Things that seem ironic

  • Thread starter t.o.
This is a thread about cultural norms that when you think about them don't really make sense.

My example, drunk drivers being demonized. Ok, first off I'm not condoning it so save the "You lame, drunk driving is bad" reply please. Here's the head-scratching part. Ok so a guy is so drunk his driving is impaired and his judgement supposedly is skewed. But if the guy is that drunk would you expect him to make any competent decision? I mean can you seriously expect a drunk driver to honestly think they can't do something? I don't know, but most drunkards I've been around feel they can do everything including fly.
1- Alcohol and nicotine are legal and result in hundreds of thousands of deaths per year. Marijuana is illegal and results in hundreds of thousands of impulse food purchases per year.

2- Going through the Taco Bell drive-thru and being asked to donate money to "fight cancer." (I am not implying there are carcinogens in their food, there probably are, but that whole "you are what you eat" thing is extremely important at the molecular cell level. Diet?) If you truly wanted to "fight cancer" then it is probably better to just close your doors.

3- Religion.....
This is a thread about cultural norms that when you think about them don't really make sense.

My example, drunk drivers being demonized. Ok, first off I'm not condoning it so save the "You lame, drunk driving is bad" reply please. Here's the head-scratching part. Ok so a guy is so drunk his driving is impaired and his judgement supposedly is skewed. But if the guy is that drunk would you expect him to make any competent decision? I mean can you seriously expect a drunk driver to honestly think they can't do something? I don't know, but most drunkards I've been around feel they can do everything including fly.

People who start to drink must realise how they could end when they are drinking that much. It's a thing called responsibility. If people can't handle that, they should not drink at all.
1- Alcohol and nicotine are legal and result in hundreds of thousands of deaths per year. Marijuana is illegal and results in hundreds of thousands of impulse food purchases per year.

2- Going through the Taco Bell drive-thru and being asked to donate money to "fight cancer." (I am not implying there are carcinogens in their food, there probably are, but that whole "you are what you eat" thing is extremely important at the molecular cell level. Diet?) If you truly wanted to "fight cancer" then it is probably better to just close your doors.

LMAO!! :lol: So true...
People who start to drink must realise how they could end when they are drinking that much. It's a thing called responsibility. If people can't handle that, they should not drink at all.

I can't agree with this more.

Therein lies the battle. You can get upset at the guy for drinking in the first place but once drunk the guy is usually incapable of making any rational decision.
Therein lies the battle. You can get upset at the guy for drinking in the first place but once drunk the guy is usually incapable of making any rational decision.

It's still his fault because he chose to use a substance which he should know would impair his judgement. That's why we have a drinking age, it's the age at which anyone who hasn't been kept in a small box their whole life knows what will happen if you drink. Don't take this as a personal attack, but I really can't stand the "a bunch of belligerent liquor bottles tied me to a chair and drunkened me" mentality that makes "I was drunk/high" an excuse for some people.
An ignorant, self rigtheous admin telling a Japanese-Australian not to use racial slurs when using the expression "Japanese-import" Which in my country is NOT racial a racial slur at all, Its a simple and accepted abbreviation, and I have never ever been offended when I went down to "BBT Japanese PARTS", "Japanese spares", "Japwreck", "Just Japanese Auto dismantelers" or "Japanese Imports" ( to pick up bits and piece for my imports. Im still fuming about this actually. On a certain admins point of view I guess I should call all of these registered businesses and tell them how insulted im supposed to feel about their "racial slurs" now.

*edit* please forgive my tone today. Havnt slept in 48 hours and I just cant seem to sleep. I am still very insulted and slightly angry about the above though.
It's still his fault because he chose to use a substance which he should know would impair his judgement. That's why we have a drinking age, it's the age at which anyone who hasn't been kept in a small box their whole life knows what will happen if you drink. Don't take this as a personal attack, but I really can't stand the "a bunch of belligerent liquor bottles tied me to a chair and drunkened me" mentality that makes "I was drunk/high" an excuse for some people.

Ironicly, alcohol is one of the most dangerous sorts of 'drugs', but still legal..