The New Blood - A story based off of a GT4 Spec-II playthrough.

  • Thread starter Suzumiya
United States
Los Angeles
It’s been a while since this sub-forum has been active, hasn’t it? I had this idea to create a story based off of a playthrough for a while, and as you can probably see (please don’t) through my post history I’ve definitely tried to make a story within the Gran Turismo games a few times during my younger years. I didn’t have the ability nor motivation to execute them well however, so they were always dead ends. Thank goodness for that, they were absolutely terrible. Can you tell I was a teenager at that point?

Ever since the Spec-II mod by TheAdmiester was teased however the idea came back to me. It would be the perfect opportunity to try again with my improved writing skill and actually adapt it to a playthrough and not some weird whatever I think works best thing I did before. It also helps with the Creative Writing class I’m taking if I do this on the side, so why not? I hope everyone enjoys this documented playthrough with a creative twist to it. I won’t be taking it too seriously, but it’s still practice! As always, please let me know how you are finding this. I won’t be using too many images to supplement the story, but if the wall of text is quite overwhelming I can maybe shift the balance a bit more.

So let’s pretend it’s 2005-2009 or whatever and throw it back to writing ‘fanfics’ without a care in the world, right? Only fitting for something like the Spec-II mod. :)

Shout out to my inspirations when I was young @Anathema @DK @RCKakashi14 @Skython @VTiRoj Y'ALL THE REALEST!!!!!!!!!!

Smiling to myself, I happily sit next to my one true love. The only thing in this world that I can truly appreciate and spend time with and never get tired of. Listens so well... amazing to listen to as well. Always has space in their schedule for me. Reliable. Well, sometimes. Maaaaybe a bit expensive. A great partner does have its downsides sometimes.

Who am I in a relationship with? Well, actually, it’s not a boy, or a girl, or any actual human. It’s a beautiful Honda CR-X that I found via a classified listing a year ago. I call her Cassie, actually. She’s a real charmer isn’t she? Maybe not the curviest or the most voluptuous gal out there, but her imperfections make her who she is. Oh, and that sound she makes. I just don’t understand why the neighbors hate it when she sings – I think they just don’t get what it means to be in love. When I rev that four banger it just makes my heart flutter. It really doesn’t get any better than this…


Actually, what was I doing while spending time with this hottie? Ah, right! I found something pretty cool in my parents’ garage. It’s a photo album filled with pictures of when my dad was a racecar driver. Pretty awesome, yeah? Here’s this photo when he was just getting started.


Oh yeah. He looks badass in that Honda. See, why do the best people always drive a Honda? A really beautiful looking early 80s Civic being ripped around Trial Mountain back in his heyday. You can see his eyes through his clear visor helmet aiming towards the next apex at breakneck speeds. Ricardo Villanueva, just a kid from the city looking to make a name for himself in the racing circuit - and make a name for himself he definitely did! He blazed through the ranks like no one else did and soon found himself landing a pro contract with some pretty big teams. He even got a call to race at Le Mans; the big one! That day never came, however. Unfortunately he suffered a pretty bad accident that paralyzed him from the waist down during the run up to the summer classic. I only really was able to see video footage of the accident that went down in Japan at Fuji a couple of years ago when I told him I wanted to be a racer like him. I’ve never seen a car go up that high in the air before…

People described it as a flash of purple and white that lifted upwards into the sky after some aggressive racing with his biggest rival at the time: Jason Baldridge. Complete opposite of my dad actually. His own father Nigel Baldridge was a big name in the GP circuit in the 60s, and so he had some pretty big shoes to fill when he got into the big time himself. Must have weighed pretty heavily on him.

Anyways, from what I saw on that VHS tape I could imagine how surreal it was to witness from the stands. You’d think that it would head straight for your seating area in the stands, but by some miracle it stayed in the vicinity of the race track, crash landing onto the hard pavement and then being hit square on the drivers’ side by another competitor who had no chance of avoiding the crash at all. Freak accident, as they say.

I'm not sure what he was trying to get across to me by showing me that, but it didn’t scare me off one bit. I don’t think he was trying to scare me off of racing at all, actually; of course it can be quite dangerous! But maybe he just didn’t want me feeling like I was invincible. It happens a lot from what I can see. One moment you think nothing can stop you. Then something does.

“Maya!” I hear bellowing behind me. I quickly shut the photo album and stuff it away wherever I thought I found it.

“Yeah, dad?”

“You got lil’ Cammie ready? I want you to be sure everything’s prepped for your first race tomorrow.”

He wheels himself in with a stern look on his face. Despite not even racing himself he still takes it as seriously as he did 16 years ago.

“Oh, she’s perfect,” I say as I pick myself off of the ground, resting my arm on top of the roof, “did the final few checks until I set off for the ‘Ring tomorrow. But dad, it really isn’t much. It’s just a club race.”

“There’s your first mistake as a racer, Maya.” He wags a finger at me, shaking his head. “No matter what; you gotta treat every race like it’s the biggest of your life. In fact, this might actually be the biggest race of your life and you don’t know it yet. Think about it.”

“Hmmm…” I mumble a bit under my breath, tilting my head.

“You’re either gonna love it or hate it. Hate it? No big deal, go about life as usual. Love it? Nothing will ever be the same.”

“Well, there’s no reason why I think I would hate it!”

With that same stern look on his face, he looks me deep in the eye.

“Then from this point on, Maya, your life changes.”

