the you think you drive the best

  • Thread starter klee
mine is my 3000gt puma racing's my primary(719hp) and my back up(650hp). and at wich track. mine seattle circuit. :)
mine is my 3000gt puma racing's my primary(719hp) and my back up(650hp). and at wich track. mine seattle circuit. :)

This makes no sense. I know grammar is a boring subject in school, but at times like this it pays off.

I think what you meant to say is “The car you think you drive the best”. And then the paragraph above is supposed to say "My best car is my 3000gt puma racing group car. I have a primary with 719hp and a back up rated at 650 hp. My favorite track is Seattle Circuit." Something like that, anyways....
Parnelli Bone
This makes no sense. I know grammar is a boring subject in school, but in at times like this it pays off.

I think what you meant to say is “The car you think you drive the best”. And then the paragraph above is supposed to say "My best car is my 3000gt puma racing group car. I have a primary with 719hp and a back up rated at 650 hp. My favorite track is Seattle Circuit." Something like that, anyways...
Even after it has been translated into English I still don't get what he's talking about.

"My best car is my 3000gt puma racing group car" Is that a Ford or a Mitsubshi?

"I have a primary with 719hp and a back up rated at 650 hp" so what has the primary got that the backup hasn't and why?

Hey Klee we're not trying to flame you. Seriously, we're not sure what you're talking about. Is English your 2nd language or something?
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Parnelli Bone
Hey Klee we're not tryin to flame you. SEriously, we're not sure what you're talking about. Is English your 2nd language or something?

Huh... I drive the Toyo GTOne Road pretty well... is it just me or is that thing faster than the Escudo on half the courses? I have a 59 second on Midfield. :D
Oh by the way... I tried out the Concept LM! It's still way too fast, but at least it's been tuned down from castrating anything and everything in GT1... Now I'm making an Evo collection =P.
sorry guys my grammer is bad IM getting a tutor for it and its a mitsu


Hey no worries.

Well, I don't know which car I drive the best. There's so many of them. I tend to go from car to car....I was quite a Viper freak in GT1, but in GT2 there's like 50 cars that are my favorite, hell, make that 150.

The track? again, I've done them all so many times I can't say one of them is my best or worst. In GT1, my worst was Route 11 reversed. That track takes hours to learn, man...days. And when I got to the reversed one, i just gave up. GT2 was calling my name...
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Parnelli Bone
Hey no worries.

Well, I don't know which car I drive the best. There's so many of them. I tend to go from car to car....I was quite a Viper freak in GT1, but in GT2 there's like 50 cars that are my favorite, hell, make that 150.

The track? again, I've done them all so many times I can't say one of them is my best or worst. In GT1, my worst was Route 11 reversed. That track takes hours to learn, man...days. And when I got to the reversed one, i jsut gave up. GT2 was calling my name...

Sorry that this is a tad off-topic, but have you guys gotten the elusive Rome- Night track at all? It's quite rare, and only seems to appear in random manufacturer races. I don't even know whether I raced it forwards or backwards :lol:
Parnelli Bone
Hey no worries.

Well, I don't know which car I drive the best. There's so many of them. I tend to go from car to car....I was quite a Viper freak in GT1, but in GT2 there's like 50 cars that are my favorite, hell, make that 150.

The track? again, I've done them all so many times I can't say one of them is my best or worst. In GT1, my worst was Route 11 reversed. That track takes hours to learn, man...days. And when I got to the reversed one, i jsut gave up. GT2 was calling my name...
I had 2 fav's in GT, the Nismo 400R and the Cerberra LM. As to tracks, well my fav was GVS, especailly running the GVS 300 cause in a good car 2 hours seemed to go so quick. Your right about Route 11 reversed, I raced every winable car, except race version's, and a few others and I'm still not sure that I knew how to drive it. Still you do get better and when you try the normal way suddenly everything fits together and it's a breeze to drive.
Flamemonkey is right about the Rome Nite. Which way is supposed to be reversed? :) I'm not a pro at this track, but I've studied it enuff that I don't suck at it either. Since it's only a manufacture's race and half the cars you race in these events are slow like the Citroën Saxo or Ford Ka, you can take a lot of those turns flat out with full throttle so it's not that hard. You just have to remember which turns are hairpins. It's helpful to have the little map on your screen as you race.

Actually, I'd have to say that some of the rally tracks are my nemesis: Tahiti Maze and Pike's Peak. I haven't done those hardly at all. Well, this thread is supposed to be about your BEST track so I guess I'm way off topic here!
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Parnelli Bone
Flamemonkey is right about the Rome Nite. Which way is supposed to be reversed? :) Im not a pro at this track, but i've studied it enuff that i dont' suck at it either. Since it's only a manufacture's race and half the cars you race in these events are slow like the Citrëon Saxo or Ford Ka, you can take a lot of those turns flat out with full throttle so it's not that hard. You just have to remember which turns are hairpins. It's helpful to have the little map on your screen as you race.

Actually, i'd have to say that some of the rally tracks are my nemesis: Tahiti Maze and Pike's Peak. I haven't done those hardly at all. Well, this thread is supposed to be about your BEST track so i guess i'm way off topic here!

Flamemonkey?? :grumpy: Anyways, I don't like the Smokey Mountain south rally course, esp. in a high-powered vehicle. Flying into shrubery on the sides is not fun. The North is great fun, mostly because of the jumps :D. I also dislike Grindelwald... And is it just me or do the courses introduced in GT2 such as Tahiti, Grinny, and the rally tracks save PP have lowerproduction values than roaders and the originals from GT1?
I guess my favorite course altogether is Seattle. Soon to be the Nurb, though. :sly:
Flamemonkey?? :grumpy: Anyways, I don't like the Smokey Mountain south rally course, esp. in a high-powered vehicle. Flying into shrubery on the sides is not fun. The North is great fun, mostly because of the jumps :D. I also dislike Grindelwald... And is it just me or do the courses introduced in GT2 such as Tahiti, Grinny, and the rally tracks save PP have lowerproduction values than roaders and the originals from GT1?
I guess my favorite course altogether is Seattle. Soon to be the Nurb, though. :sly:

Oooops, sorry about your name!

I like Smokey Mountain south. You can fly into the shrubs if you're not careful, but the track is so wide that you've got a wide margin of error. This used to be my fave track to go head 2 head on when my housemate used to live here (he moved to Arizona after he met some chick at Burning Man) I've got a couple replays from S. Mountain South i was racing my Ford Rs200 and he was racing a 400+ hp Opel Tigra. Both cars fly over each other in the replays!

Grindelwäld rocks. All that scenery, such a quaint little town, and you get to TEAR thru it!
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