The great UK disability scandal / travesty

  • Thread starter Highlandor
United Kingdom
Retired to a padded cell
Microsoft sucks..
Currently in the UK there is reform of the Benefits system (welfare) for people claiming illness benefits (Incapacity benefit - both long and short term). The private company responsible for ensuring that the correct people get the benefits is called ATOS. Each claiment of incapacity benefit has to attend a medical examination by ATOS.

This is where the nightmare begins....

“I was forced to crawl across the floor in tears of pain and humiliation.”

ATOS examiners took a BLIND patient out of an assessment and then outside the building, then they walked away (from the blind person), "hid" and watched to see what the blind person did - just to check if they really were blind..

The ATOS "assessment" lasts 20 minutes, they DO NOT consult ANY specialist that has previously treated a patient. Your GP will refer you to a specialist because your GP does not have the specific knowledge to make a decision - ATOS don't. In 20 minutes, an ATOS examiner (who is NOT a specialist in anything) can overturn a decision a specialist (in the patient's illness) has previously taken months or years of examination to come to.

This procedure regularly and systematically manipulates the infomation being recorded about a patient to make them "fit for work". Many genuinely disabled patients who have won their appeal have done so because the infomation from their assessment was so badly manipulated, once the truth was known their benefits were re-instated.

ATOS are on a bonus scheme - the more people they get off long term disability, the more profit they make.

The current Chief Medical Officer of Atos, (Mike O'Donnel), was the Chief Medical Officer of Unum Insurance in the US when it got prosecuted and fined millions of $'s for running "disability denial factories", when the California Department of Insurance Commissioner, John Garamendi, stated that, “Unum Provident is an outlaw company. It is a company that has operated in an illegal fashion for years”.

I was personally told by the DWP (department of work and pensions) about these examinations "........65% of people are AUTOMATICALLY failed............". As soon as you are failed, your benefits are AUTOMATICALLY STOPPED, you can appeal, but this can take between 3-9 months.

Numerous (genuinely disabled) people have already committed suicide or have lost the will to live after being told their benefits have been stopped.

I worked for 20 years with an undiagnosed disabilty, it took my local health trust 17 years to diagnose my disability. I was with my specialist for 3 1/2 years, I've been waiting 15 months for my next treatment with no idea when that appointment will be.

In 20 minutes, ATOS has just taken my life away... There's thousands more this is happening to aswell.

How ironic that if the state health system wasn't such a shambles in the first place, I wouldn't have ended up in the position to be on long term disability.

This is just so worng....

To anyone that cares, please support those who are trying to stop this travesty. There are websites dedicated to those who have been affected by this, demonstrations taking place all over the country... or just simply looking at posts on Youtube and giving "likes".

Just talking about this too friends and families - anything that will help bring awaresness to this scandolous and tragic situation.

Thank you..

I think I would be more inclined to read the Daily Sport for current affairs.

This article should be read after: 'Seven medals but now the Tories want my benefits'

I think I would be more inclined to read the Daily Sport for current affairs.

Judging by your heartless response and quick judgement, I guess the Daily Sport is about all your single braincell can handle.

This topic has been covered by the BBC, ITV and national newspapers such as "The Independant", aswell as a host of local press.
So cut and paste an article from one of those then. Not one that is set up to primarily win votes.

Single braincell, thanks.
Judging by your heartless response and quick judgement, I guess the Daily Sport is about all your single braincell can handle.

I would advise you to stay clear of this style of posting from now on.
Happened to my sister, but not quite on such a scale. She has iron deficiencies, is anemic and has to sleep a lot more than the average person, the doctor/specialists told her that she will never be able to work again, and then these guys took one look at her and decided she was fit to work and didn't need benefits.

It happens a lot, the government is trying really hard to get people off of disibility benefits.
Whilst I'm sure there are horror stories and hardships, there are also plenty of people who basically fake it to avoid having to work. It's a tough line for the government to define.
Whilst I'm sure there are horror stories and hardships, there are also plenty of people who basically fake it to avoid having to work. It's a tough line for the government to define.

Exactly - people who are blagging will probably not have any kind of "proof" of illness, they're just turning up to the doctors and claiming they're "ill" in some way. Whereas people who are genuinely ill or have some kind of disability will usually have evidence from a specialist / consultant in their area of illness.

Blagging infront of a GP is different from seeing a specialist who will run specific tests. Blaggers couldn't fake X-rays, MRI scans, key hole surgery evidence, thyroid levels, blood tests etc etc etc, same with tests for some psychological illnesses and disabilities.

