Thrustmaster F430 wheel works?

Hi guys,

Been trawling the internet to see if anyone has had any luck using a Thrustmaster f430 wheel with GT Sport on the PS4?

Haven't been able to find anything to confirm this or not, apparently the wheel can be recognized as a T-100 and this may work?

If anyone has this wheel or can confirm it works that would be great.

I don't have the F430, but I do have the T100. With the T100, the wheel and pedals work, but none of the buttons are recognized. So I would assume this would be the best case scenario for the F430, with it not working at all being the other possibility.
I can confirm, the F430 works as @CarlBowman described. Which is really funny, because at least with the F430 every button works on the menu screens, but as soon as you enter in race mode, only pedals, shift paddles and wheel work (FF included).