The Highway Girl: Page 9 - The New Reina

Manila, PH
Hello guys! Thanks to your continuous reading, I have the inspiration to do another story. This time though, it's all about Takuma Kanonji (since he really is my favorite character) and his search for love life.

Enjoy reading!


Takuma Gaiden

Page 1 - A Helpful Hand

Hello, my name is Takuma Kanonji. It would probably take a lifetime to tell you my entire life story; but I am willing to share you one of my most meaningful experiences in my life...

...when I found the meaning of love.

It all began in a hot summer June in the Autumn Ring located at Saitama. Kinda ironic that the track is named for Saitama's beautiful autumn leaves and today is the summer season.

I was watching my adopted son, Ben, doing a Karting race. He is actually pitted against teenagers and even adults... and he's only 5.

Sigh.... it's been a year since my team won the prestigious Nurburging 24 Hour race. I never thought that this would happen, and it's all thanks to my twin named Takanori Kanonji. He will always be my little cupcake... Oh great, I'm hungry, and the race is not yet over.


It's the final lap, and little Ben is still climbing up the ranks. He is not the one who gives up easily. I am simply instilling Otoosan's principles to my beloved son. Kinda odd that my son and Otoosan share the same name.... and traits.


You can do it, little Ben. Show no mercy!


And finally, he takes the lead! Now don't screw it up...


The checkered flag is waved, and I am so happy to see that little Ben won his first major karting race. I am so proud of him...

He climbed up the podium to get his gold medal, and his opponents simply could not believe that a 5-year old kid can beat them. Well, I put him through intense training, that's why.

Ben: "I won, Daddy! I beat those nincompoops!"

Takuma: "I am so proud of you, Ben! I'll treat you for lunch, where do you want to eat?"

And so, we leave the track with our smiling faces.


Meanwhile, a purple Nissan Fairlady Z Twin Turbo (Z32) cruises along the mountain pass, heading to Tokyo.





However, it pulls over as if there's a problem. Then a woman comes out of the car and opens up the hood. Smoke comes out the moment she opens it.

It just so happens that Takuma and Ben are heading back to Tokyo passing by the same road.


Ben: "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!"

Takuma: "Hey, when you grow up, you'll be doing this more often!"


Also as a treat, I am just drifting though the perilous mountain road with my Lotus Evora. I just love the Evora's handling, it's as precise as an Elise, but still compliant on the road.

Ben: "Promise me to teach that, okay?"

Takuma: "I promise..."


Ben: "When I learn that, I'll make you puke!"

Takuma: "Just try!"


Suddenly, I saw a purple Z32 with its hood open. Being a helpful citizen, I pulled over, and then a very alluring woman just came out of the car. Man, she is really hot... with a long shiny black hair and a youthful face. She then slightly unzips her shirt to cool herself down, and.... what I can say is that I saw melons.

Takuma: "What seems to be the problem, miss?"

Woman: "The engine overheated. And what's worse, my phone's battery died, so I can't call for a tow truck."

Takuma: "I see. You have your toolbox with you? Oh, what's your name, by the way?"

Woman: "I am Kokoro Miyamoto. And you are?"

Takuma: "Takuma Kanonji. Nice to meet you."

Kokoro: "It's really great to meet you in person. Oh yes, I have my toolbox in the car. I'll get it."

I went in front of the Z32 and took off my shirt and wrap it on my right hand so that it won't get burned. It really is hot. It seems that her Z could use a mechanic's touch. When she handed over the toolbox, her face suddenly blushed; probably because she saw my lean and muscular figure. Well, I have been working out lately, you know?

Kokoro: "Ahahahaha.... I guess you could fix it."

Takuma: "The hose broke down, and just a first aid would do. You need to bring this to the shop. Don't worry, I'll call up a mechanic who I am close to.

I called up Kaido and asked him to send over his tow truck on my location. It would arrive an hour or so. After doing some work, I put my shirt back on and leave the hood open, to let air in.

