The Xbox One Thread - One X & One SXBOne 

  • Thread starter Robin
How do you DELETE Games on the Xbox One? I was trying to delete the Forza Horizon Demo and all I can do is Uninstall it, surely there has to be a way to remove the file.
Just got a Xbox One, and set it up today, install works fine, it downloads fine... Resolution is a bit here and there but that's not my concern...

It makes all kinds of weird noises, like from the fan or HDD or something...

Anyone know what to do with it? Just take it back?
Just got a Xbox One, and set it up today, install works fine, it downloads fine... Resolution is a bit here and there but that's not my concern...

It makes all kinds of weird noises, like from the fan or HDD or something...

Anyone know what to do with it? Just take it back?
I would take it back right away.


Just some pre release playthrough early on. Gives a good idea of the game. Think it kooks pretty neat overall, very impressive craft and design.
So I was finally having issues connecting to Destiny about a week ago. Someone suggested I go to "settings" then "delete all local saves". Sounds scary but this is actually just clearing your cache like on the 360. After I did that, it instantly worked and I was on Destiny the rest of the night with no problems. I also know for a fact this suggestion has helped other members @dice1998 He was getting disconnected during the raid so he tried my suggestion along with another member in the raid and it helped both of them instantly.
Yeah, it's got very good reviews. Thought that would be the case after watching some of the playthrough before the embargo, a lot of effort has been put into the game. My only knock is the humour and self aware angle could do with being turned down a few notches, they keep hitting you over the head with it.

Said it before but if I was going to be forced to buy a new console it would have to be an Xbox One with Forza 5, Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and more. For the American you also have the Halo collection and Titanfall, Halo 5 and new Gears of War. I'd be trading in my PS4 right now. PSN problems has shown to me its still not worth paying for. The only thing is the multiplats play a little better and the promise is games will come. Just unfortunate Microsoft did some major damage in 2013 and a $500 launch so will take a while to turn around in the US market.

It's now $350 with a new game so I think that will get them back on track.
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Yeah, it's got very good reviews. Thought that would be the case after watching some of the playthrough before the embargo, a lot of effort has been put into the game. My only knock is the humour and self aware angle could do with being turned down a few notches, they keep hitting you over the head with it.

Said it before but if I was going to be forced to buy a new console it would have to be an Xbox One with Forza 5, Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and more. For the American you also have the Halo collection and Titanfall, Halo 5 and new Gears of War. I'd be trading in my PS4 right now. PSN problems has shown to me its still not worth paying for. The only thing is the multiplats play a little better and the promise is games will come. Just unfortunate Microsoft did some major damage in 2013 and a $500 launch so will take a while to turn around in the US market.

It's now $350 with a new game so I think that will get them back on track.

Yep, I'd agree LBP aside, it seems Sony are saving the big guns for next year, even with that they're still outselling The X1. Expecting big things from that December event though.
Wow! From $500 to $350+game in 11 months? MS seriously going for it this holiday. Surely has the chance of selling the most for NOV or DEC in US. If it does not then I just don't see any other chance for them to get the US market back from Sony. Europe is a dead horse, well, besides the UK, so if they send us a deal like that (what? £260 with VAT?) I'd maybe think about buying one.
Yeah, it's got very good reviews. Thought that would be the case after watching some of the playthrough before the embargo, a lot of effort has been put into the game. My only knock is the humour and self aware angle could do with being turned down a few notches, they keep hitting you over the head with it.

Said it before but if I was going to be forced to buy a new console it would have to be an Xbox One with Forza 5, Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and more. For the American you also have the Halo collection and Titanfall, Halo 5 and new Gears of War. I'd be trading in my PS4 right now. PSN problems has shown to me its still not worth paying for. The only thing is the multiplats play a little better and the promise is games will come. Just unfortunate Microsoft did some major damage in 2013 and a $500 launch so will take a while to turn around in the US market.

It's now $350 with a new game so I think that will get them back on track.
I was going to buy an XBox One over a PS4 but I went for the PS4 because of Littlebigplanet, Uncharted and inevitably Gran Turismo. If I didn't already own a Wii U I probably would have went for an Xbox One if I could only afford one console/only wanted one console because there's so many games in 2015 for the 2 consoles I've went for(exclusive wise, not a big fan of multiplats) I have a feeling I would have neglected the Xbox since it's 2015 lineup isn't interesting to me, however I would have all the 2014 games I suppose.

