Things that can be improved from GT4

  • Thread starter Ermac26
In all honesty, the other threads about wish lists and " why not have this car or these cars.." lists, I thought I'd create a thread where instead of making a wish list of cars and tracks and weather, oh my :lol: why don't we jsut state what could be improved over the GT series. Now I'll admit I'm not a hard core racer and I only play GT4 when I'm not busy or there is nothnig to watch on TV but I think PD needs to make improvments rather than getting fan mail saying " can you spend x amount of money anyway and jsut add the ferraris, lambourginis, porches, etc" With all do respect, those kinds of cars should stay with the Need for Speed series due to the fact that they are at home in that series. Think about it, why add exotic cars such as those into a game that is meant to be for simulating the racing experience without getting your drivers license and trying to become a race car driver??? To me it would make no sense if PD were to add those cars. I'd rather REAL cars that I see everyday.

Anyway, getting back on topic here. The changes that I feel PD needs to improve on is the handling of the cars in the game. I know that you cannot precisely get a cars stock handling into a video game. However some of the cars in GT4 handle like it's on a skating rink. Tuning the car doesn't help either if you are not familiar with the tuning section. Thats where PD really lacks the education. Why can't PD create an interface that appeals to everyone???? When in the section of the game where you tune the car and change the settings, why can't PD dumb the meanings of the tunes and make it in such a way where someone who knows nothing about cars at all can get an idea what needs to be done to make the handle better, break better, etc. I mean the explanations of the settings help but the wording is more aimed towards people who work in a car garage for a living and know what camber does, toes does, which way to set the springs to make the car bouncy or stiff or neutral.

In my opinion these are the parts of the games that PD is lacking. I'll admit again I'm not that much of a car fanatic or racing fanatic or whatever but being someone as myself who doesn't own a car nor drivers license, doesn't know what to do about the camber, toe, spring rate etc for any given car to improve or worsen a car.

I know I'm not going to get good feed back but I'm not interested in having a thread where you share with us what cars were missing or needs to be in the game. to have weather, drive to a race like Need for Speed :yuck: ( PD leave that out no matter what ). This is just my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love the series and they have gotten better from GT1 - GT4 and I'll never stop getting a GT game, but being an amateur that I am, I have no idea if a certain handles like or not or if I'm doing the right thing with the settings.

Does anyone else feel this way???

This is Ermac with my 2 cents :)

PS = I hope this doesn't ster trouble for others. I'm not dissing. This is just to go the other way of wishing for GT5 :)
Since many of us are wanting to see a crew chief in GT5, I think the game should set up each tunable car to suit the track, especially the race cars. A simple thing like setting up ballpark gear ratios and allowing us to test drive would be a big help. Every track lets you practice. Not everyone can set up a car precisely.
Id say At all MINIMUM add back all the wonderful features that you guys dropped from GT3... as Follows:

1) 2 Player Mode - Race with the tires equipped to the car, no LIMITING to Streets/sports/racing tires. If you like Make that an OPTION not a LIMIT. This also goes for that Weird TCS/ASM Glitch in 2 player Mode.

2) 2 Player Mode - LAN and/or WAN allow us to select the cars we worked for and tuned for hours to get just perfect, instead of LIMITING us to factory cars.

3) 2 Player Mode - Being able to Save a Replay !! i mean OMG talk about important!! and what about being able to TOGGLE to a fullscreen replay in "Split-Screen Mode"

4) ADDITION* - The Throttle and Brake Need to act differently depending on if you are using a wheel or not. The Fidelity of both should be increased in this case. The Throttle especially.

*Notice how LIMITING is used alot and how these features were already inplace and for some reason Removed ??*

My problem is: Why remove Features?? and more so KEY* features.. and add a PhotoMode??? I do enjoy photomode but i'd rather have the above. These are the ones that come to mind quickly. Infact these staples not being there are almost driving me to another racing sim because I Live for the 2 Player battling where seasoned drivers can compete with the cars they've been tuning for the last several months.
I definitely agree about the suspension tuning. I pretty much understand what to do, but it's still tricky to get it right. Plus, it really looks to me like part of the problem is that some of those descriptions are not translated well. What I would like to see is a few default setting buttons. Imagine that you could go into your suspension settings, and there would be buttons labeled "City", "Curvy", "Straight" or something similar. These would give you a baseline setup for that kind of course, and then you could make small adjustments to get your car just right. It would also save a lot of time in championships where you have to do things like race Opera Paris and Le Sarthe. The tuning for one is likely not the best for the other.

My other idea is there could be a visual bar graph along the side, with bars for speed, cornering, control, braking, and other features. Then, when you changed a setting you could see the bars go up and down, showing you what effect that would have. For example, as you increased your camber, you could see the braking bar go down, but the cornering and control bars would rise.

Finally, a footnote: Porsche and Ferrari would be very relevant in a GT game. Porsches are often the weapon of choice for people just breaking in to the more serious racing compettitions. Ferraris play a similar role. Both companies sell special models of thier cars designed especially for entry-level high performance racing. Secondly, I find myself wishing that there were Ferarris, just because without them, many cars are left with little competition. The Pagani Zonda, the Saleen S7, the Ford GT, are all cars that put a Ferrari in the cross-hairs when they were designed. With out a Ferrari (or a Lambo), my Zonda just seems lonely in the Italian competition, like an NBA player on a high-school basketball court.
I definitely agree about the suspension tuning. I pretty much understand what to do, but it's still tricky to get it right. Plus, it really looks to me like part of the problem is that some of those descriptions are not translated well. What I would like to see is a few default setting buttons. Imagine that you could go into your suspension settings, and there would be buttons labeled "City", "Curvy", "Straight" or something similar. These would give you a baseline setup for that kind of course, and then you could make small adjustments to get your car just right. It would also save a lot of time in championships where you have to do things like race Opera Paris and Le Sarthe. The tuning for one is likely not the best for the other.

My other idea is there could be a visual bar graph along the side, with bars for speed, cornering, control, braking, and other features. Then, when you changed a setting you could see the bars go up and down, showing you what effect that would have. For example, as you increased your camber, you could see the braking bar go down, but the cornering and control bars would rise.

Finally, a footnote: Porsche and Ferrari would be very relevant in a GT game. Porsches are often the weapon of choice for people just breaking in to the more serious racing compettitions. Ferraris play a similar role. Both companies sell special models of thier cars designed especially for entry-level high performance racing. Secondly, I find myself wishing that there were Ferarris, just because without them, many cars are left with little competition. The Pagani Zonda, the Saleen S7, the Ford GT, are all cars that put a Ferrari in the cross-hairs when they were designed. With out a Ferrari (or a Lambo), my Zonda just seems lonely in the Italian competition, like an NBA player on a high-school basketball court.

I agree with you 100% on 100% of everything you said. The tuning idea would be a really great addition giving novice drivers or people new to the series a sense of what will happen to car after doing suhc tuning, letting them know " ok I just killede some breaking power doing this..." or " I made the car bouncy by doing this..."

I also agree with the Ferrari theory and Porsche theory as well. When writing my thread I had never though of it that way at all.

If they were to do your idea I'd love...

PS = I hope they keep photomode :nervous:
I think too many people freaked out over how cool Photomode is for Polyphony to let it drop. I thought "Big deal," like many did, until I saw how awesome it was to capture dramatic moments in time on a USB stick and save them to my PC.

I also think that it's inevitable for the Big Three of Ferrari, Lambourghini and Porsche to end up in Gran Turismo at some point, thanks to downloadable content. So if they aren't included at release, they should be not too long after.