The total abuse thread

United States
Port Washington
I don't think this has been done here before (if so shut it down and direct me) but I'm thinking it could be fun to post pics of total abuse to your prized virtual ride. Not just drifting shots I'm thinking more along the lines of things you just would NOT ever do (or at least typically) in real life.

Purposely spinning out at 140mph, smashing into things, doing doughnuts for an hour... stuff like that.

Not necessarily looking for the highest quality here but any attempt to reduce the "smoke jaggies" would make it more enjoyable to everyone I think. Of course there will be times that are difficult if not impossible to avoid it to show a true moment of unabated recklessness ;)

Please try to keep the images to 900px in either direction (so those of us on the android app can see them easier) and 5 or less images per post.

Here are a cpl of mine to get things started...





No takers? I can't be the only one who does idiotic stuff in this game!


I have never crashed once in Gran Turismo, and neither have most people. So yes, you're definitely the only one.
I have never crashed once in Gran Turismo, and neither have most people. So yes, you're definitely the only one.

That is not a true statement. I have seen other pics of it on this site.

And if you have "never crashed" you're not going fast enough ;)
Did it actually clear the bridge or is there an invisiwall up there?

I would've liked to do that with the XKR i was racing there last night x-(