Kokoro: "Thank you very much!"

And her voice.... I think I hit the jackpot.

Takuma: "Would it be okay to wait for an hour? The tow truck is on its way."

Kokoro: "It's okay. I really appreciate your help!"

Takuma: "Well, I'll stay here until it arrives."

Actually, my stomach is really growling... But my heart beats faster. I am wondering what is this feeling...

End of Page 1
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Page 2 - Superleggera

Damn... I could not forget the day I first met Kokoro. She is smoking hot, just like her Z32, hehehehehe.... Seriously, I found a perfect catch.

Well, I am at Kaido's shop helping Kaido fix her Z32. I called her up to inform that her Z is okay.


Kokoro: "Really!? That's really fast!"

Takuma: "That's Kaido for you. He can work on any car even with his eyes closed."


Kokoro: "Hey, how much shall I pay? I am ready."

Takuma: "No need. I have taken care of it."

Kokoro: "Is it okay for you? I think that's too much of me..."

Takuma: "No worries! I do whatever I can to help. Have a nice day!"

Kokoro: "Thank you very much, Takuma-san! I am really glad that I met you!"

Hearing that, my heart beats faster again. Damn... I don't know what to do next! How can I get her?"

Then she gets another call, this time from her friend named Juri Takeuchi who is drifting her Nissan Fairlady Z (Z34) in a circuit in the outskirts of Tokyo.



Juri: "YOU WHAT!?"

Kokoro: "Hahahahaha.... I just met him by chance. My Z32 broke down and he pulled over to help me out. I can get it by tomorrow, he said."

Juri: "Oh shoot, I spun out!"




Kokoro: "Oh you, Juri! Well, he's a handsome guy and he actually took off his shirt since the engine parts are really hot. He has.... abs. Oh, he also treated me for lunch with his adopted son."

Juri: "YOU LUCKY B:censored:CH! Hmmmm.... about I intend to heat up my Z on the middle of the road? Haha! Well, I hope your Z32 will be fixed in no time. Have a nice day! Take care!"


Kokoro: "Take care too! Pull up a nice big drift for me, okay?"


11:00 PM, Route 7...






The Z33 clocks in at speeds exceeding 300 KM/H.

End of Page 2
Page 3 - The Z of Mt. Aso

There, the next day, Kokoro arrives at Kaido's garage. I am wiping her Z32 clean before I could give it to her. When she approaches me, my heart beats faster again as I stare her tank top exposing some of her cleavage. She has a basket with her.

Kokoro: "Good day, Takuma-san! As a sign of thanks, take this basket."

I took it, and when I opened it, it has an assortment of maki and sushi rolls. And she actually also made some California Maki, which is a foreign concept and is unknown to everyone in Japan. I took one of the rolls and ate it. The ingredients are really fresh, and the flavors play on my tongue.

Takuma: "Tastes good. You make good sushi and maki. But you should not trouble yourself giving this to me."

Kokoro: "That's a sign of my thanks. And also, since you are popular in YouTube as well, I am glad to hear that you like what I made."

Takuma: "Keeping the ingredients fresh is the hard part in making these."

Kokoro: "I see. Thanks for the tip. Is my Z32 okay?"

Takuma: "Kaido replaced the hose with a more durable one. And he also replaced the air filter. Oh, the turbo boost runs fine. She is now locked and loaded."

Kokoro: "Thank you very much! But are you sure you will take care of the expenses?"

Takuma: "No need!"

Kaido overhears their conversation.

Kaido: "Is Takuma in love or what? That's so sweet of him to pay all the expenses."

Takuma: "Oh, shall we have a walk around? It's such a nice day today, isn't it?"

Kokoro: "I wouldn't mind! Let's go!"

Kaido: "Oh dear, it's a date..."

So we are just getting to know each other. We passed by at the park, and when we got in, she smells the flowers and then picked up a sunflower.

