"The Gift"

  • Thread starter Ghost C
I'm watching a documentary called "The Gift", which is about homosexual men who purposely get infected with HIV, or if they have it - Purposely give it to others. They throw "sex parties" where nobody uses condoms because they all want to get infected/infect others.

There are two men who purposely infected themselves who speak, one who likes being infected, and one who found out just how bad of an idea it is, and a group of men who were infected, but not purposely, talking about the sheer stupidity of people who are doing this.

I know we have several homosexual members on GTP, and I want to know what you think of this?

Please tell me I'm not the only person who thinks this concept is the dumbest idea ever.
*raises hand*

I second that. Why does this sound familiar? I think I saw a Lifetime film about a guy doing this to some girl...

How could you derive pleasure from being infected? WTF?
Heterosexual or homosexual, it's very sick. People who would do this should be either put away for life, or get it cut-off.
I´ve heard of some partys like these before, but it wasn´t about gays I think. They would put a few persons infected with HIV in the party, and the rush is that you don´t know if the person that you´re having sex with is infected of not.

Sick idea....
You've got to have some serious mental porblems to want to go to a party of this sort. I can see how they might get heightened sexual pleasure from the whole fear aspect, but no sane person would put themselves at risk of HIV just for fun. Very, very bizarre.
Heterosexual or homosexual, it's very sick. People who would do this should be either put away for life, or get it cut-off.

What good would prison do? They'd just have access to more men to infect through rape. If it is proven that they are doing this on purpose, they should be executed. Or we should create an HIV prison, where all infected felons can go without endangering the rest of the population.
I think it's disgusting, but I don't see what it has to do with being homosexual. I've heard stories - urban legends? who knows - about gangs who keep HIV-positive women and the members have to sleep with them as a rite of inititation.
As a nurse, who has taken car of people with end stage AIDS, I'd like to go on record as saying that this is abut the sickest, stupidest idea I have ever heard.

Watch one person die with all the secondary infections that the body succumbs to because the immune system has been completley destroyed, and you wouldn't want to be in the same solar system as any HIV germ.

It is a completely horrible way to die.
First, after the HIV becomes full-blown AIDS, the victim starts to get all kinds of little nosocomial infections. Pnuemonia, colds, flu, urinary tract, gastric tract, etc.
The first guy I took care of was down to about 130lb fron nearly 200lb because he had awful diarrhea, which he was lying in, because he didn't have the strength to swing his legs over the side of the bed to sit on a bedside commode.

Anybody who wants to risk that kind of death for a sexual thrill is just ****ed up in the head.
Anyone who is knowingly infectd and wants to infect others, is just a sick bas****.
The thing is that AIDS it´s not the monster it used to be anymore. With the current medicine cocktails available, you probably won´t die from HIV. I think that´s what makes people try stupid things like these.
The thing is that AIDS it´s not the monster it used to be anymore. With the current medicine cocktails available, you probably won´t die from HIV. I think that´s what makes people try stupid things like these.

That is true up to a point. Howver, a lot of the drugs used to treat HIV are incredibly expensive, and are not covered by insurance.

But to broaden the picture a bit, HIV can hang on for years, in some people, before becoming AIDS . But do you really want that hanging over your head? Do you really want to risk giving it to someone who's immune system isn't as robust as yours? They may convert and die rather quickly.
Would you want to have taken one of the best experiences in life (sex) and turned it into a death sentence?

AIDS is every bit the monster it came here as. It is an insidious killer that robs you of your immune system, and allows every opportunistic infection to ravage your body. Even if HIV can be "controlled" to some extent, it can't be cured. It can only be prevented.
If it could be cured, we wouldn't be subject to all these public service messages encouraging us to be tested for HIV. It is a horrible disease, and a horrible way to die.

Seing someone die of an opportunistic infection, secondary to infection of the AIDS virus, is not something you soon forget. Nor is it something you ever want to see again, after the first time.

Here endeth the rant (boy! I haven't used that in a while)
As a nurse, who has taken car of people with end stage AIDS, I'd like to go on record as saying that this is abut the sickest, stupidest idea I have ever heard.

Watch one person die with all the secondary infections that the body succumbs to because the immune system has been completley destroyed, and you wouldn't want to be in the same solar system as any HIV germ.