He then wheels himself to where I hid that photo album.

“Mmmh… you’ve been looking at this, huh?” He glances at me, cocking up an eyebrow. I stay quiet, feeling my cheeks get somewhat warm. “Just know that these pictures don’t tell the whole story. Did you see that picture of my blue Civic?”

“Yeah,” I excitedly let out, “you looked so cool!”

“I looked the exact opposite of cool when I flipped that thing over the next lap.”

He laughs, finally letting that serious look fade away.

“Just promise me one thing, Maya. Win or lose, just have some fun out there alright?”

I nod, crossing my arms. He smiles in response, giving a warm comforting look.

“Alright. Rest up. Be safe on your trip to the track tomorrow. I’ll be here waiting to hear how you did, okay?”

Oh man, what exactly did my dad sign me up for today? I know it’s called the Sunday Cup, but this seems a bit too amateur! Walking around the garage I can’t help but wonder if people got the memo that this was a race. Did he really not have a lot of confidence in my racing ability? There’s a damn Vitz in here with tons of bumper stickers dotted along the rear of it. Was it that guy’s mom’s car? Well, actually… I shouldn’t say that. Dad helped me go half and half on this CR-X, so it’s basically his car too. Oh well. Either way, that whole cool moment yesterday just falls flat on its face now.

“Drivers, to your cars!”

I quickly rush back to my garage stall, putting on my helmet and gloves and getting into Cassie to fire her into life. I got so excited that I pulled out of the garage before I was even told to do so. Oops. Soon after we park along the starting grid as our race is prepared to get underway. The weather is just perfect, with the sun shining a light on the beautiful landscape surrounding the race track. If I didn’t know better I’d think it would be a golf course or a resort more than a place where cars race… absolutely stunning. No wonder dad loved this place when he got his start.

All of us got a lesson on the rolling start procedure and how it would go down. For some reason after they decided the starting order out of a random drawing from a hat… weird. I guess my luck sucks because I’m starting dead last out of everyone. Even that stupid Vitz. So as I pull off the line slowly to begin that formation lap I start thinking about how to make my first move… that Eagle Talon ahead might have some speed, so it’ll have to be deep into the braking zone that I attack. That stupid Vitz will have no chance on the straight sections. If I can get past those two guys, then I’ll for sure have a shot to step on the podium.


Right as I’m in the middle of planning my genius plot, the green flag drops. It’s finally time!

Not even after we cross the start finish the Eagle driver is way out of line. Maybe he thinks the Vitz is gonna hold him up too? Coming into turn one he completely blows his braking point, going out wide to the outside and already giving me a chance to get past him. Now that stupid Vitz is ahead of me… what does that say? “I Brake For Goth Girls”?

Oh crap, he’s braking! Swerving to the left I just barely get close to scraping off the numerous bumper stickers off of his rear as I get alongside him. Completely spooked by my move he slams on the anchors hard, leaving the Talon behind to spin out of control in reaction. All in just a couple of corners the dangers of racing are already revealed to me.


Having to put that behind me now I work on the blue Honda ahead of me, not unlike the car I saw in the photo just last evening. I make a challenge around the outside, hearing as the marbles begin to smack the insides of the wheel wells. Somehow managing to keep the grip underneath me I pass them for 3rd. A great result already, but I know I can do more.

A green Golf GTi is the next car, the only one between me and the leading 106. It takes a couple of corners to get the move done as I sit behind them waiting for my time to strike, but once the chance opens up I immediately dive into the inside and brake at the last possible moment to take silver honors. Now it’s time for the leader.

Now that I’m up to the leader, I’m sure he’s going to give me a tough fight, isn’t he?! He was the most professional looking one out there, and from what I could gather he had a pretty good track record at this circuit. I’m betting on him defending the inside as much as he can, but I already made the outside work that one time. I’m certain I can do it again. Up on his rear bumper, I make a signal that I’m going for his inside, preparing to brake hard and –


He’s just… going to give it to me.

I cross the line to take the checkered. He’s barely a speck in my rear view.

That kind of deflates the mood from my first ever win.

After the podium ceremony with a not so enthusiastic announcer, I received a sheet with the results.

1 - M. Villanueva - 1990 CR-X SiR - Leader
2 - D. Anderson - 2003 106 S16 - +5.500
3 - M. Sandoval - 2001 Golf GTi - +9.145
4 - H. Nguyen - 1983 CR-X 1.5i - +12.345
5 - T. Washington - 2000 Vitz RS 1.5 +14.174
6 - J. Park - 1997 Talon Esi +14.751

So that Talon driver never got around that Vitz weirdo? Huh. Staring at my name at the top of the results I notice someone approaching from the corner of my eye. It’s the same person I saw driving 106 earlier. He reaches out for a handshake.

“Great drive,” he says with a smile, “you really handled yourself well out there.”

I reciprocate, firmly grasping it and putting on a shaky smile.

“Thanks,” I mutter softly, “but uhm…”


“Why’d you slow down and just give that to me? I thought you’d fight it.”

His pale cheeks turn rosy as his pupils dart away. What, does he think that by giving that win to me he can gain my appreciation or something?

“Actually, I don’t own my car. It’s a rental. If I scratch it the Autumn Ring guys are gonna bill me out the ass for it. I just kept getting lucky with the random drawing and no one else could ever catch me. You were the first one that did. I thought you were gonna door bang me.”

Is there anyone in a 50 mile vicnity that is serious about this?
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