I like the title I wrote half of this redbull is it so hard, I was nervous at the limit so what did you have to understand that if they do not understand that Kazu s.vettel anyone or have anyone steering nu .. We went to half the 1.5 per day which imposed a 24-hour event tamaladık races now, save your time Fela came tweet from sin, or shame in my mouth, I counted best Kazuya ... Kazu nato nato marble head ... Game is great, but half of the bull s.vettel very frustrating .... Being such 2.10.000 1. Seconds or 2 seconds gives the option youtubeden bakiyom saliselerle always receive the heat ... I did have a monza gold today ... I G27 Fela also spent time at Suzuka 1 or 2 seconds, I was nervous ... The lack of a compelling need to get Platinum in this game, we received no increase, no trophy ....