The new tuning

  • Thread starter Halosas
After unlocking tuning mode does this mean this is a new tuning feature or will the final game have upgrades still like new turbo's new brakes ecu's Etc
to spend money on or is this the new deal.

I dont know how the last prologue worked but im pretty sure they just did it for now untill GT5 comes out. They wouldnt get ride of all the upgrades and tuning shops.
GT4:P didn't have parts upgrades at all, but we still got them in the full game. While no one outside of PD can say 100%, I would be amazed if they took away parts upgrades. In fact given that GT4 added tuner parts I'm expecting this side of things to be expanded on again with the full GT5 release.


if they had tuning on it i think that they should have the full whack like engine transplants and bodykits and proper engine tuning such as changing the exaust manifold from a single pipe to a double and stuff like that
If parts and tuning shops go, then i will go. How else can i make a ferrari 599 handle good? It's been in GT for too long now, it will be there.
After unlocking tuning mode does this mean this is a new tuning feature or will the final game have upgrades still like new turbo's new brakes ecu's Etc
to spend money on or is this the new deal.


This tuning mode is only for Prologue, There will be turbos, brakes, etc. Kaz mention that he only made this for Prologue so at least you will enjoy changing something to your car.

i just bought gt5 prologue. Is there any way to buy parts and tune the cars or are we just stuck with the performance the car comes with?

Yes you are stuck with quick tune. No parts till Full game.
i'm pretty sure that they will have the full compliment of parts and stuff, but that they will also use the pp system to determine races, classes, etc.
i'm pretty sure that they will have the full compliment of parts and stuff, but that they will also use the pp system to determine races, classes, etc.


There is no way they would take out the mods after how popular it was in GT4. I'm not sure how they plan on implimenting the pp system, I would guess they are going to keep it as-is right now.
I bet minor improvements with PP, but yeah mods will be there, as well body kits, PD custom cars is the preview, plus KAZ promised. But yeah I bet PP will always be improved with patches. But I hope PP will be there.

In GT4 there was no PP system. Only thing to keep you out of race is NA or TURBO, FF, RWD, etc etc.. it was LAME!

Now We can still hace the FF races, NA races, Turbo Races, etc etc, but with PP limits. So it's going to be more challenging and more fun to not have a dominant car.
I'm looking forward to a combination of horsepower limited races, along with a tweaked Performance Points system, both working together to make sure that cars of similar performance are in the same race.
the pp thing was only in gt5p to save them from putting in all the tuning parts. in gt5, we will still have tune shops, and races will be in hp and tire regulations, not pp regulations.