The GT7 Livery Editor Competition #47: Cartificial Intelligence (Open)

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The Theme LEC #47: Cartificial Intelligence
Set by: @syntex123

Get AI to design a livery - then replicate it. Since it churns out weird decals, the sponsor decals can be used freely. Only the main design needs to stay the same.

Cars: Any

Body parts/Widebody: Any

Liveries: Any style

Unique restrictions: None

Bonus picture requirements: No unique requirements

User made/showcase decals: Allowed

General Rules

  • You are only allowed to enter one livery, you must have made it yourself, and it must not have been entered in a GTS/GT7 LEC before.
  • Chat about the theme is encouraged, but you must follow the entry submission rules below, and please avoid posting other liveries where ever possible.
  • If judgements are needed regarding the suitability of the entry, these will be at the discretion of the member that selected the theme.
  • Standardised entry photos and entry layouts provide a level playing field and the guidelines must be respected.
  • Do not edit your photos.
  • You may be asked to share your livery if shenanigans are suspected.
  • Discussion about the LEC format in general should be taken to this thread: Future of Livery Editor Competitions
  • Blatant disregard for either the rules, or the spirit of the competition may result in your entry being disregarded.
  • The winner gets to nominate the next the theme from the Theme suggestions list, or can nominate a special theme related to a real world event.

Submission Rules
  • Entries should be made in their own post, your entry should contain the elements listed here, no more, no less
  • 1) The opening line should read FINAL ENTRY, and make it Red to help us find them for the poll. ([B][COLOR=rgb(255, 0, 0)]FINAL ENTRY[/COLOR][/B])
  • 2) Two main pictures (Mandatory Pictures), these may not exceed 640 pixels in either direction, but ideally should link to a larger version. See Image Posting below.
  • 3) In spoiler tags ([SPOILER] ... [/SPOILER]) you may include two further Bonus Pictures. These also may not exceed 640 pixels in either direction, and can ideally can link to larger versions.
  • 4) The content of Bonus Pictures might have been specified in the theme, if they have, you must respect the requirements stated - otherwise they can be Scapes, race photos or screencaps from within the livery editor.
  • Nothing else is needed. Explaining your entry is encouraged, but please do so in a second post - this isn't regarded as double-posting by the moderators. Including anything else in your submission post only makes things take longer.

Mandatory Picture Settings
  • Mandatory pictures use pre-defined Scapes.
  • One of your two mandatory pictures must be a front quarter view, the other must be a rear quarter view.
  • Your two mandatory pictures must use either of the following locations (it doesn't matter which location you use for which view), "Pit Lane / Oita - Japan" or "Aomori Museum of Art / Aomori - Japan"
  • How to set up the scene:

Focal Length: 60 - 85mm
Aperture: f5.6 - f16
Shutter Speed: 1/60 Second
Exposure Correction: +0.0 to +1.0 (screen dependent)

NOTE: if you have previously entered, just go to Scapes > My Library > click your previous entry > Open Scapes > change car to the new entry, refocus and snap a new photo. No need to reposition the camera/car unless its proportions are wildly different.

Image Posting
  • Images must be no bigger than 640 pixels wide or tall, and click through to higher resolution versions.
  • Images should be hosted ideally on GTP, via the Media section. Images hosted by Flickr or similar will also be accepted. Go here for advice on how to do this.
  • Do NOT use the 'Attach Files' function below the reply box when submitting your options.
  • Again, do NOT edit your images. They must be as they were when taken in Scapes/Photomode.

Deadline, on or by: Sunday, 2nd April

Good luck everyone!
This will be fun :D
Syntex suggested it as a technique for coming up with ideas when inspiration is otherwise lacking.

I've used an Ai logo generator to create fake imaginary sponsor logos before, and I've even dabbled in get Ai to write SVG, but I've never used it for coming up with an idea in the first place before.

I haven't made anything for the other LEC yet, and what I've thought about for this is looking like being somewhat tricky.

... Haven't made anything for the other LEC yet.

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