Kokoro: "I like the flowers here during summer! Oh, here's a beautiful sunflower for you..."

I'm actually allergic to pollen. But I don't wanna ruin this moment! So I just took it and hopefully my body would screw over that allergy.

Takuma: "Um... thanks. So, what do you do for a living?"

Kokoro: "I am a freelance photographer. I run a studio in Akihabara."

Takuma: "I see."

Kokoro: "Taking moments and keeping it can be fun with a camera."

Takuma: "Very true. Then you'd stare at them forever and immense yourself."

Kokoro: "Haha. Yeah, I do that too."

Takuma: "You... look hot today."

Dammit! Why did I say that all of a sudden! Awkward...

Kokoro: "Ahahahaha! Thanks..."

Then she suddenly looks at her watch.

Kokoro: "Oh, sorry to cut this short. But I really have to go. Can we meet up tomorrow at Kaido-san's garage? Let's spend some more time together."

Really!? Did I hear it right?

Takuma: "Ahahahaha.... sure. I'll be there at 10 in the morning."

Actually, I will make another recipe video tomorrow at that time that will be posted in my YouTube channel. But, what the heck! I won't spoil this opportunity. A date is a date!

Kokoro: "Okay then!"

We returned to the garage and then she leaves with her Z. I bade goodbye to her happily.

Kaido: "Something's a bit off, Takuma."

Takuma: "W-What!? Hey, I have to be a gentleman and treat her right. Besides, it's a good feeling to help others."

Kaido: "Really? Reeeeeeaaaaaaaaly? Or is it because...?"

Takuma: "Um..."

Kaido: "I knew it! She's hot!"

Takuma: "Hey! Um.... it just so happens that it's a woman that I helped out!"

Oh please, stop denying, Takuma... Kaido can already sense it.

Kaido: "Whatever..."

He just go back inside and I walk away to go home.

While Takuma turns right to another street, some men in black suits observe him.

Goon 1: "So that's Takuma Kanonji, eh? Well, he looks tough..."

Goon 2: "He picked the wrong man he's messing with, hehehehehe..."


The next day at 8 in the morning at Mt. Aso...







Meanwhile at the Kanonji residence, Takuma is dressing up for his meeting with Kokoro.

I postponed the video-making for next week. I want to spend some more time with her...

Takuma: "There, I think this is appropriate."

I hurriedly go downstairs and then I shout the usual word before one gets out of the house.

Takuma: "Ittekimasu!"

Tomoko: "Itterasshai!"

Tomoko then wonders where her son is going.

Tomoko: "Isn't it supposed to be the taping of another cooking recipe? Oh well, my Takuma has grown a lot..."

I arrived at Kaido's garage at the appointed time. Then Kokoro arrived shortly after. Man, she gets hotter and hotter everyday. I like her light blue dress she's wearing with a pink ribbon on her hair.

Kokoro: "Shall we go?"

Takuma: "Yeah..."

Meanwhile, at Takanori Kanonji's house in Yokohama, Takanori is browsing at a racing blog. Then he reads an article that caught his attention:

I was just cruising around Mt. Aso in my S13. And then suddenly, a light blue Z33 blitzed by! I floored it to attempt following it, but the speed of that Z is just... uncanny! I can't keep up even at the corners! I asked the locals about it and even though they know the cars that race there often, they haven't seen that Z33 at all. It must have been thoroughly worked on, considering my S13 has only 300 HP.

Takanori: "Hmmmmm.... A Z33, eh? Well, Aniki frequents at Mt. Aso, so I might as well call him."

He gets his smartphone and calls Takuma. Takuma picks it up while he is walking together with Kokoro in Ginza.

Takuma: "Hello? Why call up?"

Takanori: "Aniki, you're frequent in Mt. Aso, right?"

Takuma: "Yes, why ask that?"

Takanori: "Well, I read an article about a heavily-tuned Z33 tearing up that road. You know it?"

