The gentlemen driving club (every friday 8pm)Open 

  • Thread starter Pifachu
Canada, where it's cold
Hello everyone and welcome to the gentlemen driving club,

this is a try out and all rules will adapt in the long run

The concept:
Have a cruze around different track with car from 1980 and before,

Every friday, i will ( or another member) open a room around 8 oclock pm eastern time. The room number will be posted here, the room will be an non fixed host and will run until every body leave, the last member to leave ( who will be host) is asked to simply change to name so people wont continue using the room under our club name,

The rules:
The rules are pretty simple,

*drive cleanly (accident can happen but are sometime so easy to avoid)

*Make clean pass, if you catch up on somebody who is slower than you, simply chill out and wait for the good time

*if somebody faster than you is coming behind, the slower car must go to the right side of the road to give space to the faster car, if you are already into a corner you have the right to wait for the next clean spot to apply this,

*Respect others and use logic

My word

Knowing that alot of different car with different power and drivability will be on the same track, i dont ask for a big group cruze, but you can drive in group for more pleasure, a mic is recomended (not required) since its more of a social thing,i was also thinking about playing a bit with the weather option but i still need to experiment, if somebody got good knowledge of the weather option and how to make it enjoyable please tell

i was thinking about doing our first cruze on the nurburgring,

we will set a time and date that accomodate people,

if you have any idea or question please ask, hope to hear from you soon.

Current members:
-serge19(gtp) serge_1919(psn)
-daniel pinho (gtp)

If by anytime you want to leave the club simply ask and no reason will be needed..

this was wrote on a tablet since i dont got computer, if you got any sugestion/complain about the OP please tell, enjoy your drive
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I was thinking about every wednesday but i would like to have 5 or 6 people opinion to know where it better fit in the week, since everyone does not have the same schedule
I updated the first post, we'll do it on friday ( skip this one since its valentine) the first cruise will be on the nurburgring, i was wondering if we would be better to do the cruse in "racing mode" so we would be able to take picture, or any idea ? I will be online tonight doing pratice for snail, but if you want to do a test cruise send me a message on psn, thanks and have a great night
I don t know much about the weather options but could be fun but also fun to race with time the ring we could start during day and cruze into the night...a slow time progression makes for very nice views as well
Had nice testing with @terk_logan @serge19 and @kprawny1 tonight, had to leave early cause my valentine was complaining, i dont know if the room continued after, but the part i was in was good fun, cant wait till friday for the first event
For now I'm planing to go with my new acquisition, a Mercedes 300 SL '54 (spec). The car is awesome.
I have some oldies and few muscle cars too.
i would like to know if i could join, my psn is ymcmb501
and pifachu my favorite is circuit de la sarthe 2009 no chicane
Hi, tonight the cruse will be at matherhorn, i sugest you bring a couple of different car, i will open the room around 7:15 est and for myself will stay until 9, you are still free to continue after if you want,
Hi, tonight the cruse will be at matherhorn, i sugest you bring a couple of different car, i will open the room around 7:15 est and for myself will stay until 9, you are still free to continue after if you want,
can it be at la sarthe pleaseee!!!!!!!!
I sugest you some patience and your track will have his turn, like most of the track in the game, this club and ideas is still and testing and need to try some different stuff, tonight we will be running matherhorn and i will seriously consider lasarte for next week,

that said, i aint forcing nobody to join me if they dont feel like it
I am calm, sorry if i looked otherwise, i am about to open the room, i dont know how much we will be tonight but last week was fun, hooe to see you there