This Is The Coolest Thing Imaginable (Needs To Be In GT6 & Beyond)

  • Thread starter ZaineUK
Nice :)

I wonder if your eyes will get tired quickly though or if it's possible to have those on for an hour or two? And what about motion sickness, as your vision does not match your balance?
Aw nuts, I thought that my idea of mixing Mario Kart and Gran Turismo together was the best thing imaginable. It sucks now
How is that likely to be mandatory?! I, for one, welcome our new VR overlords...

Seriously, though, it does look pretty cool. Well, it doesn't look cool, but you know what I mean.
Well, if it were a crash helmet with earphones and HUD, THEN I'd say its cool. But, like everyone else, I wouldn't want to look like Stallone in Demolitian Man wearing that thing.
I wouldnt want that either.

Gimmicks like this are just that, gimmicks.

I dont see this being a retail item.
I'm already starting to develop a condition in my eyes... so that's and absolute NO...

This 👍

This particular device's optics are designed such that your eyes are much closer to being naturally relaxed than with other devices, and even with TVs etc. It supposedly pulls the focus way out into the "distance", putting less strain on your eyes. How that interacts with certain people's brains is another issue, much like it is with any 3D display solution.
I'd rather have a triple screen setup.

Triple screen is cool, tried it and loved it. Don't have the space any more, so this is an attractive option for me. Plus this has distinct advantages for games over triple screens, and some obvious drawbacks which probably don't matter that much in practice (like not being able to see the real world).
I wouldnt want that either.

Gimmicks like this are just that, gimmicks.

I dont see this being a retail item.

It's been planned as a retail item from the start. It's the first VR headset in three widely-spaced generations of such things that has caught id programmer / amateur rocket builder John Carmack's attention. It's the one that, for him, finally nailed the display size / detail, view angle, latency and tracking accuracy problems in one package - hence his involvement in the project. And that's just the devkit, not the final product. The jury's still out on "VR gaming" in general, but even if it remains niche, I bet the Rift is a very important piece of kit going forwards.