the riced out AE86

That looks like an AE92 coupe...

The Corolla GTS has flip up headlights
Looks like an "AE86" with an "AE92" front end grafted to it.

Either way it's fugly. And slow. And overpriced.
And it isn't even an AE86.. thats the AE88 now that I think about it. The GTS and the AE88 are practically two different eras of corollas. You should have looked at the VIN of the car you're bashing on. The other beef I have with this in general is the fact that you're hating on a car that isn't overblown with kits. My only problem with the car is the paint job.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
But 50/50 weight distribution and it driftzzzzz!

Oh, right. Same as the Miata. Yet the Miata's a girly car.
perhaps you all should get ur facts right before flaming. it IS an AE86. its is a 2 door levin. being as it is from america i would say that it started off as a 2 door corolla GTS ( trueno ) and then had the levin front put on. Being as it has only 73,000 miles it isnt over priced, especially with all the work done to it.
Originally posted by TahirNuri
It has a trueno tag, not the light set. The AE92 also came in RWD (1.6 GTi). Check your facts.

RWD AE92? Where are you getting that from? I've never heard of a RWD AE92.
Originally posted by StevieMo
Hmmm... I think the rims are chopped in that first picture. Either that or he doesn't believe in brakes.

It could just be the lighting. The wheels look pretty real to me.
Originally posted by TahirNuri
And it isn't even an AE86.. thats the AE88 now that I think about it. The GTS and the AE88 are practically two different eras of corollas. You should have looked at the VIN of the car you're bashing on. The other beef I have with this in general is the fact that you're hating on a car that isn't overblown with kits. My only problem with the car is the paint job.

Just because a car isnt blown over with bodykits doesnt mean it cant look ugly...