- 3,425
It started out as a dream of president Wilsons. Its was preceded by the failed League of nations. It was meant to be a place where the countries of the world could settle thier differences without war.
What do you feel the UN's place is in the world today ?
Because some people are confused as to what exactly the UN is feel free to post some UN facts.
I think that today the greatest problem confronted by the UN is the Middle East vs. Isreal . Until and unless that problem can be sloved , we can expect more war and continued terrorist attacks around the world, no matter how many the US kills or sticks in orange jump suits.
The second problem is one we hardly ever see mentioned in tnis forum. Gencide in Africa. In Sudan alone over two million dead africans at the hands of the Arab army and militia bear testiment to the futility of the UN. Not to mention Chad, The former Belgium congo, Somalia.
Third on a bad list is Nucular proliferation, with Iran threatening and N. Korea joi9ning the list of countries with nukes. Also the Kashmir area of Pakistam/ India , always ready to explode into a nuclear confrontation.
There's alot going on in the world today that dosn't involve the US or oil but millions are dying from it or being displaced.
What do you feel the UN's place is in the world today ?
Because some people are confused as to what exactly the UN is feel free to post some UN facts.
I think that today the greatest problem confronted by the UN is the Middle East vs. Isreal . Until and unless that problem can be sloved , we can expect more war and continued terrorist attacks around the world, no matter how many the US kills or sticks in orange jump suits.
The second problem is one we hardly ever see mentioned in tnis forum. Gencide in Africa. In Sudan alone over two million dead africans at the hands of the Arab army and militia bear testiment to the futility of the UN. Not to mention Chad, The former Belgium congo, Somalia.
Third on a bad list is Nucular proliferation, with Iran threatening and N. Korea joi9ning the list of countries with nukes. Also the Kashmir area of Pakistam/ India , always ready to explode into a nuclear confrontation.
There's alot going on in the world today that dosn't involve the US or oil but millions are dying from it or being displaced.