Thoughts on Dirt build up, Accumulation and collection

  • Thread starter ak101
Cars do get dirty in GT5 but takes a looooooong time.



They should improve this. Also in race (long races and when its raining) cars get dirty but dont retain it after the race.
Yes, dirt accumulation is bugged or hampered on purpose by PD. Cars do eventually get dirty however. This is the current situation in GT5:

- Short term dirt from dirt track races doesn't stick after each race/session.
- Medium term dirt from weather and off-track driving doesn't either.
- There's a limit after which long term dirt won't appear to accumulate anymore.
- Dirt appears to be mostly dependent on the total distance driven by the user or B-Spec drivers.
- It takes an excessively long time/distance for dirt to accumulate.
- Dirt doesn't appear to factor speed (you know, insects, etc. If you've ever driven on a highway you'll know), brake and tire usage (dust), exhaust fumes or water/mud splash in a relevant way. It more or less randomly appears.
- Dirt doesn't show up on the garage screen. In other words, cars in the garage screen are always perfectly clean and waxed. It is visible on the GT Auto screen, but seemingly in a reduced way than in-race.
- Used cars are always perfectly clean and waxed as well.
- On some cars (standard cars?) dirt appears very pixelated and unnaturally confined to certain areas of the car body shell.

I hope PD will fix the bugs and make dirt accumulation more realistic/faster and more natural in GT6.
But since evidently none of their staff appears to play the game (they would have noticed otherwise), I doubt they will do something about it.
Sure. If it can be done without compromising the racing/driving experience it would be a nice addition. A realisticly interacting environment will raise the overall experience, no doubt.

If the game starts lagging, or something of the sort, because of dirt building up on the car/cars: then no.
My primary interest in GT is thrashing around racetracks in exotic cars. The car washing experience i get IRL, right outside.
Yes if they are going to keep this feature going then at least have cars get more dirty.

I have to agree. I actually hate these worthless features that are chores rather than joys; namely the car wash and oil changes. But..., if car washes are to remain, they need to actually do something obvious. At least we can see results of oil changes when it restores some lost power. I can do a hundred car washes in GT5 and not see a difference. It's silly to have an option to wash cars on which you never see any dirt. It seems like a feature that was half-baked, like it was perhaps intended for a better dirt-buildup system.

In FM4 I haven't really done any races that were long enough to see road grime accumulate, but as I recall I did see it in FM3... and maybe FM2. I remember watching my replays and going to take photos, only to find my pretty liveries caked in black crud. That would warrant a car wash.
Yes, it's really odd to have something so minimal but effective, at least in real life, like a car wash, without a car with dirt on it.
I do recognize that I drove some laps, I think 6 or 8, in Toscana with a Citroen Xsara and the car went really really dirty.
I did the same with Loeb's Citroen, and the car took 2 hits to the wall to lose parts and get dirty as well.

But then it comes the weird part:

I went to the replay section to take some pictures of both time trials. I don't really know if it is because I always play with heavy damage (especially online to have drivers who race clean) or is it because a random and unknown reason of the game and PD, but if I forward the replay to the last lap, the car is PERFECT. But I mean, JUST PERFECT.
I have to wait until that moment comes to see the dirt and the damage.
Anyone knows something about it?