When starting to alter my suspension and keeping max speed (obviously) in mind. Should I stress all other options before touching camber and toe.
The settings all do slightly different things, so you need the right tool for each job.
A very blunt view is that "X, Y, Z reduce oversteer". And "A, B, C reduce understeer". But if you can be more specific, like "high speed understeer", "braking understeer", "entry understeer", etc then you will learn whether it is best to use A, B or C for the problem at hand. Using the correct tool will mean you don't have to use extreme values and you'll minimise side effects.
To answer more simply though, if you are mainly worried about top speed
(and I question how important this is at most tracks
), then yes changing toe/camber has greater potential to reduce top speed than the other suspension settings.
And if anyone has some thoughts on camber and toe creating more speed that would be great. My initial thought on this point is if you increase the rear camber the balance of weight will be in the rear and give you more traction during acceleration.
Camber has nothing to do with weight balance, it is about getting your tyres working efficiently. Higher camber (until you go too far) gives better cornering grip, especially at high speed. But apparently for best acceleration and braking, lower angles are required (I haven't tested this yet in GT5).