The "Rage" Thread

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United States
Bellingham, WA
I made this thread so people could vent their built up video game rages, while simultaneously giving everyone in the forum a good laugh.

I'll go first. This come straight from my depressed, broken heart. đź‘Ť

I've devoted the past few days of my busy life to only tuning & racing my Ferrari F2007 in an online lobby I created in GT5. EVERY TIME I'm doing this some random guy comes in, we race right away and hes beating me by at least 5 seconds by the end of the first lap. That makes me rage so hard I have to resist the urge to throw my controller through my TV set and drop kick my playstation out the window no matter how much my angry mind tells me that that's my best option to release my rage. What makes me rage so hard is not that I'm losing, its that I don't know why I'm so <removed> bad at every online game I play, when I'm trying my hardest and putting in extra time to improve to at least be decent, yet I never see any improvement. Ever. In Any game. And oh no, I'm no noob either. I'm 16 years old and I've been a consistent been console gamer ever since I was 6 or 7 years old, and then some guy who says "Yea, I just picked up my PS3 a couple weeks ago, its pretty sweet" comes in to MY LOBBY and blows me out of the water like I'm the new guy. Especially in COD. Hell, I've been playing those games ever since Call of Duty, Big Red One came out for PS2. Yes, thats before online gaming even became the norm. Then I ask my PSN friends if they remember back in the days of COD4, and they either:
A) Don't know what game that is because their MW2 brains think its just called Modern Warfare 1.
B) Say "Oh, you mean the original Modern Warfare? Yea, I never had that game. Actually, Black Ops is the first one I've ever bought.
Why can no one understand that COD4 was the best COD game ever made because the maps were perfectly layed out, the guns were balanced, and there were no cheap kills (no quickscoping either)
And yet their K/D ratio is 3:1, while I go 3-12 every match. And every day I ask myself "Why do these noobs who don't know or care to understand the game's heritage and just happen to be good players get to control the online play in its entirety?"
But mostly I just sit there in last place in a GT5 race or at the bottom of a COD scoreboard, wondering, pondering, searching through the glumy darkness of the empty cavity the gaming portion of my brain once occupied, asking that ever so reoccurring question of " WHY AM I SO <removed> BAD AT THIS GAME?!?!"

:)And thus ends my rage, built up from years and years of heart ache. :)

What are you ragin' about today?
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Fair enough. There's no need to be rude, just a small suggestion, maybe a helping hand. It's your choice to take it.
Quit mini modding just to mini mod. Yes, it is the same general idea, but this one is related to video games while the other one isn't.

And yet you give it a generic title, not even saying anything about gaming.
You said it yourself: it's the same general idea. It's about venting about something. That's what the other thread is there for...

By your logic, it's ok to start creating threads to vent about specific stuff. Hey, how about one to vent on traffic stuff? One to vent about girl problems? Or school problems? Or impotence problems?..
And yet you give it a generic title, not even saying anything about gaming.
You said it yourself: it's the same general idea. It's about venting about something. That's what the other thread is there for...

By your logic, it's ok to start creating threads to vent about specific stuff. Hey, how about one to vent on traffic stuff? One to vent about girl problems? Or school problems? Or impotence problems?..

Yes, well this is GTPlanet. GT is a videogame, so I would assume their would be alot of "gamer rage" around this site, enough to have a gaming rage thread. Because not all of the people (I would guess less than half) are in school now, it wouldnt be advisable to create a school thread. (just wondering, wtf is impotence) Okay, I could have made the title better to say it was gaming rage, but I have always associated the word "rage" in a causual form as only being used while talking about gaming. Its not in my every day vocabulary.
Do you actually want to get better at gaming?
Like do you play to improve and figure out what your doing wrong or?

Especially in GT5, your probably doing a few things wrong that could be easily fixed and gain you a ton of speed. Being 5 seconds off some random after you have been practising means something is definitely wrong. Good news is that you can easily change it and improve if that's what you want to achieve.
Maybe you're just not very good at video games?

Just because you know alot about the heritage of the Call of Duty series doesnt mean you'll be any good at playing it. I may know alot about the heritage of space shuttles, but I doubt I'd be any good at piloting one.
Yes, well this is GTPlanet. GT is a videogame, so I would assume their would be alot of "gamer rage" around this site, enough to have a gaming rage thread.

Because of GT it doesn't mean that even 'The Rumble Strip' must be all gaming related. Thing is mate, of course I'm voicing out my view on this. We don't need this kind of thread, especially when it being too general to ''Rage'' while it could've been ''Gaming Rage'' specifically.

As you said, you have always associated the word "Rage" in a causual form as only being used while talking about gaming but that's you, think about the others mate...

I think just change the title, and fair enough it could go...
BF3: I see a Little Bird strafing me I get in a tank (unharmed) about 15 seconds later I die in my tank 100% health to 0%. It was lag. The little bird killed me but I managed to live for 15 seconds. FFFFFUUU...
You can edit the first post and hit "advanced", that will let you edit the thread title.


I saw this documentary about adrenaline a few years ago, and maybe that is the key to most video rage scenarios :)
Basically, adrenaline helps you improve and focus on completing a task, especally in stressful situations (like racing or being shot at with fine caliber ammo). However, sometimes the body produces too much adrenaline, which has the opposite effect, it makes you try too hard, essentially it makes you too brave... So while all the adrenaline makes you feel like you're on the very limits of what any human being can achieve, in reality you're actually performing worse. The adrenaline also makes you feel really really REALLY involved in whatever you're doing, and failing under such circumstances feels like 🤬

I think the best advice I can give is to "go faster by going slower", to quote a certain Ayrton Senna (I think he said that? Or was it someone else? Hm... anyway, he was a racing God so his name looks awesome either way), like sometimes your fastest lap times in GT5 is when you just sit back and relax, maybe thinking of something else. I think it's because it reduces the adrenaline.
I would have named it something like "Pent-up Video Game Frustration: Let it out here!"...

Latest crud I want to spaz out about: NFS: The Run.

I really hate how strange the controls feel... I can turn a little, but if I wanted to turn just a bit more, it doesn't do that, and then when I turn a little more it turns more than I want. It's almost as if there's this dead zone between neutral position and the 45 degree mark. It this that's messing me up big time while driving.

Outside of driving, I really hate how long this game takes to load the main menu and connect to Autolog.... I don't know what in the world they did, but if the background looping animation causes the menu to have lag spikes, who in their right mind told you to keep it in there?! Back to the main menu, everything takes so damn long to load, if I leave a race to go back to it, sometimes it takes so long "it stops responding" and thus I'm left on a blank page....

And that intermission screen.... I'VE NEVER GOTTEN PAST THAT ONCE! Fix your online! This game has such a terrible foundation!!!! I've never played a game that's had THIS many technical bugs in years! It's worse than a PS1 game with long loading times! :mad:
Too generic and as pointed out we have an existing thread. Please feel free to continue in that one. Thanks.
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