft is pushing live service games because they keep people on Game Pass. However, there's much better ways to handle live service games than what GT7 is doing, and I hope Turn 10 can learn from Gran Turismo as they have always done in the past. I just wish Polyphony would learn from Forza too. They should both learn and grow from each other, as well as the many other racing games out there today.
This. So much this.

If you had a GT-a-like rival game, you'd be dancing for joy at the disaster that is Gran Turismo 7. It's a complete by-numbers blueprint of how not to do it. So you simply do the opposite and you can't lose.
Unfortunately there is more than one way to create a disaster, and Turn 10 already made their own for reference. It was called Forza Motorsport 7.
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Unfortunately there is more than one way to create a disaster, and Turn 10 already made their own for reference. It was called Forza Motorsport 7.
True, but at least they recognized the issues and fixed what they reasonably could. They then mostly used it as a testing ground for the next game's features, like the penalty system and a newer drag racing system.
Gran Turismo 7 had a chance to really bring the series back to past glory, but it missed the mark badly. The fact that Polyphony failed to match GT4's peak all these years later with Sony's near-infinite resources should worry everybody. On the other hand, the sloppy launch of GT7 is an absolute gift for Turn 10/Microsoft. If they can recapture the magic they had in the Xbox 360 era with the new Forza Motorsport game, then GT is going to be in big trouble again. However, I'm most interested in what Kunos will do with Assetto Corsa 2. Their car physics & car modelling with a combination of an excellent career mode and fleshed out multiplayer might create an environment in which there is no appetite for a Gran Turismo game post-2024. We'll have to wait and see what PD's response is to the backlash they deservedly received. They're running out of chances to stay relevant, and the competition is eager to take away market share from them.