The transmission trick, unlocked!! aka Mafs makes himself look silly!

  • Thread starter mafia_boy
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The transmission trick, unlocked.

When you go into settings and then transmission you normally have your range of gearing from your max speed adjuster. What you can also do is adjust your final drive ratio. Now GT4 tuners, this is where it all becomes familiar to you in an instant and it's like this............You do it backwards to what you used to do in GT4!! Autoset first then final drive, not final drive then autoset!!

So if you want to lengthen the gearing right out (get super high gearing), then:
1. Set your Max Speed (the one under the final gear) to the highest possible amount (420 for example).

2. Then set final to the lowest ratio (5.000 for example). You will now see that your actual max speed (up next to your ratios up in the top right) is different to your max speed. The Max Speed under the final gear stays at 420 but you'll get 317km/h from the ratio.

3. Flick Max Speed back one notch from maximum. You will suddenly see the ratios go down even further. For example, 6th changes from 0.498 to 0.385.

4. Flick Max Speed forward one notch again to maximum. That's your new gearing.

5. Readjust your final gearing to what you want and your individual gears to suit.

You will see the gearing change to the point that what was 3rd gear ratio is now closer to 1st, etc.

The same changes can be made to any max speed through out the range, so you can make super short gearing or super long gearing just like you can in GT4.

Thankyou for your time everyone, now get out there and get your gearboxes how you want them!!

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I believe this was noted in the last few tunes I posted a few days ago actually, you are just taking it to the extreme. If you read my notes, I implicitly instructed drivers to adjust final gear and top speed sliders first to unlock the appropriate gear ratios or they wouldn't find them.

(ie. Corvette '63 Race Car)

!Note: You must set Max Speed and Final Gear first to get the right range of individual gear ratios to be set in some circumstances.
* Customizable Transmission:
@ Max Speed: 224 MPH (will display 227 MPH next to graph when set)
@ Final Gear: 4.100
@ 1st: 2.700
@ 2nd: 1.700
@ 3rd: 1.200
@ 4th: 0.900
@ 5th: 0.700


Last edited by budious; Feb 20 2011 at 9:46 PM.
Wow, really? Of course you can change the final drive to increase your top speed. This isn't a discovery at all, so there's no reason to make it sound like the second coming. Although you could make a living writing the script for late night info-mercials...
So does it do the same as what GT4 did, by giving you a super long 1st and 2nd gears while at the same time giving you ultra tight spacing between the rest? Hmm, I try to avoid these things unless the car REALLY needs it.
But for now I'm explaining it in print form so that the tuners (RKM, LDP, MFT, etc.) can finally put their gearing to exactly how they want it, they will understand straightaway what I'm meaning from GT4 days.

Pffft don't insult us Silly Cat Face. :P The moment patch 1.06 was out we was all experimenting with the ol' tranny trick. :sly: (Edit: Except for Paulie. But we can forgive Paulie because he's Paulie.)

You can have a cookie for explaining it to everyone else though, you like cookies don't you? Don't you? Awwwww. :dopey:
What ever Roj, some tuners don't need to resort to cheap tricks to make their cars good.:mischievous:

IIRC this trick doesn't give you much control over very specific gearing, so if you're tuning for one track in particular this trick can hurt you. It's like the old days in Prologue, you'd tune a car for one track and one track only, where every gear would be matched to every straight and corner.
What ever Roj, some tuners don't need to resort to cheap tricks to make their cars good.:mischievous:

I don't use the tranny trick on my tunes. Never have and never will. :P
I've been checking your tunes though roj (your "gearbox adjusted ones") which haven't shown it so I don't think you've got it right yet.

Paulie, it IS the exact same, you can have super tight and super long ratios in all ranges of the gearbox.

budious, nice work bro.......looks like you get the whole thing. Case Closed then. Thread title changed and closing it. :embarrassed:
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