Things to help gt5 online play track variety etc

  • Thread starter road kill
first off let me say sorry if this is somewhere already but i have alot to say and i wanna make sure its heard.. ok my ideas for a good gran turismo

1.) WALL PHYSICS ok i know u have played a snow track be it chamonix or uh the other 1 lol if you have noticed it is possible to simply have a faster car and just ride the walls :crazy: this for me ruined the snow tracks i want a feeling of o crap if i mess up ill hit the wall and spin. so this Definitley needs to be changed cause im pretty sure in r\l if i ram a wall i dont think ill bounce off losing no speed at all i mean in the snow i cant even feel it when i hit the wall it just makes me angry cause i want consequences.

2.) TRACK VARIETY i know you have your high speed tracks and more technical tracks but all i want now is some tracks that are purely technical ex:trial mountain great but what ruined it for me is the long straightaway which means if you are beating a high hp car long straight and they catch up.. whats with that?? EVERY track has some kind of long straight :yuck: thats why i would really like a point to point touge track included in gt5 it adds some new variety and gt doesnt have 1 single all downhill or all uphill track maybe something like Haruna or usui would be awesome (and they have no long straightaway i love that)

3.) A.I yes yes the dreaded A.I needs to be changed also im sick of them running into me while i brake in a straight line or with a fast car (as said in another topic) they have no idea how to handle a faster car ive actually even sticked behind the A.I just to watch his driving and on chamonix he was hitting walls etc which is ok i guess i dont want an a.i that never makes mistakes

4.) BETTER PHYSICS? im not sure if this can be done with the vast amount of cars that will be in this game but id like to see better physics more real life like.. because i dont think they single'ly went through every car and did physics i think it was done by computer like what would happen if u did this to that car etc but maybe just a bit more realistic would do fine use the ps3 to the limits! 👍

5.) a little gripe... ok this is about the 5 second penalty they need to change this because come on now the a.i completley sideswipes me and i get the penalty? or i get bumped into a wall and i get a penalty..this ties with the a.i issue so if both of these are fixed that would be great

6.more stuff ... not too sure about this but maybe (as said in another topic) some more stuff to do like car shows etc

7.) one of my personal ideas... i think gt5 should have you walk around in person instead of a menu like thing like you walk around choose your car etc i could see people in the lounge just runnin around and stuff. and if you were out of your car you could watch people race and stuff like that.

8.) ONE ON ONE one of my biggest hopes would be when online yea the 16 player races would be cool but maybe there could be a way to hold one on one races id love that! maybe some sort of battle record win to loss ratio maybe even a ranking system so we can find the best! (kinda like halo) even incorporate a mic so we can talk to each other during races.

9.TUNING simple i would like to see a wider array of tuning options even though whats here is already awesome im not too concerned about this one.

10.) MUSIC where do i begin? i absolutley hated the music in gt4 i think they attempted to appeal to U.S gamers maybe? but i didnt like it... i mean they had earth wind and fire? and james brown?.. in a hi speed racing game this doesnt work at all!! i would love some techno or preferably eurobeat cause james brown and racing doesnt go good together i cant stand it i for one want the music off the us version cause im sure in Japanese they didnt have funk and oldies on the playlist... this is all imo btw be sure to post what you guys think of the music either here or in gt4 music poll.

11.) ONLINE PLAY for me I think it would be a huge dissapointment if they dont put online play for gt5 cause we all wanted it for gt4 but were let down.. now you get more time to develop and you STILL dont put online HUGE let down and in general if ps3 doesnt provide something similar to xbl i wont get it .. single layer is great and all but seriously gt5 absolutley has to have online.

i think thats about it so i would like to hear your thoughts with online play little cool stuff to do etc and MODS! please dont lock this it took forever to write but if you do could you at least read through it? :) thanks for reading.
Comes with the package. If damage is implemented you'll surely won't crash into the walls no more. Hit a wall and race is over. I'd like to see flying bumpers for lowered cars when they hit the rumble strip. Like I said in another thread, if it would be possible for to get tracks to get damaged, some interactivity with the track would be cool. How dull would it seem that when you crash into a barrier head on stopping you instantly the car is all smashed up and the barrier is perfectly intact, not a single scratch :S that wouldn't be cool, but if only there is enough time or more people available to work on it. I'm sure YK has so much other great and original ideas.

Indeed. We need touge tracks, uphill and downhill runs, a hillclimb and rally stages from point a to b, instead of circular circuits. Street circuits would be really cool from a to b as well, perhaps an extra edition of New York or something. Chose from normal, reverse, or "a to b"
I think costa di amalfi comes closest to some sort of touge track. I like to see road races.