Takuma: "I don't know of that Z33 that is tearing up Mt. Aso."

Hearing that, Kokoro simply looks at the expensive dresses on display at some of the shops.

Takuma: "I might as well check it out, then. I'm busy today, we can talk about it later."

I ended the call and then we continued to do window shopping. She is really delighted when she sees the dresses. And then one particular gown made her jaw drop.

Takuma: "You must really like that gown, do you?"

Kokoro: "Yes. I have been saving up for it. It's said that only 20 of those were made around the world! It's a girl's dream! Look at the red silk.... along with matching long gloves! How I wish I earned a lot in my studio!"

Takuma: "Wow... Well, good luck on that."

For the rest of the day, we go around Tokyo and each hour passes by, her smile gets more beautiful. I wish that this happy day would be...


End of Page 3
Page 4 - Showdown

Well, a good week has passed by, but unfortunately for this week, Kokoro has commitments in her studio. I have commitments too, for my YouTube channel and as well as some minor races. Oh how I wanted to see her, just to know what she's been doing...

After the taping, I meet up with Takanori in his new mansion. It's big, and I think he can have more kids to fit in a house that big. I am waiting for him at the living room, the sofa is so soft and he has this very big and wide flatscreen HDTV in front. There's even a large aquarium behind the sofa I'm sitting at.

Takuma: "Hey slowpoke, where are you!?"

Takanori: "Coming down! Hey Aniki, how are you?"

The two have a brotherly hug.

Takuma: "Just doing fine. And this house is sweet."

Takanori: "Isn't it? I have invested a lot for this, and it took me a long time to wait for this place to be finished."

Takuma: "Well, it's good to place all of your hard work for something like this."

Takanori: "So, what brings you here?"

Takuma: "Well, I read another racing blog, and it seems that mysterious Z is a hot topic among the blog. According to that blog post, the racer identified it as NISMO 380RS."

Takanori: "A NISMO 380RS?"

Takuma: "It's the last Z33 model. It has a 3.8 liter V6 engine from the Super Taikyu racing car."

Takanori: "Interesting..."

Takuma: "What's more, it's tuned further by Power House Amuse."

Takanori: "Wow..."

Takuma: "It means that it packs a serious punch. Hmmmm... I'm actually thinking of heading to Mt. Aso and check if that Z lingers around."

Takanori: "Well then, let's go!"

So Takanori and I got out of the house and head to Mt. Aso in my Evora.

Takanori: "Heh, nice Evora!"

Takuma: "One day, I shall surpass our Elise with this thing."

Takanori: "Really? Hah! Let's see!"


Takanori: "Huh, it seems that it's more composed."


Takuma: "And it has more power to unleash as well. The 3.5 liter V6 from the Toyota Camry has torque considering that it's only an NA."

Takanori: "Wow, you really know a lot about this road. You have an ideal racing line here..."



And then suddenly, the opportunity presents itself. We have found that Z33!


Takanori: "There it is!"

It was cruising around, and I closed in to take a good look.


Takanori: "Look at that big wing! Whoa, Aniki! It accelerates away!"


I floored the accelerator as well. Let the duel begin... I want to see if that Z lives up to its reputation.

End of Page 4
Page 5 - The Battle of Balance

That mysterious Z33 sets off, and I have to chase it of course. I am curious as to what makes it a hot topic among the racing blogs. Heck, it had garnered more attention than those racing in the track.


Takanori: "In acceleration, it seems that both of you are even. There's no change in the gap at all."

Takuma: "Plus, I don't hear a turbo blow-off valve sound, so it means that the Z is au naturel."


Takanori: "To think that the blog posts are made by those people who own turbocharged cars that have encountered that Z."

Takuma: "Turbos aren't always better than NAs, you know? In the mountain pass, only the most balanced car comes out as the ace."


Then at that next corner, that Z didn't even use its brakes! Hence, the gap has widened...

