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- G-D Luxembourg
- GTP_Vince_Fiero
Cogito ergo sum or "I think, therefore I am" (René Descartes)
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems, such as those connected with existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It is distinguished from other ways of addressing such problems by its critical, generally systematic approach and its reliance on rational argument.
This thread came to mind as reaction on this statement:
... But viewed historically, aren't we really on the same steady path of "might makes right" and "the ends justify the means", as championed by Sun Tzu and Machiavelli?
I also personally have quoted the "Uebermensch" theory of Nietsche several times, and the "God is dead" theory.
Although the theories can be used in other arguments, I think of Spinoza and his ideas of God (as a strong believer in an alternative way) for the do you believe in God thread; I believed that in this thread we could do Philosophy for the sake of Philosophy.
My idea is not to start from a problem in society (they need their own thread and maybe new philosophy), but to start from a philosophical theory and discuss the pros and cons of that theory.
To start on the limit:
"Are forums the ultimate implementation of the Lyceum (Aristotle)?
* start from the facts given by experience.
* Philosophy is science, and its aim was the recognition of the "why" in all things.
* endeavour to attain to the ultimate grounds of things by induction; that is to say, by a posteriori conclusions from a number of facts to a universal Logic either deals with appearances, and is then called dialectics; or of truth, and is then called analytics.
* The soul is the principle of life in the organic body, and is inseparable from the body. As faculties of the soul, Aristotle enumerates the faculty of reproduction and nutrition; of sensation, memory and recollection; the faculty of reason, or understanding; and the faculty of desiring, which is divided into appetition and volition. By the use of reason conceptions, which are formed in the soul by external sense-impressions, and may be true or false, are converted into knowledge. For reason alone can attain to truth either in understanding or action.
* The best and highest goal is the happiness which originates from virtuous actions. Aristotle did not, with Plato, regard virtue as knowledge pure and simple, but as founded on nature, habit, and reason. Virtue consists in acting according to nature: that is, keeping the mean between the two extremes of the too much and the too little. Thus valor, in his view the first of virtues, is a mean between cowardice and recklessness; temperance is the mean in respect to sensual enjoyments and the total avoidance of them.
Certainly not current anymore of the Lyceum doctrines:
* All change or motion takes place in regard to substance, quantity, quality and place. There are three kinds of substances - those alternately in motion and at rest, as the animals; those perpetually in motion, as the sky; and those eternally stationary. The last, in themselves immovable and imperishable, are the source and origin of all motion. Among them there must be one first being, unchangeable, which acts without the intervention of any other being. All that is proceeds from it; it is the most perfect intelligence - God. The immediate action of this prime mover - happy in the contemplation of itself - extends only to the heavens; the other inferior spheres are moved by other incorporeal and eternal substances, which the popular belief adores as gods. The heavens are of a more perfect and divine nature than other bodies. In the centre of the universe is the Earth, round and stationary. The stars, like the sky, beings of a higher nature, but of grosser matter, move by the impulse of the prime mover.
First comments:
* As in the Lyceum a Forum needs Moderators to keep to a certain logic.
* In the "Space in general" thread we have been discussing that in stead of using logic to explain what we see, modern ways are first using logic (mathematics) and trying to see what we have logically found (e.g. CERN experiments). Which is a different angle.
* keeping the mean between the two extremes of the too much and the too little: is something quite recently hot in the "Global warming" thread.
* the centre of the universe is the Earth: what can I say, we need to question everthing all the time, since the logic of one era later seems to be based on a wrong frame of reference. Also discussed in the "Space in general thread" is that the logic coming from the wrong frame of reference mostly remains valid using that wrong frame of reference.
P.S.: used GTPlanet search did not find a lot of relevant threads, but afterwards google gave this: Dueling Philosophers !
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