3.) A.I
Yep. Very weird A.I. That and the reverse lights has always struck my mind why they did it that way. Yesterday I read somewhere here on the forums that the production manager had a chat with some fans on the internet and when asked about the AI he said it was to satisfy all markets. Someone please explain to me what this means.
It is also the AI that's making the 5sec penalty so absurd. I hardly enjoy gt with other cars. I usually always play on my own going around tracks. It is also the cause of the retarded AI to have most people drive as insane as they do. Their driving really sucks, fix it PD! I'm sure it is improved in gt5

I wish PD adressed the tires and surfaces more detailed. GT4 is pretty good, but just not the right formula yet. Tire pressure would be a cool addition. I don't know exactly what it is, but I have to much grip at low speeds sideways (with n1s 5 a 10km/u of from a standstill) Can't even do proper donuts. Also, why is it tires don't cost any money? 50.000 credits for an unlimited supply of tires?

6.more stuff
no thx for the car shows
a virtual tour through your garage would be slick though

technical tuning is ok in my opinion, but more is always welcome. I would like to get more info on the tuning instead, it takes me a lot of time to get the hang of it. Finding out exactly what to change when something happens (ie. too much countersteer at corner exits or little stability at high speeds)
Realistic crahses would be nice with GT5, but most of the them would take you out the race.. However the PS3 would make them look uber tasty, I suggest you go and look at the Motorstorm trailer on
hmm. Has anyone ever thought about how annoying realistic damage will actually be? The fact is, it is very hard to position your car perfectly on the track compared to real-life. It would be ok for time-trials where you don't have to overtake, but the nurburgring with 20 cars and realistic damage? You'd have a 1 in 10 chance of making it round the first 10 turns. It's hard to get past the AI cars on the nurburgring even though they run on rails at half pace, let alone human opponents. Can you imagine coming round on your final lap of a 20 lap race, and you go to lap someone and they swerve into your racing line at the last minute? No thanks!!

It's annoying because I agree; damage would look so cool, it would give people an incentive to drive better and it would sort the men from the boys when it comes to driving full race distance at consistent pace. But overtaking on a narrow track with the little analog stick is like threading the eye of a needle. I don't see a solution really.
No, think about it, if you get better AI, this will not be a problem. 9 out of 10 crashes will be your own fault. At the start of a race you'll just have to keep your cool and not try to overtake the enitre pack on the first corner, things like that are what causes accidents. Besides that, have you ever actually stopped and though about how many crashes in GT4 are YOUR fault, and not the AI's, it'll be higher than you think. It won't be 9 out of 10, but it'll probably be higher than you think.
Oh yea totally live4, I cause loads of them. I was just trying to say how overtaking can be pretty trecherous even with slow and predictable opponents. I was thinking about online racing where you might have 20 or more human players.
It's not as bad as you think, you just have to be more aware of where the other cars are. I regularly race online in LFS S2 and I did in GTR and soon I will in RD3, and all of thoes games have damage, it's a case of everyone remembering to keep out of kamikaze mode, especially on the first corner. Ofcourse crashes do happen but it's not that bad unless your racing a retard who thinks it's fun to crash into everyone while they're trying to race.
I have to argee with live4speed. Most accidents in GT4 are caused by the player, and in racing most accidents happen when the lights go green. It's just a case of remembering that the race isn't won/lost in the first corner.

I say bring on better AI. I want to race against opponents that have to change their braking point and their line through a corner, because I outbreaked them.
yeah exactly what im saying btw im thinkin of playin live 4 speed soon and what is rd3? and yeah we dont need a damage model like gta for say like u nudge something and boom your car is messed something that is not too severe but if i go 200 mph at a wall my car and that rail are banged up. and im glad someone agrees with me on the point to point racing and touge tracks cause i think those are the most challenging and can anyone tell me why there is a LONG STRAIGHT on every single course? and yea i always run costa di amalfi reverse cause to me its the closest to a touge as it gets even though its uphill downhill.
road kill
yeah exactly what im saying btw im thinkin of playin live 4 speed soon and what is rd3? and yeah we dont need a damage model like gta for say like u nudge something and boom your car is messed something that is not too severe but if i go 200 mph at a wall my car and that rail are banged up. and im glad someone agrees with me on the point to point racing and touge tracks cause i think those are the most challenging and can anyone tell me why there is a LONG STRAIGHT on every single course? and yea i always run costa di amalfi reverse cause to me its the closest to a touge as it gets even though its uphill downhill.

That's because race courses always give racers a little bit of everything, and besides the amount of cars that race at one time, if you don't have enough stretch where would they begin the race.
Well PD can always model some of their homelands mountain passes, I've seen one on the D1GP show on G4, it's crazy what those guys do, highly illegal, but it's how they learned car control. Will PD do it, hopefully, since we all know that drifting is a part of driving as well, but will they?
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