Takanori: "Whoa! That Z didn't brake!? And it takes that corner fast!"


Takuma: "Interesting... I think I found a worthy opponent in ages."

At a straight, I simply draft behind the Z to shorten the gap.


Takuma: "All right, in this section, there will be no Mr. Nice Guy anymore! Like I always say...

...No Attack, No Chance!"

Takanori: "Go for it, Aniki!"


Now I have gotten serious. I am looking for a spot where to pass my opponent.


Suddenly, the Z braked too much. Using that mistake, I pushed my car to pass it. However, it seemed premature...


Takuma: "S**T!!!"

Takanori: "Whoa!"


Takuma: "Crap, I spun out. It never happened to me in this road, you know?"

Takanori: "Even by just observing, that Z can push its opponents really hard."


Takuma: "Plus, I hate to admit it, but an FR is always more balanced than an MR. You saw how that Z is composed through the turns. The mountain pass favors the FR car more..."


Takanori: "Oh well, back to cruising."

I simply cannot believe how fast that Z is. The blog posts really are a testament. That opponent pushed me too hard... I'm sure the driver knows a lot more about this road more than I do.



Meanwhile, in Akihabara, Tokyo...

Takanori's wife, Makoto, visits Kokoro's photography studio. She is about to open the door, until she sees a notice.

Makoto: "Closed for today? Why? At this sunny afternoon? Awwww... I am supposed to get the family picture! Oh well, there must be something important. I'll call up Takanori."

She calls up Takanori when she gets back in the SUV. Her two children are just playing at the backseat.

Takanori: "Hey, babe! What's up? Have you gotten the family picture?"

Makoto: "The studio is closed. Oh well, there goes our fuel."

Takanori: "Actually, Aniki's friend runs that shop, mind if I contact that person? I'm with him now."

Makoto: "Okay."

I attempted to call Kokoro, but there is no answer.

Takuma: "How odd, she did not answer the call."

Takanori: "Well, even Aniki can't contact her. You can get it next time, I think."

Makoto: "All right. Just tell your twin that thanks for calling her. I'll go around Akihabara for a while, so that the trip might somehow be worth it."

Takanori: "Take care."

The call ends and they stop by at a convenience store at the foot of Mt. Aso.

Takanori: "Man, that Z is awesome."

Takuma: "It deserves a rematch. I will be the one beating it. Heh, I think I'll do something worthwhile during this long break from professional racing."

Takanori: "Well, care to use the Elise this time?"

Takuma: "Absolutely... give me the keys. I need it."

End of Page 5


Hey guys! How about helping me think of the car theme for the next book?

Like this one, it's about the Fairlady Z, as the title suggests.

Suggestions are welcome. Thanks for reading!
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How about something that actually isn't a Nissan for once? Or even japanese? Corvette? Easy car to underestimate. Or something that isn't obvious. Not famous. Underrated. Jaguar XK Luxury, Ford Focus, Volvo C30 - hell, something front-wheel-drive!
I have actually came up with these car themes:

Hot Hatch (I'll resurrect that Golf R)
Muscle cars
Rotary engine
Touge Max(?)
Highway Racing
Karting (about little Ben?)
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Page 6 - The Fair Ladies

I am still thinking about what happened a while ago. I never faced an opponent like that in Mt. Aso in ages. No one can actually touch me in Mt. Aso, until that Z came along.

I am helping Mom prepare dinner. After closing the shop rather early at 6 pm, I immediately get the ingredients for my "Extra Crispy" Tempura that Takanori really loves. She gets the seafood, while I get the fryer on heat. Suddenly, my phone rings, and it's Axel on the line.

Takuma: "Yo, Axel! It's been a while!"

Axel: "I am currently here in Route 5! Everybody is looking for you!"

Takuma: "Wait, so you're here in Japan? And why is everybody looking for me?"

