The Prestige

  • Thread starter Der Alta

Der Alta

Official GTP Bouncer
Staff Emeritus
I'm actually quite suprised that there isn't a thread about this movie.

Lady_DA and I met up with another couple and went to this movie last night. Hugh Jackman, Christian Bale, Michael Caine, and David Bowie(!).

I love a movie with a twist ending, that makes you think. This one did that. Much like Usual Suspects, when you see the ending, you think back through the entire movie and review it all.

Now, the really big twist at the end, I had guessed earlier on, but it was only by chance. There were a few other twists that I didn't see coming. I was a bit disappointed at the end, as they did take longer to explain things than needed, and with too much dialogue. A simple fade out scene would have been nice leaving you to think through the ending.

One nice piece that I really like, was the movie followed the script and the dialogue on different levels.
Every great magic trick consists of three acts. The first act is called "The Pledge"; The magician shows you something ordinary, but of course... it probably isn't. The second act is called "The Turn"; The magician makes his ordinary some thing do something extraordinary. Now if you're looking for the secret... you won't find it, that's why there's a third act called, "The Prestige"; this is the part with the twists and turns, where lives hang in the balance, and you see something shocking you've never seen before.
Which is exactly how the movie is written.

The movie gives you the Pledge at the beginning, works you through the turn, and then finishes with the Prestige.

I wouldn't say its the best movie of 2006, nor a top ten, but, much like Usual Suspects, I'll watch it more times just to catch what I've missed the first few times.

Enjoy it in the theater, only because you can.
I thought this movie looked really interesting - I do plan on seeing it sooner or later. I just hope its the movie I want it to be instead of the movie I think it's gonna be... I'll explain that one after I see it.
Agreed. It's definitely towards the top of my list.
Great movie. 👍

I rented it, and it made me watch it twice. Like DA said, it wasn't because it was the greatest movie I've ever seen or anything like that. But it has so much hidden meanings and plot twists that it warranted a rewatch.

I'd say The Prestige was a director's movie. Cast was pretty good, story was pretty good, everything was pretty good. What makes this film fun though IMO is the way it is crafted. And while it's not a complicated puzzle, it's not so easy that it will insult your intelligence.

I loved the rivalry between the two magicians. Sacrifices that they were making, that we didn't know in the begining.

I usually recommend rental, but this one, you might actually want to buy a copy. Extra features are very short, but it might explain an item or two for ya. "A-"
I saw this movie when it came out at the start of the year and really enjoyed it, keeps the suspense and interest until the very end and keeps the audience guessing as to what the final twist would be.

Thanks to Der Alta's first post I've just realised the movie was written like a magic trick, the Pledge, the Turn and the Prestige. Another interesting idea that I totally missed the first time....
Well im 12 and i saw this movie quite a while back. Cause of my age, i didnt understand the story and didnt work out the story. It was too complicated and a bit boring. But i do understand the main story. :) If your 12 or under i dont really recommend seeing this unless you can work out every possible story in the world.
This was a very very good movie. Watched it last night and enjoyed every minute of it. 👍 I could easily watch this one severy times and still enjoy it. I actually was right about almost every twist in the movie too which was rewarding.
I actually was right about almost every twist in the movie too which was rewarding.
I must've been tired or something, I didn't even guess the simpler twists. :lol: But they really didn't make it too complicating, which I thought maintained a good balance to be a really thoughtful film, but at the same time, it's casual enough for most film goers..... except 12 year olds.

turbo lag: You should come back in few years and check this one out. I think you'll enjoy it, when you are little bit older.
i just saw this movie to day and i have some questions... spoilers below :P I wasnt paying close attention in the end because everything was so predictable up untill the end... there are some details i think i missunderstood.

Did the real Borden Die or the clone? 1st i thought the real Borden Died because of the way he was acting in jail, and how he said "Live for the both of us" or something like that. But then i thought it might be the clone when he said "abracadabra" as he was being exicuted.

and um.... did Angier kill a clone of himself during every performance? Or did he just set up for a clone to die that one time when he somehow knew Borden would be on stage? I only watched the movie once and I wasnt completely allert while watching it

EDIT: lol i've been sitting here thinking... it would probably make since for him to kill the clones. because Cutter said something about Drowning not being like "going home" but that it was painfull. SO that suggest that he drowned his clones during every show? sorta like they killed the doves during the cage trick?Or... angier killed himself and let the clone be the one that comes out the door every night... I still don't get if the real Borden died.. but whichever one died is the one that was there the day that Angier's wife was killed.... Maybe i should just watch the ending again -_-
There was no "real" Borden. Or more specifically, there was no "fake" Borden. They were twin brothers, and they both played both parts, constantly switching back and forth, living one life. The closest you could narrow down "which one" was that the one who truly loved his wife was the one who survived. The one who died was the one who loved the mistress (I forget the names, it's been a while since I've seen it). Although you don't realize it when you're watching it, they're constantly switching places throughout the film. I'm not sure if it's even possible to keep track of which one's which from scene to scene. They only reveal themselves a handful of times throughout the film, and it's only apparent to someone who's seen the film, knows the "secret", and is trying to figure out who's who.

It was never revealed which one was the one involved in the death of Angier's wife.

As for Angier, he killed himself in every act. That was revealed at the very end, when there's a shot of dozens of the boxes, each full of water, and each containing an Angier. That's not the twist, though, as I see it. Which one is the real him? What happens during that moment when the copy is created? Does he find himself transported to the new location? Or does he find himself trapped in a water-filled box, knowing that he's about to die? Or is it BOTH? That's the kicker that'll spin your head around.

Excellent film. I should watch it again sometime, I've got it on Blu-ray. Excellent Blu-ray, too.. Buena Vista is top notch when it comes to their HD transfers.
Reply to above spoiler(highlight). :D
In reply to Jedi's post, I believe the Angier that was on the stage did end up in the tank everytime the trick was performed, telling by the tone of his speech, when he was talking about the "sacrifice".
Bought it on DVD for £5 last week, having never seen it before.

Great film. Slightly ropey McGuffin in there, but otherwise a great film. I quite like the fact they write their diaries knowing that they're going to be read - and by whom.

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