The Weird Celebrity Doings Thread

I've thought for some time that GTP needs a thread like this... we discuss the random weirdness of (some) celebrities all over the place but it would be great to have one big, glorious crap-fest of A-list madness.

Post your own favourite Weird Celebrity Moments :)

I'd like to start with Kylie Jenner in "in a wheelchair because it represents fame". You won't get much weirder than that family.

Maybe we could go on with Wu Tang Clan pressing a single copy of their album and selling it for millions of dollars? @Pupik? :D
it would be great to have one big, glorious crap-fest of A-list madness
I'm just going to bookmark this thread - I am changing some of the texts I study with Year 10 next year, and one of them is on media obsession with celebrity. This thread should give me plenty of ammunition.