Axel: "The top members of the all-female group named The Fair Ladies suddenly just posted a challenge in one of the racing blogs a while ago! Have you done something?"

Takuma: "I don't know."

Axel: "Anyhow, they're coming right up soon! And it's pretty rare for the higher-ups of that group to show up in street races. Most of the newbies and some skilled members are doing the street races in Route 5. I don't know what you did to attract the high-ranking members."

Takuma: "If they want a piece of me, then they have to wait. I am having dinner."

Axel: "All right, all right. I'll tell 'em."

Then after the call ended, Takanori and his family enter the house as well. They are greeted by Tomoko and gather at the dining table.

Takanori: "Aniki, have you heard?"

Takuma: "About what? The challenge at Route 5?"

Takanori: "Yes! That's it!"

Takuma: "Axel told me just now."

I seriously have no idea what I did to attract such a group. Ouch! The hot oil sputtered at me!

Takuma: "Is the Elise ready?"

Takanori: "Well, she's been resting in the garage. She's locked and loaded!"

Tomoko: "Takanori even went here this afternoon to set her up."

Takanori: "Anyway, I'm coming with you. I want to check the action as well."


An hour has passed, and the Fair Ladies team has arrived. Juri and her Z34 arrives first, drifting to show off as usual.


Crowd: "There they are!"

Then a matte pink Z32 arrives at ballistic speeds. It is driven by Sakura Yamamoto wearing an elegant pink kimono and gold hairpins on her hair.

Crowd: "It's the Highway Cherry Blossom! That's the leader!"


And then a red Z33 corners precisely. Driving the car is an American named Haley Grant. She is named as the "Track Specialist" and has her Z33 always equipped with racing slick tires.


Then the three gather at the starting point. They get out of the cars and then Sakura opens up her fan to cool herself.

Juri: "You know, why wear a Kimono in this summer season?"

Sakura: "A woman always has to be in their most elegant looks. Now, it's rude for a gentleman to make a woman wait for too long."

Haley: "And also, she is late."

Juri: "Oh great, where is that dummy? She should be here since she asked for it. And she also asked us to come here!"

Haley: "Oh well, according to the SMS, she is just around the corner."

10 minutes later, she finally arrives.





The Amuse Z joins with the rest of the group.

Juri: "Oh finally!"

Sakura: "Good evening, Kokoro-san..."

Haley: "Where have you been?"

Kokoro: "Sorry... I just have to fix some stuff back home. Is he here?"

Juri: "Not yet. Well, isn't he your friend? Then call him!"

Then they hear from the crowd that the Elise is arriving.

Juri: "Heh, it seems that he's here. Oh I can't wait to taste him!"


Okay, now I'm ready. I am seeing lots of crowds here.

Takanori: "Wow, lots of people here."

Takuma: "I'm not surprised..."


Juri: "A Lotus Elise, eh?"


Haley: "Don't underestimate it, it can make mincemeat of higher powered cars at the track."

Sakura: "Indeed. Are you ready, Kokoro-san?"

Then the Elise stops in front of the crowd. The twins get out and meet up with Axel.

Axel: "Hey guys!"

Takanori: "Onii-san! It's been a while! So, who is Aniki racing with?"

I saw that Z now at the starting line. I get out of the crowd and do the same as well. I am eager to meet my opponent. Then I see a silhouette of a person going out from that Z. And what I saw is a shock of my life...

Takuma: "Kokoro!?"

I got out of my car as well. I could not believe that I ran with her in Mt. Aso this afternoon!

Kokoro: "Good evening, Takuma-san. I am the one who asked for this. You are a worthy opponent."

Takuma: "You..."

My hands are shaking... and my heart once again beats faster.

Kokoro: "We shall run at 3 laps. The first car that crosses the line wins. Simple as that."

Takuma: "I... got it."

Kokoro: "Please don't hold back, Takuma-san. I am expecting a lot from you. Let's have fun."