The major damage you have mentioned has obviously caused great problems for MS in terms of sales, that hasn't stopped them having an outstanding year for exclusives. This is a marathon after all, not a sprint, the PS4 may be winning now but who knows how it will look in a few years.

Yoshida said himself he has no idea why they are selling so many PS4s when he probably knows deep down it's because MS made a hash of the One initially and there is still a lot of uninformed people out there who don't know about the changes. An example on the Wii U side of things is that a lot of people don't want one because of the 'stupid' controller, I own 24 games and 23 of them are compatible with the vastly superior Pro Controller, do the general public know this? Nope, and that's the marketer and PR at fault. MS are just as culpable for not getting news of the changes out there in the general media.
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Wow! From $500 to $350+game in 11 months? MS seriously going for it this holiday. Surely has the chance of selling the most for NOV or DEC in US. If it does not then I just don't see any other chance for them to get the US market back from Sony. Europe is a dead horse, well, besides the UK, so if they send us a deal like that (what? £260 with VAT?) I'd maybe think about buying one.
I wouldn't be surprised if November is their top selling month especially with The Master Chief collection coming out on the 11th. I would think that would for sure boost some sales. That package deal is what helped push my decision to get the X1. I am sure it has for many others too. As you said, if they cant boost some sales that month, then there really wont be anything again until next year 2015.

Also the $500 price included Kinect at launch. Now you can buy it separate so that's one of the reasons it is so much cheaper now. Which is how it should have been in the beginning.
Wow! From $500 to $350+game in 11 months? MS seriously going for it this holiday. Surely has the chance of selling the most for NOV or DEC in US. If it does not then I just don't see any other chance for them to get the US market back from Sony. Europe is a dead horse, well, besides the UK, so if they send us a deal like that (what? £260 with VAT?) I'd maybe think about buying one.

You may know already but the PS4 lead in the US isn't that large despite grabbing the headlines each month as the best seller. It's a 800k-1 million gap that can easily be closed. Europe is a bad loss for Xbox like you say, it accounts for much of the sales gap between the systems.

Yes, it's £260 when you include the VAT if they brought it over here. I think £260 with a top new game would be very good for MS in the UK, it would be like the 360 days, it was around £270 where as the PS3 was £429 and naturally 360 won.

What will help MS overtime is more games close in performance. We already started seeing parity. Word of mouth will finally spread that the extra power is either not so apparent or not being used. Also MS will be asking and pointing out reasons for devs not to do large differences. it's also in the pubs./devs interest not to make one set of users feel they're getting something notably inferior.

For me these systems should be priced pretty well when Forza 6 and GT7 actually appear. Hopefully the steering wheel situation is sorted by then too.
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shopto have the XBO Unity bundle £350 which also has a disc copy COD Advanced Warfare Day Zero and AC Black Flag download.

You make £80-100 selling the games which makes it a £250-60 console and on par with the new US price. For most its probably already a good deal as these aren't limited appeal games.
$350 is almost right at what I got my "Day One" Edition Xbone for (on eBay, brand new) and even though I prefer my PS4 I think that is a great price. For those on the edge, this should push them over.

I can't find anything that says Canada is included. I also can't find anything that says Canada isn't.

I'm definitely curious though. It's hard to argue with the idea of getting a One for under $200, once I'd trade in my old games and the wireless network adapter from my 360.

(EDIT) Crap. Nevermind. Discount doesn't apply in Canada... yet, anyways. EB's website is mysteriously out of normal-priced consoles.
If I have my Xbox on the setting for quick start up, is it okay to turn it off at the wall when not in use?
Wouldn't that essentially defeat the purpose of that quick start up setting? Quick start up lets you jump right into the game with minimal wait, so disconnecting it from its power source would have it start back up as if you didnt have that selected.
Well, I mean I selected that option instead of power saving, but overnight for example I wanna turn it off at the wall
If you take away the power source to the xbox, the next time you plug it in the wall it will boot back up starting fresh. Upon boot up it will take some time to fully turn on, and if it recognizes you it will start up and updates/downloads. It will work but not as quick as if you would keep it on
Ah thanks, I'll just stick it on power save then... Not leaving it on all the time that's for sure
Same here. While the quick start feature truly is wonderful, I don't like the thought of my console being on all the time even when I am not home. So I actually disabled that feature. I start and shut off my X1 manually. I know for sure it will extend the life of the X1 since it wont be on 24/7.

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