The WHY behind rewind

  • Thread starter Devedander
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OK bear with me here, I know people are saying "There is already a thread on rewind and a poll whats the need for this?"

Well the original thread is full of back and forth arguing that makes it hard to really see what anyone is saying and the poll is just asking yes or no.

So if all you have to say is to point out other threads/polls exist, please don't bother, I know, I said it right here and I explained why I am doing this all the same. If you don't have anything creative to add or don't see a reason for this, please just move along. If it really has no use, it will just die on it's own anyway.

I put up a thread on dissapointments in GT5 a while ago asking that it just be a post, no discussions or arguments to let people get their say out there without getting caught up in a huge bicker fest. It seemed to work quite well, no one got angry and flamed anybody and they all got their say. So I am hoping we can try that here.


There are a lot of people adamently against it, some for it and a lot who just don't care either way.

Please post why you feel the way you do. Give supporting reasons and logic and try to cover these questions:

1: Do you have a reasonable amount of experience with games using rewind (ie have you played more than a few races with the desire to try and enjoy the game)?

2: Why do you feel rewind is bad or good. If it's bad, please list what the bad features are, if you think it's good, please do the same. If you totally don't care and have no feeling, simply put that.

3: How will rewind effect you? If you think rewind will effect your enjoyment of the game, please say how and thus why you think it should be left out, or if you think rewind will have no effect on you personally please say how that factors into whether you feel it should, shouldn't or doesn't matter if it goes into GT5.

Please keep it to just posts with your reasoning at least until most people have gotten a chance to speak their peace without being attacked for it.

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Here's mine :)

1 I have played quite a bit of Grid and got quite used to having the rewind feature so I consider myself as having experience using it. I really wanted to like Grid a lot, but there was some wonkeyness to the physics and races that kept it from being high on my list, I do feel I gave it more than a fair chance though.

2 I think rewind has a lot of positive value. It allows you to easily practice parts of a race that give you troulbe without the hassle of having to race the whole course up until that point just to try again. This is great because there is nothing like having your last run at a corner fresh in your mind while taking your next shot so you can remember all the details. Many times I have found on hard corners that by the time I make it back to try again, I have lost focus and my practice is not as productive because of it.

Also rewind gives you the OPTION to save yourself the frustration of running an entire enduro all over again just because someone walked in front of the screen on your last lap or your thumb slipped off the stick at an inopportune time, or maybe that AI just was being stupid and screwed you up. It also gives you the OPTION to tough it out and say fine, here we go again from the start. Whatever floats your boat.

I think rewind will open up practicing to a level that casual drivers will be more inclined to do it. Right now it can be very frustrating to practice GT if you are not a good driver of sim type games. This often translates into doing the easy thing - smashing and clawing your way up through the ranks, taking short cuts etc... anything besides frustrating, boring practice.

Much like Guitar Hero where it sucks to get to the hard solo at the end only to be screwed by the first dozen notes, a chance to practice only a small portion can make it a lot less frustrating to get better. Once you have nailed that solo/corner, you can go back and tack it onto your existing skill and get the whole thing down.

Much like music, racing is not about individual pieces, but about stringing together a whole chain, and just like the practice a section feature in Guitar Hero worked well, I think rewind can work quite well.

3: Rewind will effect me directly by taking away some of the more frustrating moments and keeping the game an enjoyable time. Sure it's a simulator, but it's also a game, and since I can't win actual money or get actual podium finishes by playing a game, I think it's great to focus on having keeping enjoyment levels up. Make it challenging, but try to keep frustration to a minimum if you ask me.

I always say, having a rewind button doesn't mean you will use it, being the kind of persont to use one means you will. So since I will only use it how I see fit, I find it only enhances my game, any use which would degrade the experience, I simply choose not to do.

In the end, just like with guitar hero, I think the ability to practice with less frustration will result in more decent players and thus more enjoyable races online for everyone.
Jesus Christ why make a 3'rd thread about rew while the oters are still up????
Dev got mad at the poll. I think he is afraid of it. (inside joke)

Well the poll hardly seems designed to accurately access the value and impact of rewind. It's more like the people against it banned together to keep it out of the game for thier own selfish needs.
Well the poll hardly seems designed to accurately access the value and impact of rewind. It's more like the people against it banned together to keep it out of the game for thier own selfish needs.

go vote, tell all your friends that want the feature to go vote. The poll is informative because some people will try to highjack threads and shoot down anyones opinions that they dont agree with.

With the poll, everyones opinion is heard equally.

If you think the poll question isn't asked correctly, please start a new one and I will participate and not whine about it.
Reasong is far more important than yes/no I think the original thread is fine. And I can't vote, there is no nuetral option. My stance is not represented.
Reasong is far more important than yes/no I think the original thread is fine. And I can't vote, there is no nuetral option. My stance is not represented.

IMO your stance is represented by not voting, but I will add that option next time, sorry
IMO your stance is represented by not voting, but I will add that option next time, sorry

Yes, you could take it that way. But if the neutrals outnumber yes/no, I think that would be important. I will give you that that situation is unlikely in this case though.
No, just no.

Btw, there are already two threads on this (lol), so stop spamming, everyone's read your opinion in the first thread.
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