The new Team GTPlanet 2.0!

  • Thread starter zoxxy
Harsh, have you posted anytihng about it in the computers and web design section of the site? I hada problem withmy pc a while ago (not the same as yours) and I got it sorted from suggestions in there.
Harsh, have you posted anytihng about it in the computers and web design section of the site? I hada problem withmy pc a while ago (not the same as yours) and I got it sorted from suggestions in there.
Yeah, I will. I'm thinking on what's what and what's happened ect at the moment so I can put it into a thread. 👍
It's probably not right but the only thing I can think of is maybe your graphics card is overheating, they get worked a lot harder playing games than anything else the average home PC ever does and if somethings gone wrong with the cpu on it or if it's not cooling properly then you will see things like loss of display happening. Like I said I coul;d be well off, but it might be worth taking the cover off you pc and seeing f you can feel the temperaure on the GPU build a lot when you play games.
Well, I'm definately in! I've gotten back into LFS and I'm having more fun than before lol.
I'd join. Hey, join here, http://lfsforum .net , I will get our team up, I will make a copy of this with a member list.
Link doesn't work.

Cool site though, I've never been there before.
I might have to ask for S2 full for christmas. But that would require my getting a wheel.
OK, this is getting majorly annoying. Either I have an absolute **** car setup, or my joystick is the wrong thing to use.

Does anyone have any nice, stable, easy-to-drive setups for track use (pavement)?
The only setup I have for the XRT is one John (MistaX)'s setup and we both use the wheel. And I have John's setup for the GTi. I think it might work....