The tests I went through lasted weeks, each area of the brain was tested individually with multiple tests - this gave an average for each area of the brain, as well as results the whole brain.

I weren't told what area of the brain was being tested, I didn't have a clue how the test results were being affected by my answers / actions, the average "blagger" wouldn't have a hope of faking results in this situaiton.

Which is why it's so wrong that these specalists are not being consulted, this would be a good starting point to see who's potentially blagging and who is actually genuine.

I hate blaggers as much as anyone, I kept working for 20 years despite my problems, it was only when my medication was discontinued (with no warning or consultation) and no replacement offered that it caused me to go "off the rails" and I ended up on long term benefit.

The fact that this assessment makes no effort at all to seperate people with genuine illnesses / disabilities from people blagging, and one of influential people at this company responsible for the assesment has already been convicted of deliberately denying genuinely illl people (albiet in America) is what makes this just so scandulous.
Exactly - people who are blagging will probably not have any kind of "proof" of illness, they're just turning up to the doctors and claiming they're "ill" in some way. Whereas people who are genuinely ill or have some kind of disability will usually have evidence from a specialist / consultant in their area of illness.

Blagging infront of a GP is different from seeing a specialist who will run specific tests. Blaggers couldn't fake X-rays, MRI scans, key hole surgery evidence, thyroid levels, blood tests etc etc etc, same with tests for some psychological illnesses and disabilities.

Bear in mind at this point that I don't claim anything from anyone.

I have a long-standing issue with one of my knees. It is, from time to time, excruciating to the point of having to take tramadol (which I hate doing, because it harms my ability to think) but, just as often, normal. The issue manifests during loading, but not during unloading - so I can run and even sprint with no problems whatsoever, but I find it difficult to walk normally and slowing down from running is... horrible, so I tend not to run. I can walk upstairs fine, but downstairs is bad.

There's not a single scan that's provided any evidence for the problem. An MRI I had showed effectively normal (defined, by a specialist, as "there's no such thing as a 'normal' MRI, but if there were it'd be this") structures and no damage.

However, a forty minute consult with a musculoskeletal specialist gave a diagnosis of the problem consistent with all symptoms - including some that you wouldn't necessarily think were related (try "dental analgesia" - that was a belter). I've had no blood tests (none exist) and no secondary scans (none would be relevant) but I have a reason for my restricted movement.

So I effectively have an unproven "disability" (I would actually be eligible to claim, but I don't) and such tests as I've had reveal no evidence of it. The diagnosis is entirely based on a conversation between a consultant MSK specialist and a patient with fair medical knowledge (he asked if I had a medical background during the consult [as did a chronic pain specialist and then a GP a few weeks later when talking about liver enzymes]) who could easily have faked the answers and symptoms (for the most part - two of them would be tricky).

Now it's not an issue for me because I don't claim anything for it and it generally doesn't get in the way of my existence - sure it hurts from time to time, but so what, I'm old and that's what happens. But it's a genuine problem with no physical evidence and it's just the opinion of a specialist consultant that it exists - and I could easily have manipulated that opinion. If I did claim disability allowance for it, I'd have the damnedest time "proving" it beyond "my consultant says".

Not all disabilities (defined as "limitation of normal ability") are created equally.
Whilst I'm sure there are horror stories and hardships, there are also plenty of people who basically fake it to avoid having to work. It's a tough line for the government to define.

In a system that is designed to cater for everyone who need benefit there will always be fakers. It has to be excepted that this will happen, but this doesn't mean that we should'nt bother to weed out the fakers as and when they are caught. If tight controls are put in place at entry to stop faking then many who are entitled to it will fall in the same net as the fakers. This is what's happening now, and for me this is unacceptable.

I would much rather have a million fakers than to see one single person who is entitled to benefits not get it, like this poor woman for example;

A cancer sufferer, who had her benefits cut by government officials who said she was fit to work, has died.

Cecilia Burns, 51, from Strabane, County Tyrone, had started a campaign in February to have the decision overturned.

Ms Burns had her benefits cut after she was assessed by government contractor Atos Healthcare.

She had her benefits reinstated just a few weeks ago but died on Monday.