She gets back in her car. Then I slowly get in and strapped myself. What is this? My hands are still shaking even as I am holding the steering wheel and I could not even rev the engine due to that revelation.

Which shall I choose?

Pride? or Love?

End of Page 6
Next page would be:

Page 7 - Pride vs. Love

To be posted tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I still haven't thought of the theme for the next book.
Like I said, something that ISN'T Japanese for once. Or a Lotus for that matter. Might add an interesting change to it. Perhaps let the front wheel drives have the limelight?
At the end of this story, you'll find out the theme for the next Takuma Gaiden.


Page 7 - Pride vs. Love

I can't believe it... The person I'm falling for is the same one that beaten me this afternoon? The person that I love...



Oh shoot, I lost my mind there...


But you know, I am delighted because we share at least one thing in common....


But really, why does it have to be you?


Kokoro: "As expected from a Kanonji. Racing really runs in your blood, huh?"

Crap! Too much speed!


I don't take women lightly in racing, either. You made me push hard a while ago.


I am obviously no match in the straights. The second lap has started.

Axel: "The Elise really needs a power boost, eh?"

Takanori: "But the Elise is not for the ham-fisted and lead-footed. It rewards a great driver."


But she knows how to play her Z. She is good in taking advantage of the FR layout's balance. She can take her Z through the corners fast without the risk of losing control.



Kokoro: "Amazing... I can't shake you off. And to be honest, you are the sweetest man I have ever known. If only I could... but I can't."


Kokoro... there will be no other woman like you. I have encountered some women in my life, but you are the only one that makes my heart beat faster.


But when it comes to racing.... pride is on the line! I am sorry, but I have to win this.

Kokoro: "What? The Elise's pace has suddenly increased."


Kokoro: "Sorry, but my Z has more power."


Because of your skill, you deserve to see of what a Kanonji can do!


You braked early, Kokoro! I'll finish this here and now! Just watch me, my dearest...


Kokoro: "Amazing drifting speed!"


Let's go, little Elise!



Takanori: "Yossha! Aniki wins!"


I won... but is it right?

Sakura: "It is a nice battle tonight. I'd never expected less from Kanonji-san."

Juri: "Oh, where is he? I want to gorge on him! Haha!"

Kokoro joins the group and gets out of her car.

Kokoro: "I'm sorry, everyone. He is truly skilled. He is on a different level."

Sakura: "It's okay. You did a highly satisfactory performance out there. You are always our best weapon."

Then Kokoro goes to Takuma.

Kokoro: "You really are a tough opponent to beat. Even in Mt. Aso, I find it hard to shake you off back there."

Takuma: "You are highly skilled. You made me push hard, and I find it fun."

Kokoro: "It's such a wonderful night. Well, time to go... See you soon."

I just watch her leave. Besides, I can't confess my feelings to her right now in front of many people...


Kokoro arrives home in Akihabara. When she enters the house, she sees her husband open the lights.

Kokoro: "It's you... you scared me back there, Mizuki."

Mizuki: "Where have you been? Huh? Seeing Takuma again? How many times have I warned you!?"

Kokoro: "I... raced him."

Mizuki slams her to the wall.

Kokoro: "It hurts..."

Mizuki: "Remember, you will be a mother soon. Besides, my men have been observing him all along."

Kokoro: "You did?"

Mizuki: "I just don't like other men playing with you. And I don't like him because he's always acting so cool..."

Kokoro: "Mizuki... I..."

Mizuki: "What!?"

Kokoro: "Let me go."

Mizuki: "Don't worry, he'll be taken care of. He'll pretty much kneel down to me. Everyone knows better not to mess with me."

Kokoro: "Then do it. Let's see if you don't sink any lower!"

Mizuki: "I will do it right now! I want to end this! Come with me!"

He drags her and they ride in a black Dodge Viper SRT10 ACR. Thunder can be heard and then rain falls down.

End of Page 7

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