It is a completely horrible way to die.
First, after the HIV becomes full-blown AIDS, the victim starts to get all kinds of little nosocomial infections. Pnuemonia, colds, flu, urinary tract, gastric tract, etc.
The first guy I took care of was down to about 130lb fron nearly 200lb because he had awful diarrhea, which he was lying in, because he didn't have the strength to swing his legs over the side of the bed to sit on a bedside commode.

Anybody who wants to risk that kind of death for a sexual thrill is just ****ed up in the head.
Anyone who is knowingly infectd and wants to infect others, is just a sick bas****.

I have a list, in my head, of a whole HOST of OI cancers - from the relatively unpleasant (Kaposi's Sarcoma) to the outright pukatronic (Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma).

If you want to die from virus-related cancer disorders, that's your problem. Cancers are almost always excruciatingly painful, until they give you diamorphine which fills your lungs up with fluid, so you drown in your sleep, or chemotherapy which is staggeringly painful, makes your hair fall out and makes you impotant. IF it works.
I'd like to say "At least we're thinning the stupid people...", but the truth is, these morons are then going home from this party to sleep with innocent, unaware people who don't know about this.

Let this whole thing stand as a lesson, people. Refuse sex unless you AND your partner have been tested.
They want HIV? Thats a bit weird - I don't think I've ever talked to anyone in my entire life who would want to contract STD's
Anderton Prime
What good would prison do? They'd just have access to more men to infect through rape. If it is proven that they are doing this on purpose, they should be executed. Or we should create an HIV prison, where all infected felons can go without endangering the rest of the population.

You're right. I think the main thing is to isolate these people from the rest of the population, at all cost.
At all cost? Once again, isn't this a bit rash? Like, the fact people WANT to get AID/HIV, and the fact that a6m5 said that they should be isolated at all costs? They could be perfectly fine people and be safe about it and let everyone know and they're supposed to be...what? Quarantined?
At all cost? Once again, isn't this a bit rash? Like, the fact people WANT to get AID/HIV, and the fact that a6m5 said that they should be isolated at all costs? They could be perfectly fine people and be safe about it and let everyone know and they're supposed to be...what? Quarantined?

You should watch the documentary, your whole outlook would change.


For anyone interested, the website is here, you can order the video from there.
At all cost? Once again, isn't this a bit rash? Like, the fact people WANT to get AID/HIV, and the fact that a6m5 said that they should be isolated at all costs? They could be perfectly fine people and be safe about it and let everyone know and they're supposed to be...what? Quarantined?
AIDS are very serious disease. If you have HIV/AIDS,and are spreading it on purpose, that person deserved to get locked-up/isolated IMO. Also, I don't think "perfectly fine people" will spread AIDS/HIV just for fun 'n' games.
I'm talking about the people who don't condone it.
Sorry about that. If you thought I was talking about isolating everybody with AIDS, no, that's not what I meant. :scared:

I was talking about the people who spread AIDS on purpose.
being one of the members adressed in the first post, i can just say i find that absolutely disgusting.

i have already heard of it and read the story behing this documentary and as far as i understood it, it is not so much about the extra sexual pleasure or the thrill, but they are doing it because they just don't want to care about it anymore. as long as they don't have it they are uncertain, when they have it they can just do what they want and give a **** about it. that is off course not only one of the dumbest things you can do but it is also extremely ignorant, because they put even more in danger.

someone spreading HIV with knowing or by don't caring about it should be treated like murder or manslaughter in my opinion.
This 'The Gift' thing seems to me to be the sickest thing ever.

It is just so wrong, that some limp-wristed-boy-loving-nance goes round giving people HIV ON PURPOSE!

I have nothing against homosexuals, but this is a step down in humanity. HIV isn't a laughing matter, many people die of it all the time, and if some idiots go around giving it to people on purpose, many more most certainly will...
Or.... use a condom! 💡 :P

That is 98% effective. Which sounds like a lot unless you happen to be in the other 2%.

Get tested. Have your lover get tested. Because at the heart of it, you are having sex with every person your lover has.
(What a "yummy" thought)

Gives a whole new meaning to "Sloppy seconds".

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