I suppose many would say that this woman, no mater how sad, is the result of collateral damge that is acceptable in the fight against fakers/cheats. I say it's bloody disgusting.
So many disabilities that aren't visible and can't be tested.
If you can perform tasks like any other person, but are in extreme pain while doing so, is this classed as a disability by Atos or not?
In severe cases this pain can be life threatening, as in suicide.
And it's still very hard to pinpoint the source of 'pain', as it can just be a nerve sending wrong signals, or signals getting effected on their way to the brain. Or even in the brain itself.

It is very hard to say someone is disabled or not, and the specialists that looked in the problem should have the final say in my opinion.

And I agree with Daan that it's better to have a bunch of bad apples in the system than throwing out a whole lot, including good apples, just to be sure.
In a system that is designed to cater for everyone who need benefit there will always be fakers. It has to be excepted that this will happen, but this doesn't mean that we should'nt bother to weed out the fakers as and when they are caught. If tight controls are put in place at entry to stop faking then many who are entitled to it will fall in the same net as the fakers. This is what's happening now, and for me this is unacceptable.

I would much rather have a million fakers than to see one single person who is entitled to benefits not get it, like this poor woman for example;

I suppose many would say that this woman, no mater how sad, is the result of collateral damge that is acceptable in the fight against fakers/cheats. I say it's bloody disgusting.

Call it bloody disgusting if you will but I disagree. It's easy to say that but far more many people will suffer as a result of letting vast numbers of people claim illegibly. Not that I agree with the way ATOS is doing this though.
My father had cancer and still did a full time job, even when his doctors told him to stay at home after having a Kidney out, he refused to not work. A friend of my mums suffered breast cancer and while she was on chemotherapy and very ill still worked a full shift, even taking small breaks to pop painkillers, and when dealing with people she was still pleasant and helpful.

People get a small thing wrong with them and call in sick or claim they can't work, this is rubbish. There are jobs people can do, I work using computers all day and we have people with disabilities from top to toe, and one guy who is registered blind but yet he puts a full shift in and does a good job.

Now if an outsourced company is being sadistic and cruel then I agree they need to be replaced, but if an outsourced company tell someone they can work, I'm sure there is a job they can do. If they want to do it is another matter.
My father had cancer and still did a full time job, even when his doctors told him to stay at home after having a Kidney out, he refused to not work. A friend of my mums suffered breast cancer and while she was on chemotherapy and very ill still worked a full shift, even taking small breaks to pop painkillers, and when dealing with people she was still pleasant and helpful.

People get a small thing wrong with them and call in sick or claim they can't work, this is rubbish. There are jobs people can do, I work using computers all day and we have people with disabilities from top to toe, and one guy who is registered blind but yet he puts a full shift in and does a good job.

Now if an outsourced company is being sadistic and cruel then I agree they need to be replaced, but if an outsourced company tell someone they can work, I'm sure there is a job they can do. If they want to do it is another matter.

Horses for courses.
I deal with many applicants on disability living allowance. They claim housing benefit, incapacity benefit, council tax benefit and various other forms of "perks".

I have many disabled tenants and they regularly come in to pay their rent. They talk about the holidays they've had, the places they've been. Most of them walk down to my office which is at least 20 mins away. I would say that most of them have the ability to work at least a six hour day with ease.

Many of them could sit at a desk and do something. Whether that's answering a phone, typing, folding and stapling or just generally helping out.

We have had some alcoholics and drug addicts who have been in receipt of disability living allowance. The only reason they cannot function normally is because of the state they get themselves into.

We also have lots of tenants who have various serious illnesses due to the fact that they have been heavy smokers. Many of them claim disability living allowance as they are unable to walk 10 feet without puffing and having to sit down. Many of them still chain smoke.

In my opinion their are far too many people on benefits and the amount paid is far too generous. I think that before benefits are handed out (especially in the case of housing benefit) there should be more responsbility on close family to help out (especially if they have an extra room in the house where someone could stay).

The attitude now seems to be that if you're unemployed or can't work, you're entitled to have the government pay for it on your behalf. This is completely insane and has led to a benefits system that is crippling the economy.

Bearing in mind that all the UK income tax collected doesn't even cover the benefits bill is absurd.

Edit - I should also mention an interesting case we had a few years ago. We had a severaly disabled tenant who needed 24 hour care. When we looked into the income of the tenant we found that he had an income of over £10,000 per month (paid by the government) to cover the 24 hour care that was needed. However - when we dug deeper, we found that his outgoings (for 24hr care, food, rent, utlities etc) only came to around £6,000 per month. The tenant was essentially pocketing £4000 a month and this was shown on his bank statements with savings of over £50,000.
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