The great Metal Gear Solid series could get its first movie!!

  • Thread starter Pebb
Southampton, UK
The great Metal Gear Solid series could get its first movie read this.


MGS godfather suggests he's ready to give celluloid Snake the green light

If you've had the questionable fortune to sit through endless Metal Gear Solid cutscenes one thing's for certain: you'll know how much Hideo Kojima likes his movies.
The father of MGS has made no secret of his love for cheesy Hollywood action movies and how they have influenced the series. Now it seems that his creation may be set to do the same thing in the other direction - Hollywood producers are apparently desperate to pick up the rights to a Metal Gear movie and Kojima, who has thus far held onto the license tightly, could be ready to sign them over.

Speaking to Hollywood bible Variety, Kojima said, "Things one can express in a game are different of those in a movie. It would have to be a very different script, almost a different story."

While it's certainly not a confirmation that an MGS movie is anywhere near the can, the statement does indicate that Kojima has given much thought to the possibility of a big screen version of Snake's adventures.

The series already has a rich Hollywood heritage, with Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, which launched in the US on November 17, featuring the voice talents of actor and scriptwriter David Hayter and music from composer Harry Gregson-Williams.

Interestingly, Kojima also discussed the differences between Japanese and western gamers. "In Japan, players are more passive," he said. "They like to have options served to them, like in a movie. In the west, players want to be in control and like to make decisions."
Though I wouldn't mind seeing Hollywood's attempt at creating a Metal Gear (as in the weapon itself) a movie like this should be, in fact, CG. Like "Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within" was done.

The animation quality is more than respectable, and you could pretty much keep the voice actors, which is IMO fundamental to keep consistency. All I know is that I'm way too accustomed to David Hayter's voice, and the odds of another actor doing an exact replica of Snake's raspy tone really aren't that good. Cam Clarke (or James Flinders) also does a very unique Liquid.

I'm just not sure if I'd want to watch such a movie if producers decided to go with live action. I mean, I'd probably want to, but I wouldn't expect a great deal from it other than a decent plot.

That said, where's this information from?
yeah, it should be animated.

if not, i will play big boss or solidus...some big mofo
Animated, hands down. It would ruin the authentisity of the movie if Hayter was absent. The Colonel and Otacon (if he's used in the film) would have to be voiced by their respective actors aswell.
this is going to rock if this is true. I have always thought to myself when playing metal gear solid games that they would make way better movies than 007. the story lines are way cooler and anake is not a womenizing man whore. but there would have to be a trilage like star wars or lord of the rings, with this movie just to fit one games story line into 2 hours it would take at least 2 movies and that would be cutting a fair amount out of it
I think a fitting story line for the first movie (assuming there is a second) would be the story of Shadow Moses island from the first PS 1 game. Where it kind off started the whole MG saga.
I very much agree with Sleek Stratos and the rest of you with the CG Animation Movie. It's got to be the only way for an MGS movie. Live actors won't do it any justice. Another plus side to it would be the ease of getting the Japanese version with the Japanese actors.

It should also be realeased in Japan first with an always-changing release date, like the games. That would be the best!!!

(Just kidding about the last part. I'd want to see it first.)
i think hugh jackman would make a good snake. but if its animated i wouldnt watch it. its like final fantasy. it was too fake. i hated it.
:sly: Maybe it's just me, but maybe it's about time that games cut down on the cinematics and try harder to incorperate a lot more of the story in the gameplay itself. I'm sorry, but I've had enough of playing so many games where their sweetest moments were in the long, stretched-out cinemas and not the gameplay (which is where they should be). If games would make a more concious effort to tie their stories into the gameplay a lot better than they do now, they would more than likely finally be recognized by artistic naysayers as forms of art. Also, if the video game industry ever wants to be THE top dog entertainment industry, it's gonna hafta start making a more concious effort at tying emotional moments through the gameplay and letting the gameplay move the story along, not long drawn-out cutscenes. Yes cutscenes still serve their purpose, but that purpose isn't helping the video game industry get any ARTISTIC credibility from other entertainment industries (look no further than the 2004 Spike TV Video Game Awards for proof of this), and if games want to continue their trek forward, they'll need to start employing some of these same tactics. I mean, just think 'bout it. We all know that video games are pretty much the best/ most flexible entertainment media (yes movies, music, tv, and such are very good and cool. But, they lack the growth/adaptation/interactivity of games), and I think, IMHO, that it's about time that games begin their true dominance. Viva la video game revolution!!!!! :sly: