The Post Processing thread

This is a feature found on many photography boards and I think its about time we brought it to this one.

As you can probably infer from the title this thread deals with post processing, furthermore this thread is intended to teach others! The basics are that you post an original, and then a post processed version of a photo side by side, with a description of what/how you did it. This is not meant to be a "look how great I am at photoshop" thread, but a thread to teach and learn so please include the descriptions.

When posting please include the following:
Before and after picture
Name of program used to do the PP
list of settings/adjustments/instructions on how to achieve the effect.
Preset/macro/action of the effect if desired.

For the last part, a lot of programs allow you to create a preset with all of the settings ready to go in one click making PP really easy.

To create a preset in lightroom for example:

Apply you PP setting to the image
Select Develop > New preset
Name your preset and save it
Select your new preset in the presets strip on the left side.
Right click and select show in explorer or export
take the .irtemplate file and put it in a zip file and upload to a file hosting service and post the link here. If you do not have hosting, PM me with the file and I will host it for you.

To those using the provided presets please be aware that using a preset on two different photos may not always yield the same exact results so some tweaking may be needed based on the individual images after they are applied.
To start out I'll post one technique I get asked about a lot. I call it my Pseudo HDR setting. This preset gives you the HDR feel, without being a true HDR photo.

To get this effect in lightroom crank recovery, fill light and clarity to 100, blacks I put at 51 contrast 73 saturation -70 vibrance +40 vignet amount -100, midpoint 50

that was the basics, just tweak from there =)

Lightroom preset link:

Pretty interesting preset there. Can you reupload the file? That link is dead.

Here's the results I got by following your formula (sometimes not so closely)


This one has got to be my favorite...

All in all, this is a pretty sweet little edit. 👍
Hey, Charles, can you post up your Chrysler landscape pictures without the vignetting?
was it the link that was dead or the zip file was a dud? Anyway try it again now =)

I'm loving the 1st one with the button!

I will post another preset soon =)

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